Chapter 895
A spectator next to you said: "The girl looks like a foreigner, she doesn't know the customs in our capital, we can tell other people's stories here, the prince and concubine don't take this matter to heart, you plug in What are you going to do with one foot?"

The woman said coldly: "This matter is indeed none of my business, but I hate people who say people are wrong behind other people's backs. He said so well about the prince of Chu. I think he is a smart person. If you are a human, how can you marry a woman who is ugly, crazy, stupid and fierce? And you are still obedient to her, how can you not justify it in the middle, does this mean that people are right and wrong? "

As soon as she finished saying this, the people who watched the excitement around felt that she had some sense.

But the woman said again: "You guys are really ridiculous. After hearing such a story full of flaws, you still listen to it with great interest. I'm afraid it's much more stupid than the princess concubine he said."

When she said this, the people around her were a little unhappy, and someone shouted: "Girl, are you talking too much? Everyone in the capital knows the madness and stupidity of the concubine Shizi. After marrying the son, she has improved, but she is just crazy and stupid, how can she be compared with us?"

Some people also said: "Our girls in Beijing don't show their faces like this when they go out. How decent is it for a girl to run on the street like this?"

The woman was not annoyed when she heard the words, she just said sternly: "You have said so much, you have seen the eldest concubine of Chu Palace, and she has been crazy or stupid?"

"Everyone says that, can there be something wrong?" Mr. Storyteller was already flushed with anger when he was hit like this once. Where did a woman of a different race appear to question him like this!

The woman sneered and said, "That's just copying what others say. You haven't seen it yourself. When you hear what others say, you go along with it like this. Isn't such behavior extremely stupid?"

The storyteller said angrily: "Everyone says that, how can there be anything wrong?"

The woman snorted coldly, pulled out the small knife stuck in front of the storyteller's case, then put it in front of her eyes and gestured for a while before saying: "What everyone said must be right? I don't think so. Or Let me tell you your story first, if the concubine is as unbearable as the rumors say, and the concubine is as smart as the rumors, even if the concubine has a different plan in marrying the concubine, there is still a gap between the Yunfu and the Chu palace. If the concubine doesn't have any advantages, how can the son fall in love with her? In other words, why does the son fall in love with the concubine?"

"The son doesn't love the concubine at all." The storyteller said blushingly: "It's just because the concubine is too fierce and he has nothing to do with her."

The woman sneered and said: "This statement is even more ridiculous. Didn't you just say that the son has been on the battlefield and is almost invincible. In this way, he must have peerless martial arts and rich fighting experience. And the concubine Shizi is crazy, stupid, and fierce like a yaksha, but in the end she is still a lady raised in a boudoir. If you talk about fighting, you think a battle-tested general can't beat a fierce girl raised in a boudoir woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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