Chapter 904 Be Careful
Princess Chu saw the worry in Yunqian's eyes, she smiled lightly and said, "I just asked about this, and I didn't mean to destroy you. And I think you did the right thing. When I gave birth to Zhou'er, I was Because you are too young, if you hurt your body, you will not be able to have children in the future. You and Zhou'er are still young, so there is no rush."

Yun Qian didn't expect Princess Chu to support this matter, she was a little moved, and said softly, "Concubine Mother..."

Princess Chu patted Yun Qian's hand lightly and said, "When I got married with the prince earlier, even though I was very reluctant in my heart, I was still pregnant with Zhou'er. At that time, I felt that the courtyard of the prince's gate was deep, as if I will never find the day to go out. I feel anxious and uneasy. After having Zhouer, I feel that yesterday is my sustenance. It’s just that when I gave birth to Zhouer, I hurt my body when I gave birth to him because I was too young. give birth."

Yun Qian didn't expect that there would be such a thing in the middle, so she said softly: "Mother Concubine..."

"Call my mother even when no one is around!" Princess Chu said with a smile on her face, "I've always felt that this deep Chu Palace is a prison, and it's obviously my mother, so I just want to call her mother, so listen to me. It's really awkward."

Yun Qian smiled and said, "Yes, mother."

The smile in Princess Chu's eyes became stronger, and she said softly: "I will tell you one more thing secretly. In fact, I have always liked my daughter. When I gave birth to Zhou'er, I knew it was a son. I was sad for a long time. Fortunately, Zhou'er is smart and sensible, and I feel very happy to be with him. When he marries you, I will love you as my own daughter."

The corners of Yunqian's mouth were raised slightly, and there was warmth in her eyes. Princess Chu sighed again and said, "I've thought a lot these days. Over the years, I've been considered the kind of woman who doesn't pursue too much. Guarding my son to live his whole life, but he was killed by others. In the past few months after waking up, I have been thinking about some things. If I was smarter back then, I would not have suffered so much. .You are a smart child, and you can see the waves in Chu Palace after thinking about it."

Yun Qian nodded lightly, and Princess Chu said again: "I heard that she asked you to see the ice sculptures on the tenth day of the Lunar New Year. You have to pay attention to this matter. Although I bear the name of a princess, I don't have any real power in my hands. , and you are not in good health, so I can't go with you."

"Mother, don't worry." Yun Qian said softly: "I will be more careful. Although Concubine Luside is powerful, I am not afraid of her. She will talk about the ice sculpture. If I don't go, I'm afraid She will still look down on her. It's not that I want to fight for it, but I feel that sooner or later I will fight with her, I want to see what she will look like when she makes a move."

Princess Chu smiled and said: "From the first time I woke up and opened my eyes and saw you, I knew you were a smart woman. You don't need to be afraid of her, you just have to worry about her insidious methods. Before I passed out, she was very respectful in front of me. Although she knew some of her small thoughts, she didn't take it too seriously. It's just that after I suffered a serious illness, I finally felt that it was wrong to keep her in the palace A good thing. In addition to focusing on the prince, she has put her mind on Chu Tianyou all these years."

(End of this chapter)

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