Chapter 914

Nangong Wushuang even felt that Chu Yuanzhou was a bit frivolous in his dealings with others, and he didn't know how to pity and cherish jade. Such a man is just relying on his talent, which is very remarkable. If it is not because he is not a member of the royal family On the other hand, she wouldn't say these words either.

She really doesn't want to marry into the royal family. To her, the royal family is just a huge cage for her.

The emperor chuckled when he heard Nangong Wushuang's words, Chu Yuanzhou's eyebrows twitched slightly, then coughed lightly, and finally asked, "Princess, do you know what my other identity is?"

Nangong Wushuang shook his head and said: "I just arrived in Dazhou, so I don't know, as long as you are not the heir of King Chu."

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes deepened and he said: "It's really unfortunate that the next one is Chu Yuanzhou, the heir of King Chu."

This time it was Nangong Wushuang's turn to widen her eyes, and she said in disbelief, "You are the prince of Chu?"

"Exactly." Chu Yuanzhou said flatly, "I am exactly Chu Yuanzhou, the prodigal son that the princess talks about."

Nangong Wushuang was slightly stunned and said: "Didn't you Da Zhou have noble titles and members of the royal family are not allowed to take official positions in the court?"

Chu Yuanzhou felt that it would be better for the emperor to answer this question, so his eyes fell on the emperor again, and the emperor said with great dignity: "Yuanzhou has a great talent, and he was able to defeat Xiliang at the age of 11. Hehe, but also quite talented in literature, familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, classics and history collections, I feel that it would be a pity if such a talent is not entrusted with great use. So I ignored my ancestor's family law and let him enter the cabinet. A few days ago, the Minister of Rites left Beijing , I decided to let him take the post of minister of the Ministry of Rites, but I didn't want to let the princess have such a misunderstanding."

Chu Yuanzhou cast a slanted glance at Nangong Wushuang, but saw that the girl's face had turned red. Even though she had a carefree temper and didn't stick to ordinary details, she couldn't bear it at this time. She felt that she really lost face this time to her grandma's house. !
She bit her lip lightly, but Chu Yuanzhou said very calmly: "It's normal for the princess to not know my identity when she first arrived in Dazhou. I'm also very happy about my talent and ability. It's just that as the princess said, my family has a fierce wife, and I really don't deserve the princess, so I ask the princess to find a good son-in-law."

He spoke politely, but he wanted to scold his mother in his heart. This bullshit princess from Tuoyin country didn't know anything about shit, but she actually said that she wanted to marry him, which really shocked him a lot.

According to the long-standing rules, if the married princess arrives at the imperial city of the country she wants to marry by herself, she can choose a husband-in-law by herself, but if the husband-in-law she chooses is a prince or other special person, the emperor needs to marry Marriage, if it is an ordinary courtier, he will marry whoever he chooses.

Nangong Wushuang bit his lip lightly, and apologized: "Just now, because I didn't know the identity of the prince, if I offend you, please forgive me."

She apologized to Chu Yuanzhou in front of everyone in the hall, which naturally had another meaning in the eyes of the emperor.

The emperor's eyes were deep, Chu Yuanzhou's heart trembled a little when he heard her apology, he said in his heart: "Grandma, if you want to continue talking, the emperor may have to say that you have admired me for a long time, no matter what. You have to point me to be my concubine, if so, I really might as well hit my head to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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