Chapter 894 Gossiping
Except for her rough movements, the woman didn't wear a gauze or gauze cap like the ladies in Beijing. Her nose bridge was slightly high, and she had a pair of bright big eyes, but the color of the eyes was not common. The dark black, but blue like a jewel, looks sunny and free and easy.

Yun Qian looked very pleasing to the eye, and felt that she was really a beauty, and she also liked her slightly flamboyant personality.

Her appearance is very special, it was originally very attractive, but she was sitting in the corner earlier, the light in the teahouse was not very good, and she was sitting with her back to everyone, so everyone didn't pay attention her presence.

When Yun Qian saw the woman's appearance, she knew she was a foreigner. Her eyes were slightly curious, and she didn't understand what the woman was trying to do by throwing the knife out.

The storyteller was still in shock and said: "Which family is the girl from, why is she always holding a knife, it's so scary!"

"Scary?" The woman raised her eyebrows slightly, and said disapprovingly, "It's good that I didn't cut off your tongue today!"

Her voice wasn't too crisp, but a little deep. The expression on her face was cold and disdainful, and she spoke with a foreign accent, which sounded a little weird.

Huanyu asked softly, "Will there be a fight?"

Seeing some interest on her face, Yun Qian secretly sighed that this girl is also a person who is afraid of chaos in the world, and she likes to see such excitement. She is also a little curious about the woman, but she doesn't speak.

The storyteller said in astonishment, "Why are you cutting off my tongue?"

"What is good?" The woman raised her eyebrows and said, "It's already wrong for you to talk about people's right and wrong behind their backs, and it's a big mistake to say things so exaggerated!"

"How can I exaggerate my words?" The storyteller asked in puzzlement.

The woman sneered and said, "You call the son of the king of Chu a fairy-like figure, how can there be a fairy-like figure in this world? As far as I know, he is a prodigal son, out and out. Dude, isn't it misleading you to describe such a character as such?"

Yunqian felt that the idiom "misleading others' children" seemed inappropriate to be used here, but she just thought that this woman is a foreigner, so it is not bad to be able to speak Beijing dialect like this. , she wanted to hear it, so she sat there silently.

The storyteller said with some displeasure: "The son is a young genius, capable of writing at the age of three, capable of martial arts at the age of five, at the age of eight his talent can reach today's number one scholar, at the age of 11 he can go to war with his father, and he has won many battles. What is banishing an immortal? Even though there were some romantic affairs earlier, when a person was young, no one had any romantic affairs, his nature is very good, I am just telling the truth, how can I mislead my son?"

The woman said with disdain on her face: "Even if the Prince of Chu is so outstanding, that's his business, and it's none of your business? What are you talking about behind your back?"

When she asked this question, Mr. Storyteller didn't know how to answer the question. Indeed, it was a matter of Chu Palace, not theirs. He was just a storyteller to make some money.The more unbelievable the stories he tells, the easier it is to attract everyone's attention, so under normal circumstances, he will exaggerate the original stories written by others.

(End of this chapter)

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