Chapter 888 State affairs and family affairs
Chu Yuanzhou lowered his head slightly, and the emperor said again: "I know that the official system has been biased these years, and I can't be regarded as a good emperor, but I want the people in the world to live and work in peace and contentment. You should take your temper and assist me for ten years, ten years." You can do whatever you want in the next year, and I won't stop you."

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes suddenly became extremely deep, and he felt that he did not hide everything from the emperor's eyes last night. He said in a low voice: "The emperor has spoken to this extent, and I also want to ask the emperor."

"Why, are you still bargaining with me?" The emperor looked at him a little funny and said.

Chu Yuanzhou put away the smile on his face, and said solemnly: "I want to beg the emperor, don't use all the princes to test me anymore. The Chu Palace has some power in the court due to the gift of the emperor, but it has always been They are all moderate, and will not stand on the side of any prince. No matter which prince the emperor wants to be the crown prince, Chu Palace will fully support it."

The emperor's eyes darkened when he heard the words, but he looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "This matter makes you difficult?"

"Of course it's very difficult!" Chu Yuanzhou looked at the emperor with some grievances and said, "I've only been in office for a few months. During these days, several princes took turns inviting me to drink and testing me. The emperor also knows my temperament. I don't have much patience, so if I try a few more times, I'm afraid I'll have to scold my mother. But the Queen's mother is so beautiful in the world, and I don't dare to scold, so I can only wrong myself. It's okay to be wronged once or twice. If there are too many times, it may happen one day, and the princes, I don't know who is the prince, who will inherit the throne in the future, if I offend the future emperor by coincidence, I will be in trouble for the rest of my life. There's no way."

What he said was a little nonsensical, but it was very true.

The emperor couldn't laugh or cry when he heard his words, he just said indifferently: "I didn't let any prince come to win you over."

"The emperor didn't give way, but he couldn't stop the princes from having that idea!" Chu Yuanzhou said with a flattened mouth.

The corner of the emperor's mouth raised slightly and said: "Okay, this time I can be regarded as knowing what you think in your heart, and I can do your business with peace of mind after I go down."

Chu Yuanzhou said cautiously: "Won't the emperor dismiss me and investigate?"

"You don't want to get cheap and act good." The emperor glared at Chu Yuanzhou: "You are such an adult, and you still don't know how to make progress when you were a child. Dismissal and investigation will be exempted. After returning home, write a self-examination book with [-] characters. Zhen, your father has really spoiled you all these years."

Chu Yuanzhou giggled, completely out of shape, the emperor shook his head lightly and said, "I heard that your mother and concubine are awake?"

Hearing the emperor's question, Chu Yuanzhou hurriedly replied, "Yes."

The emperor nodded slightly and said: "You are a filial child. Princess Chu is awake now, so I can spend more time with her when she is free. When she is in better health, I will go to the palace to see the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother knows you Concubine Mu is very happy to wake up, but her legs and feet are inconvenient, and it is not easy to go out of the palace to see your Concubine Mu."

"Yes." Chu Yuanzhou replied: "When the concubine's health is better, I will accompany her into the palace to greet the grandma. A few days ago, the concubine was still saying that she hadn't seen the grandma for many years after being ill. miss."

The emperor nodded and said, "Very good."

After Chu Yuanzhou left, the emperor let out a long sigh, and there was a hint of deepness in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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