Chapter 925 Poisoning her
It's just that the water comes out of the ground and is warm, so it doesn't freeze for many years.

Earlier, some people who knew water went to the Yukeng to soak in the hot springs, but the hole was too deep, even if people who knew water accidentally fell from there, because the surroundings were full of smooth stone walls, as long as they fell, No one can climb up.

When Yunqian was in Yunfu, because she knew that Ye Wuchen liked things made of jade, her monthly money in Yunfu was very limited, and jade products were very expensive, so she couldn't afford them at all.After she heard about Yushi Mountain, she thought of finding a piece of jade here to give to Ye Wuchen to please him.The final result is naturally to return without success, but because of this, he also knows about Yushi Mountain.

She somewhat understood Lu Zhu's thoughts, and there was a chill in her eyes, but she didn't try to expose it, she just walked forward with a smile.

There are indeed people at the bottom of Yushi Mountain who are using the geothermal heat under the Yushi Pit to grow flowers and plants, but those flowers and plants are not as good as Lu Zhu said, but it is really a pleasing thing to see those flowers and plants full of red flowers in this midwinter season.

Lu Zhu led Yun Qian into the flower shed with a smile on his face. The flowers and plants in the flower shed were not as luxuriant as those that had been fertilized in the 21st century. They were not too tall, but they were all red and green, which was very attractive.

The shed is full of layers of flower stands, which looks very lush.

When Yunqian saw a brown corner of her clothes under the corridor beside her, her eyes darkened, but she followed Lu Zhu forward calmly.

There was a faint fragrance in the flower shed, and the flower girl obviously recognized Lu Zhu, and she introduced the flowers and plants to Yun Qian and Lu Zhu with a smile.

Yun Qian's nose has always been a spirit, she can smell the fragrance mixed with dozens of kinds of flowers, it is a kind of fragrance that will make people confused after inhaling about a stick of incense spices.

That kind of spice is not dizzying, but it can make people not know what they are doing in the next time, and then they will obey other people's arrangements and do what others ask her to do.

Yunqian felt that Lu Zhu was really tricky in doing things, and knew that she had some research on flowers and plants, so she took her to see the flowers after seeing the ice sculptures, and poisoned her very subtly, so that no one knew it , even if she didn't completely kill her this time, she definitely wouldn't let her find any fault with Lu Zhu.

This woman is really a ruthless character, everything is arranged seamlessly.

Yunqian's eyes moved, and she took out a bottle from her arms and handed it to Shuxiu, "When I came in, I remembered taking some sugar pills when I went out. I remember that every time Shuxiu smelled the strong fragrance of flowers, he would feel dizzy. These candies are rewarded to you, so that you will not be so dizzy."

Shuxiu thought to herself that she had never felt dizzy when she saw flowers, but Yunqian said that, there must be her deep meaning, she was smart, she didn't ask at the moment, after thanking Yunqian, she took it out of the bottle He took out a transparent thing and put it in his mouth, then handed another one to Huanyu.

Huanyu was not stupid, so she quickly took it. Seeing Lu Zhu looking at her, she asked, "Does Concubine Lu want to eat sweets too?"

If Yunqian handed over the burnt candy, Lu Zhu would have accepted it, but at this time Huanyu handed it to her, Lu Zhu insisted on his own identity, he would definitely not accept it, and shook his head slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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