Chapter 913 Young Talents
Nangong Wushuang originally had a little foundation in martial arts, but she couldn't withstand such a fall from him. When she fell, she almost landed on her back.

Fortunately, apart from the beaded flowers on her head, she didn't have many accessories on her body. Although she fell in an extremely embarrassing situation, her clothes and hair didn't look too messy.

Chu Yuanzhou looked at her with his hands folded in front of his chest, not intending to help her at all. She snorted a few times and then got up and said, "The Minister of Rites of Dazhou is so skilled that he can bring weapons into the palace?"

Chu Yuanzhou said indifferently: "There is no way, who told me to be a young talent, but all young talents will always have some special treatment. Today, the princess is a little too polite, and I will go to see the emperor later. It's time to thank the princess, it is very appropriate to give such a gift to the emperor, and the emperor will praise the princess for her knowledge and reason."

Nangong Wushuang bit her lip lightly, and Chu Yuanzhou secretly scolded the princess for her lack of brain, yet she led her way in front of her.

When the two of them walked out of that path, eunuchs and maids greeted them. At this time, Chu Yuanzhou was serving as Minister of Rites and Minister of the Cabinet. Some of the court ladies and eunuchs called him "Master Xiangfu" and some called him "Shangshu grown ups".

Nangong Wushuang was very surprised to hear those names, and didn't understand where Chu Yuanzhou came from.

After Nangong Wushuang followed Chu Yuanzhou into the main hall, the emperor had already sat on the dragon chair and waited. Nangong Wushuang respectfully gave a big gift, and then let the Dachao Ash who made the offering be the leader of the Tuoyin Dynasty this year. As soon as the list of offerings was read, the emperor nodded slightly.

After reading these words, Ah Hui said: "Before the ministers left the house, the lord of the humble country once told his subordinates that the Great Zhou was powerful and wanted to make friends with the Great Zhou. He would never go to war in the future. week!"

The emperor knew about this matter a long time ago, so he nodded immediately and said, "Very good, my great Zhou prince has many courtiers, who does the princess want to marry?"

Originally, it would have been better for the emperor to grant a marriage directly for such a matter, and there was no need to ask Nangong Wushuang's opinion like this, but asking at this time was somewhat humiliating to her.

Nangong Wushuang was unaware of the emperor's distraction, and said slowly: "But the emperor makes the decision."

Hearing her words from the side, Chu Yuanzhou felt that she was not as happy as she was in the Cuju field just now, but heard Nangong Wushuang say: "Of all the courtiers and princes of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Wushuang is the only one who doesn't want to marry."

"Who?" The emperor asked curiously.

"Chu Yuanzhou, the eldest son of King Chu." Nangong Wushuang replied: "My daughter has heard about the son's affairs, and she already has a virtuous wife at home. My daughter asks herself if she has the ability to make the son fall in love with her."

The emperor glanced at Chu Yuanzhou when he heard the words, Chu Yuanzhou slightly raised his eyebrows, and did not respond to Nangong Wushuang's answer, the emperor smiled and said: "So, the princess already has someone she likes in her heart?"

Nangong Wushuang bit her lips lightly and said: "When I just entered the palace, I saw that the minister of the Ministry of Rites is extremely stable and capable, and my daughter admired him very much."

For love, she has long given up any extravagant hopes. Chu Yuanzhou is the only person she knows her identity after entering the palace, and she has met Chu Yi before that. In fact, if she is really allowed to choose, she is more willing to marry Chu Yi. It's a pity that she doesn't know Chu Yi's true identity, and the matter has come to this point, so she has to drag Chu Yuanzhou to her back first.

(End of this chapter)

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