Chapter 924
Seeing Yun Qian's appearance, Lu Zhu felt more at ease in his heart, and now he no longer thinks that the dress is too colorful or similar to the clothes Yun Qian is wearing.

The two left the restaurant hand in hand. Lu Zhu led Yun Qian back and forth in the ice sculpture field with the eyes of her regular customers who often come to see the ice sculptures. She was in a good mood at this time, and explained some things to Yun Qian thing.

Yunqian seemed a little unhappy at the beginning, but after seeing those strange ice sculptures, her mood seemed to improve, and she went to look at the colorful ice sculptures from time to time.

Lu Zhu led Yun Qian straight to the west. The further west he went, the more remote the road became, and the number of tourists there gradually decreased.

Yunqian asked: "Where is the roadside concubine taking me? It seems that there are no ice sculptures in front, why don't we go back!"

Lu Zhu said with a smile: "Perhaps the concubine Shizi didn't know it when she came to see the ice sculpture for the first time. Behind this ice sculpture, there is a beautiful garden with beautiful flowers and plants. It’s rare to see flowers in full bloom.”

Yun Qian said lightly: "Well, I'm not very interested in flowers and plants on weekdays."

Lu Zhu was a little surprised and said: "The last time I saw that the concubine Shi Zi recognized the ghost-faced lotus, and I saw that the concubine Shi Zi was good at planting flowers and grasses, so I always thought that the concubine Shi Zi liked flowers and plants very much."

Yun Qian smiled lightly and said: "I used to be free in Yun Mansion, I would raise some, but recently I've been a little lazy, and I'm less interested in those flowers and plants, but today I came here with Concubine Lu Side It’s a pity if you don’t go and have a look.”

Lu Zhu said with a smile: "Shi Zifei is right, I guarantee that you will like those flowers and plants very much after seeing them."

Yun Qian smiled slightly, but Lu Zhu asked again: "Wangfei's health is getting better day by day, Shizifei's medical skills are also very good!"

"As for medical skills, I only know a little bit, and I happened to read how this ghost-faced lotus can detoxify in a book. All of this is really a coincidence. If the princess has another kind of poison, I'm afraid I can't cure it." Yun To put it bluntly.

Lu Zhu's eyes darkened a bit. Earlier, Lu Zhu thought that Yun Qian's medical skills were superb, and he could even do things like identify acupuncture points, but later when the nobles in Beijing came to seek medical treatment However, Yun Qian couldn't cure anyone alone, and on the contrary, it aggravated the illness of others. She immediately felt that Yun Qian's medical skills were half-baked, and it was a coincidence that she cured Princess Chu's illness last time.

Lu Zhu's hands under his sleeves tightened a little, thinking that Princess Chu's luck was really good, and met Yun Qian, who was half a bucket of water, and cured the poison of Ghost Face Youhe.

Lu Zhu's thoughts became heavier, and he still had a smile on his face, praising Princess Chu's good fortune.

The two gradually drifted away, and soon reached a hillside behind the ice sculpture.

The place where you can see the ice sculptures in the capital is built next to the mountain. The name of the mountain behind is Yushi Mountain. It is rumored that this mountain used to be a jade mine in the early years, but the jade mine in the mountain was mined out many years ago, and there is no such thing in the mountain today. It's just that the people in Beijing are used to calling it Yushi Mountain, so they always call this mountain Yushi Mountain.
At the foot of Yushi Mountain, there is a deep mine. It used to be the place where the most jade was produced, so it was dug extremely deep. Now jade mining here has stopped for many years, and the mine has been filled with water.

(End of this chapter)

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