Chapter 874

Ye Wuchen ignored Chu Yuanzhou, and only said to Yun Qian very gently: "Qianqian, you have seen it now, I will definitely treat you better than Chu Yuanzhou!"

Yunqian felt that there was a mess today, she caused Chu Yuanzhou's mess, Princess Qionghua came just when it was about to end, and Ye Wuchen, the shit-stirring stick, came to make a mess again at this time, yes Don't you think things are messy enough today?

Her eyes slanted, she gave Ye Wuchen a cold look and said: "Fuck your mother, don't speak so well of yourself, you'd better figure out where you are standing now before it's too late to speak! "

Ye Wuchen was stunned for a moment, but soon understood what she meant. He was also on the boat now, and he was also doing the same thing of looking for flowers and asking willows, so he really didn't have any qualifications to talk about Chu Yuanzhou.

Yun Qian gave Ye Wuchen a disdainful look, and then shouted, "Bitch, I'm fighting you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she stabbed directly at Yuhuan.

Bai Luo met Yunqian a few times, and when she saw her, she always looked dignified and generous, even when she walked in just now, she was still indifferent, he secretly sighed in his heart that the woman's heart was a needle, her face was full of tricks, her face It is one thing when it is right, but it is another thing when it is behind. Chu Yuanzhou will suffer in the future.

Yuhuan was bought by Bai Luo with a lot of money and a lot of thought, and it is of great use. If Yun Qian cut him down with such a knife, he would lose a lot of money, so he pretended to be surprised, He sat down on the ground, moved his butt towards the door, and immediately opened the door with a big gap.

Chu Yuan secretly praised Bai Luo for his sense of humor, and immediately took Yao Yuhuan's hand and ran away.

Yun Qian's eyes darkened slightly, but she said angrily, "Bitch, stop!"

Princess Qionghua felt a little strange when she saw Yunqian's appearance. Earlier, she blocked the door in order to show her position on Yunqian's side. Seeing Yunqian's anxious appearance now, she remembered her past again Back then, she seemed to have tried desperately like Yun Qian to keep that man, but when she stretched her legs, she tripped Yu Huan who was walking behind to the ground.

As soon as Yu Huan fell to the ground, Chu Yuanzhou sighed in his heart, and had no choice but to hook Yun Qian's foot lightly, and Yun Qian's body flew out immediately.

She leaned forward, and the knife in her hand stuck Yu Huan's butt heavily, and Yu Huan screamed in pain.

Yu Huan felt that he was too unlucky today to encounter such a thing!The ass was stabbed, and it was the first time he had encountered such a thing when he grew up.

That scream brought Princess Qionghua back to her senses, she was stunned for a moment when she saw the scene, and said to Yu Huan: "Call again and try?"

Yu Huan cried: "The First Prince, save me!"

Chu Yuan had already been thinking about Yu Huan, but when he heard Yu Huan begging him so pitifully, his heart softened, and when he saw the blood flowing from the back of Yu Huan's butt, he immediately felt distressed It was terrible, and immediately roared: "Enough!"

His roar was so loud that Yun Qian was also taken aback for a moment.

Chu Yuan gave Chu Yuanzhou a cold look and said: "Yuanzhou is afraid of internal fear and doesn't have the slightest manly demeanor, but he has gone too far with the concubine's affairs, even daring to hurt my people! "

After he finished yelling this sentence, he helped Yu Huan up and strode out.

(End of this chapter)

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