Chapter 903
Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "I thought you would say that you bring one over and destroy one, and bring a pair over and destroy one pair!"

Yun Qian also smiled when she heard the words, she just felt that it was very easy to gossip with him like this, what she didn't know was that the words between her and Chu Yuanzhou were similar to jokes, because of certain things , The mistake of Yin and Yang almost came true.

At this time, the door was knocked, and Huanyu walked in and said, "Concubine Shizi, just now the concubine Luside sent someone to send a message, saying that the ice sculptures in the capital on the tenth day of the lunar new year are very beautiful. do you want to go?"

Since the brothel was seized last time, Lu Zhu has been keeping his own self in the past few months. He has managed the palace in an orderly manner without any excessive actions. In the middle, he invited Yunqian to watch a few plays, and Yunqian She would listen to it when she had nothing to do, but she had always been lacking in interest in things like listening to operas, and most of the time she would start eyelid fights halfway through watching.

After doing this a few times, Yun Qian didn't bother to go again, and Lu Zhu knew that she didn't like it and didn't come to invite her to the theater anymore.

At this time, Lu Zhu invited her to see the ice sculptures. I am afraid that this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface. It is just that a person like Lu Zhu stays in the Chu Palace, which always makes Yun Qian feel a little inappropriate. Those women in Yunfu are much smarter, they don't usually make trouble, and they do everything very smoothly, she can't find any mistakes or opportunities to clean up Lu Zhu for a while.

Now that Lu Zhu took the initiative to invite her, she also wanted to see what kind of tricks Lu Zhu was going to play, so she replied: "You go to Lu side concubine, just say that I will go to see ice sculptures with her on the tenth day of the Lunar New Year."

Huanyu responded and backed away, Chu Yuanzhou frowned slightly and said, "There are indeed ice sculptures in Beijing, but I think she has bad intentions, so it's better to be careful."

Yun Qian smiled and said, "Of course I know this, so you don't have to worry about it."

Chu Yuanzhou nodded slightly when he heard the words, and when Yunqian went to feel the pulse of Princess Chu in the afternoon, he felt that Princess Chu's pulse seemed steady, but it was all right because her body hadn't fully recovered after sleeping for many years.

She gave Chu Wangfei another injection and said: "The mother's body is fine now, and it will be good to give it every half a month in the future."

Princess Chu's face was slightly rosy, she gently took Yun Qian's hand and said: "You have worked hard these days."

Yun Qian smiled, Princess Chu looked at Yun Qian and said, "You and Zhou'er have also been married for a while, why hasn't your stomach moved?"

Yun Qian knew that Princess Chu would ask her about this matter sooner or later, and she also knew that among the royal family, the matter of offspring is the most important, so she said softly: "I am a medical student, and I know my physical condition. 15 years old, still too young, such a body is not suitable for bearing children, so I told him after Yuanzhou and I got married that we should wait two or three years before we have children."

After she finished speaking, she pursed her lips lightly. The words needed to be spoken. She could not force Princess Chu to treat this matter, but she also needed to protect herself. No one compromises, even if she loves Chu Yuanzhou very much.

Concubine Chu's eyes deepened, Yunqian rarely saw her like this, knowing that she minded this matter, she said immediately: "I wanted to talk about this matter with my concubine earlier, but I didn't know what to do. How to start."

(End of this chapter)

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