Chapter 889
When Chu Yuanzhou walked out of the palace gate, he looked at the blazing sun in the sky, and his eyes became darker. Only then did he realize that fine beads of sweat had soaked into his palms. No matter how relaxed he was in front of the emperor, there was something that belonged to him. He's nervous.

He has had a deep understanding of the term "companion to a monarch is like a companion to a tiger" a few years ago. What happened last night is now known to everyone in Beijing. After all, it is a good thing for him. The emperor's opinion is always important. He wants to All he did was state his position.

Chu Yuanzhou went to the restaurant where he and Chu Yi met. Chu Yi had already been waiting for him there. Seeing him coming in, Chu Yi first poured him a cup of tea.

Chu Yuanzhou drank the tea in one breath, Chu Yi glanced at him and said, "You don't have to be like this."

Chu Yuanzhou said lightly: "It's not for you, so you don't have to take it to heart."

Chu Yi looked at him with a hint of warmth, and said in a low voice: "Yuan Zhou, you and I grew up together, and I was a year older than you, but you have been helping me all these years."

Chu Yuanzhou smiled lightly and said: "I am not helping you, I am clearly helping myself, the imperial power has changed, and my temperament is like this. The big waves wash the sand, I am afraid that I will be rushed to nowhere. go."

Chu Yi sighed lightly and said: "As a member of the royal family, enjoying the status and wealth that ordinary people do not have, it is natural to pay more and bear more than ordinary people."

Chu Yuanzhou poured himself a cup of tea and said, "After this incident, my position in the court will be considered stable in the future. How is your history book doing now?"

"Step by step." Chu Yi said lightly: "After all the information is checked, you have to figure out the mind of the emperor. I am not afraid of making a mistake about the anecdotes of the characters in history, or I am afraid that I will not understand the mind of the emperor. cause other misfortunes."

The corner of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth twitched slightly and said: "I always think that history is just nonsense, most of it is based on guesswork, and the rest are fabricated, so I can't believe it."

Chu Yi laughed when he heard the words, and Chu Yuanzhou said again: "I am only worried about you now. If your history books are well compiled, the emperor may let you continue to compile a subset of classics and history. If you do not compile well, I am afraid that you will have to do it again." Say you are incompetent, and I am worried for you when I look at it."

"It's much better for me." Chu Yi sighed softly: "In the future, things will come one by one, and things will be spread out slowly on weekdays, and one day they will be useful."

"Are you planning to boil the frogs in warm water?" Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "Even so, you have quickened your pace. Although the emperor is in good health, after all, you are already over fifty, and all your things have been settled. , it will take several years. I have a proposal, I wonder if you can listen to it or not?"

"Let's hear it." Chu Yi looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, Chu Yi has done a lot of things these days, but the emperor has always been indifferent to him, he knows that he can only do one earth-shattering thing Only then can it attract the emperor's attention, and that earth-shattering event has to be handled carefully.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were a bit unpredictable, and he said four words slowly: "Li Daitao is stiff."

Chu Yi was startled when he heard his words, and then his eyes darkened. He didn't speak, but sighed lightly, and then took a sip of tea.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled when he saw his appearance, but didn't speak any more.

(End of this chapter)

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