Chapter 891 Laba Porridge
After hearing these things in the palace, Yunqian just smiled lightly. After what happened in the East Lake last time, she felt more at ease with Chu Yuanzhou. Be smart and tie a man's stomach, and a really smart woman is a tie to a man's heart.

It's just that Chu Yuanzhou's heart is on her, and those women around him are just floating clouds, so don't worry about it at all.

King Chu once drank tea in a teahouse. He was very angry when he heard about Chu Yuanzhou. Almost didn't vomit blood, Chu Yuanzhou actually only said one sentence: "Father is very manly, but have you really settled the family affairs?"

The matter of Princess Chu has always been the pain of King Chu. Both King Chu and Chu Yuanzhou knew what happened on the day Princess Chu woke up. His favoritism towards Lu Zhu made him even less confident. far away.

The days go by like flowing water, but the stories about Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou in Jingzhong have no tendency to stop. Instead, there are more and more versions of those stories, and the more they talk about the later, the more exaggerated they are. Qian said that he became an ugly monster like Yasha, and his personality was even more fierce.Describe Chu Yuanzhou as if he was a banished immortal, gentle, romantic, generous and considerate.

Yunqian didn't care too much about how people in Beijing commented on her, no matter how miserable it was, it was just the same as before, but Huanyu talked a lot in front of her. While listening to Huanyu's stories, she took a mirror to see herself. According to the photo, although she doesn't care about the beauty, she is absolutely delicate and elegant. Most of the time, her temper is still gentle, and she has means, but she is definitely not as fierce as the storyteller said.

She felt that all rumors would one day be shattered, the mouth grows on other people, and they can say whatever they like, and she doesn't bother to care about it.

In the twinkling of an eye, the cold winter is approaching, and the Chinese New Year is getting closer and closer. Princess Chu's health has long since recovered. She can walk on her own and no longer needs help. When the weather is cold, Princess Chu stays indoors all day. Chu Yuanzhou is afraid that she will be cold. Several large stoves were set up for her in the house.

When Yun Qian was free, she would talk with Princess Chu. Princess Chu had a cheerful personality and often made witty remarks. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law got along very well.During this period, Yun Qian often went to the palace to heal the Queen Mother's legs. The Queen Mother's legs also improved a lot, and she walked more easily. Because of this level, the Queen Mother liked Yun Qian very much. Every time Yun Qian entered the palace, the Queen Mother would reward her A bunch of things, from clothes to food, jewelry to jewellery, everything.

The day before arriving at Laba, Yunqian wanted to cook some Laba porridge. She was always particular about what she ate, and she hadn't gone out for a while, so she took Huanyu and Shuxiu to the street to buy ingredients for Laba porridge.

Yunqian is quite picky when buying ingredients. She didn’t buy lotus seeds, peanuts, red beans, longan, barley, red dates, rice and glutinous rice until noon. , Chixiaodou is also called red bean, she chooses big ruddy ones from Lingnan, longan has thick kernels, barley she likes slightly whiter ones, red dates are small dates from outside the Great Wall, the flesh is thick and seedless, rice And glutinous rice is relatively easy to buy, but when choosing, I chose the white glutinous rice in Huainan and the rice in Saibei.

(End of this chapter)

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