Chapter 858
Princess Qionghua smiled and said: "It's okay, my seniority has always been very high, all the boys in the West Prince's Mansion call me aunt, I don't think it's anything, even if you call me aunt, I don't think I old."

Her intention to take advantage this time was even more obvious. Bai Luo knew her temperament, and after weighing it up, she felt that aunt was more appropriate than calling her aunt and aunt.

Bai Luoqing lowered his head slightly, and said in a soft voice: "The princess loves you so much, in the future Caomin will follow the prince to call the princess aunt."

Princess Qionghua's eyes were full of smiles, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, her eyebrows raised again, but her eyes were fixed on Ye Bailuo.

Knowing what she meant, Bai Luo immediately gave up his heart, and then softly called out: "Auntie."

"Good boy!" Princess Qionghua's eyes were full of smiles, she stretched out her hand to stroke his back lightly and said, "So good, I came out in a hurry today and didn't bring any presents, just forget about the meeting gift or something, anyway, you are very good." Money, I don’t care about my sons.”

Bai Luo bent slightly and said, "What aunt said is true."

He felt that talking to someone who was completely unreasonable was definitely the biggest joke in the world.

When Yun Qian heard Bai Luo call Princess Qionghua's aunt, she felt an indescribable weirdness in her heart, but felt that the two of them called each other, and the other agreed, and there was another kind of accommodating feeling.

She turned her head and glanced at Princess Chu, seeing that the corner of Princess Chu's mouth was slightly raised, and there was a smile in her eyes.

There was a trace of indifference in Bai Luo's eyes, but his heart was full of helplessness. He just lowered his head slightly, but he made up his mind to hide away when he saw Princess Qionghua in the future. If he really couldn't find a place to hide , then he remained silent.Absolutely don't have any disputes with Princess Qionghua, she will be what she says.

Princess Qionghua was very satisfied with Bai Luo's gentleness, she smiled lightly and said, "I heard that you have a treasure in your hand, when will we open our eyes?"

Bai Luo was slightly stunned and said, "Baby? I don't know what aunt is referring to?"

"It seems that there are too many treasures in the White Mansion, so you don't know which one I'm talking about." Princess Qionghua blinked slightly and said: "A few days ago, the streets and alleys in the middle of Beijing were talking about the new treasures in the White Mansion. I don’t know if it’s true that I got a beautiful woman like a flower like a jade?”

Bai Luo's eyes flickered for a moment and said: "She is said to be a beauty, but she is not as beautiful as my aunt. I really don't see her."

The corner of Princess Qionghua's mouth slightly raised: "I love to hear your words, but I always like to see beauties, and I'm also a little curious whether it's the beauty of the woman or the beauty of the snow mountain saint."

Yun Qian felt that Princess Qionghua was really capable of making troubles. Bai Luoxin got a beauty. She, who was not imprisoned in the deep palace, didn't know about it, but Princess Qionghua knew about it.What made her even more surprised was that Princess Qionghua actually compared that woman with the Saintess of the Snow Mountain, there may be other meanings in it.

She couldn't help but look at Princess Qionghua a few more times, but she saw that Princess Qionghua smiled calmly, but her eyes were slightly cold.

Bai Luo's eyes were slightly unnatural, but he still said calmly: "The Saintess of the Snow Mountain is known as the most beautiful woman in the world. She is so beautiful that people dare not look at her. Even though the woman in my mansion is beautiful, she is mortal. The Qingling of the Snow Mountain Saintess is not as charming as my aunt."

(End of this chapter)

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