Chapter 892
After buying these things, Yunqian felt a little tired, so she asked the guards with her to send these things back to the palace first, and she took Shuxiu and Huanyu to the teahouse to have a cup of tea and have a rest.

Because of the cold weather, the teahouse was warm. When she arrived, there were already many customers. Yunqian gave a big ingot, and the clerk immediately took her up to the private room on the second floor, and brewed a pot of good quality. Tieguanyin.

Yunqian has a lot of research on the art of making tea. Although she feels that Xiao Er's tea making skills here are far inferior to hers, it's just that the weather is cold and she is a little tired. It would be a good thing to drink a cup.

Since she came to this world, since women here are not allowed to go out on the street at will, she has been here for almost a year, but she rarely goes to the teahouses here, and she has never personally experienced the customs and customs of central Beijing. Given the opportunity, she would naturally feel it.

The storyteller downstairs knocked a gong, cleared his throat and began to tell the story: "Let's say that the son of the Prince of Chu's mansion booked a banquet in East Lake to entertain all the military officials in Beijing and Chinese. "

Yunqian frowned slightly when she heard this, and turned her head to ask Huanyu: "Why, the storyteller in the capital is still telling this story?"

Huanyu pursed his lips and said: "Isn't that right? I've been talking about it all the time. It is said that if the storyteller told other stories, few people would listen to them. When he talked about the affair of the son, the scene would be full."

In fact, the original words in Beijing were not about Chu Yuanzhou's affair, but about his fear of his wife's history. It's just that Huanyu has learned a lot recently. She was outside again with her usual temperament, so she changed the words a little bit.

Yun Qian slightly raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, "Aren't the people in Beijing so busy that they like to listen to other people's affairs so much?"

Hearing what she said, the man in the cubicle interrupted: "The lady in the cubicle is still a young lady. You are wrong. Only people in this world have endless pursuit of beautiful things. Love has always moved people's hearts. What's more, there is such a big difference between the son and the concubine, one is like the clouds in the sky, the other is like the mud on the ground, one was once an amazing talent, and the other is a notorious crazy and stupid concubine, this The things between the two of them are very story-like, so everyone loves to hear such stories."

The private room of the teahouse is said to be a private room, but it is just two sides of wooden boards, one side is the door, and the other side is the stand. There is only a half-person-high carved fence on the side of the stand. Although the small window is separated, most of the time the small window They are all open, so that someone talking inside can be heard by others.

Yun Qian slightly frowned when she heard the words, and Huanyu reprimanded: "The Concubine Shizi is also a lady of the Yunfu, and she and Shizi are considered to be in the same family, why are the two of them so different?"

The voice of the man in the compartment became louder and said: "The son is a member of the royal family. Even though he has done some dandy things these years, his illustrious military exploits on the battlefield cannot be denied, and he is also very handsome and rich. Romantic feelings are indeed a model among men. But what is the concubine? To put it bluntly, she is just a concubine of a maidservant, and the son is the blood of a serious royal family. In this regard, the son and the concubine are not considered at all Don't come to the right door."

(End of this chapter)

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