Chapter 875 A good show

Only then did Princess Qionghua come to her senses, she turned to look at Bai Luo and said, "A man?"

Knowing that she was asking about Yu Huan, Bai Luo blushed slightly and nodded.

At this time, Princess Qionghua also felt that it might not be as simple as she saw on the surface, her eyes rolled around, but Yun Qian said softly: "Sister, the son is too much, he said I won't let you He kept a concubine and a roommate at home, so he ran to the brothel to have sex, saying that he had promised me not to touch other women, but he actually had a male pet! He... he had a male pet, I would rather He raises a concubine at home!"

Princess Qionghua understood most of the words when she heard the words, the corners of her mouth could not help but twitched slightly, but Yun Qian sobbed softly: "Where does he want to put me if he is such a man and woman?"

Bai Luo coughed lightly when he heard the words, and looked at Chu Yuanzhou with infinite sympathy.

Chu Yuanzhou reached out and touched his nose lightly, feeling that the incident seemed to be bigger than he expected.

Ye Wuchen looked at the two of them, his eyes deepened. At this time, he also understood some things. I'm afraid that what he saw at this time was only superficial. Chu Yuanzhou, a shrewd wife who is willing to beat another and tame her husband.

He even wondered in his heart, should he go out and stop Chu Yuan at this time, and explain this layer thoroughly, but he also knows Chu Yuan's temperament, and he has fallen into Yuhuan's gentle country at this time, and he is afraid that he will not listen at all into his words.

And if this level is completely explained, it is really meaningless. He knows that he has completely lost Yun Qian, so he should make some plans for himself.

His eyes narrowed slightly, he reached out and patted his clothes and said: "The son and the concubine are good at acting, and Wuchen admires it. It's just today's matter, and Wuchen also smoothed things over for the two of you. If you encounter the same situation in the future The matter will also be called Wuchen."

Chu Yuanzhou knew that Ye Wuchen was much smarter than Chu Yuan, and Ye Wuchen knew the two of them very well, so it was normal to see through the play, but Ye Wuchen saw through it was Ye Wuchen's matter, so he couldn't admit it. It's his thing to admit.

Chu Yuanzhou said coldly: "I don't understand what Brother Ye is talking about."

Ye Wuchen chuckled, but walked to Yunqian's side and said: "I still say the same thing, if you think Chu Yuanzhou is not good, you can come to me, if there is anything you can't solve on weekdays, it's okay. You can find me, as long as you come to me, I will definitely respond to your request."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and walked out. The lake breeze on the painting boat was cool. He had drank a glass of wine today, but when the lake breeze blew, he woke up immediately.

He knew that he had always had demons in Yunqian's affairs, and he saw his demons today. When he saw Yunqian getting angry, his heart actually hurt, and he was looking forward to Chu Yuanzhou and Yunqian If it is shallow, then he will have an opportunity to take advantage of it.But when he saw the lingering affection for Chu Yuanzhou in Yunqian's eyes, he felt like a knife was twisting his heart, knowing that in Yunqian's heart, he probably never existed.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and then he let out a barely audible sigh.

He didn't know how long his demons would trap him, but he felt that no matter how long it would trap him, he would admit it.

There was such a big commotion here that the old bustard on the painting boat had already been frightened. She was frightened when she heard the commotion earlier, and now she was even more frightened and trembling. She came out and said, "My lord..."

(End of this chapter)

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