Chapter 890

When Chu Yuanzhou left the restaurant, he felt a little irritable, so he asked the guards to take the horse back first. He was walking on the street alone. When he passed by a jewelry shop, he remembered that he hadn't given Yun Qian a gift since he got married. Without any jewelry, he raised his foot and walked in.

Most of the customers in the jewelry store were women, and they couldn't help turning their heads to look at him when they saw him coming in.

Chu Yuanzhou could not let those women look at him through the gauze curtain, and he let others look at him very calmly. He picked out a jade hairpin and handed it to the shopkeeper, "I want this one."

His ears were sharp, and he could hear the woman beside him whispering: "He is the son of King Chu. He chartered the entire East Lake boat for fun last night, but was messed up by his crazy woman."

"Wicked people have their own troubles. Earlier, he owed a lot of romantic debts in Beijing. He deserved it!"

"But he's really good-looking. It's a pity to be assigned to that lunatic Yun Qian."

Chu Yuanzhou frowned slightly, picked up a golden hairpin on the desk and waved it, the golden hairpin drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then inserted straight into the wooden pillar next to the gossip. Those women were startled and immediately silenced.

Chu Yuan's eyes slanted slightly: "Don't you know that you will get your tongue pulled out if you gossip behind your back?"

The woman closest to the golden hairpin fainted at the right time, he didn't even glance at the woman, but said very calmly: "So what if the Lord is Ju Nei?"

Those women were all dumbfounded when he asked this question. After Chu Yuanzhou played with the jade hairpin for a while, he gathered the jade hairpin in his sleeves, and then lightly flicked the slightly loose sleeve robe and said: "There is no man in this world who is The real Junei, the so-called Junei, is just because I love her and am willing to be tortured by her."

After he finished speaking, he swaggered out with the jade hairpin in his hand.

All that was left was a room full of horrified people.

After Chu Yuanzhou walked out, he glanced at the bright sun outside and shrugged slightly.

Because of Chu Yuanzhou's words, rumors in the capital flew all over the sky again. While lamenting Chu Yuanzhou's change of sex, all the women felt jealous of Yun Qian in their hearts. Ruo Yunqian is a talented person. A man like Chu Yuanzhou treats them wholeheartedly and recognizes the beauties who are both complete, but Xie Yunqian is an out-and-out fool and lunatic in the eyes of the people in Beijing.

Crazy women can get the love of a man like Chu Yuanzhou. They think they are many times better than Yunqian, so why can't they get the love of a better man than Chu Yuanzhou?They were dissatisfied.

The women in Beijing only remembered Chu Yuanzhou's kindness, and completely forgot about his romantic affairs, and even called it "the prodigal son will never change his money when he turns back".Overnight, Chu Yuanzhou changed from a well-known prodigal son in the capital to a peerless good man.

The storytellers in the teahouses and restaurants in Beijing all made stories about Chu Yuanzhou and Yun Qian into stories, and the ladies and ladies in Beijing listened with great interest. The originally lonely storytelling industry was thriving.

Since then, when Chu Yuanzhou went out, women could be seen throwing sachets and handkerchiefs to him everywhere, hoping to enter Chu Yuanzhou's mansion as his concubine.

Chu Yuanzhou was relatively calm about this kind of thing, he just ignored it, and stepped on those sachets and handkerchiefs from time to time, breaking the hearts of the ladies in Beijing.

(End of this chapter)

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