Chapter 970 Happiness is Priceless
Chu Yi's words sounded a bit pretentious, he didn't hold a weapon, and tied one hand. If two men fought like this, such behavior would be extremely contemptuous.

It's just that Chu Yi is a man, and Nangong Wushuang is a woman, everything is another matter.

When he did this, it seemed that he was quite manly, but it made Nangong Wushuang extremely weak, as if he could blow her away with one breath.

Most of the ministers in the court laughed when they heard the words, and someone said: "Princess, let's go back to the station to wash and sleep!"

"The second prince is really brave and invincible!"

"The second prince is bound with one hand without a weapon. I'm afraid ten princesses will not be the opponent of the second prince."

Chu Yuanzhou felt a little funny when he heard the sarcastic remarks of the ministers in the court. These ministers in the court are usually soft-boned, and they hide away when they have something to do. Tongue out.

Chu Yi's words undoubtedly angered Nangong Wushuang, and the gossip of the court ministers also made her feel very unhappy. She sneered and said, "The second prince looks down on me so much? If you lose in my hands for a while, it's up to you." Where do you put your face!"

"Don't dare." Chu Yi didn't bother to look at her and said calmly: "I just never bully women. As for my affairs, don't bother the princess."

As soon as he said these words, most of the court ministers laughed, and some said: "The princess is so delicate, the second prince must be merciful, don't break it."

Everyone laughed even harder when they heard this sentence, Nangong Wushuang also blushed a little, but the treatment she received in Dazhou was better than she expected.

She took a peek at Chu Yi, but saw him standing there in black clothes, as tall and straight as a pine tree. When he said those words, he didn't even look at her, and there was a bit of coldness in his expression, It was as if the two had never met before.

She bit her lip lightly, and there were a lot of twists and turns in her heart. She was willing to marry such a man, but his slightly arrogant tone made her very unhappy.She secretly told herself that she must not show mercy after a while, if Chu Yi can really beat her in everything, then he is the husband chosen by God for her.

When he came out of the hall, Ash softly said to Nangong Wushuang: "If the princess loses to the second prince, it will be a good thing for our country."

Nangong Wushuang cast a slanted glance at Ash and said, "No, I want to marry the prince of Chu as a concubine."

Ash frowned and said: "Although the emperor has explained to the minister when the princess left Beijing, if the princess marries Chu Yuanzhou, at best she is just a concubine, and there is a shrewd wife in his family, which is very detrimental to the princess. Far less reliable than the Second Prince."

Nangong Wushuang gritted his teeth and said, "Even so, so what, how dare I disobey Father's order? If I lose to the second prince this time, my mother will kiss her..."

"Princess, you don't need to worry." Ash looked at Nangong Wushuang and said, "I will take care of these things myself, and Madam Ruan will not be wronged."

Nangong Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief, she looked at Ash and said, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Ash looked at Nangong Wushuang and said, "The ruler of the country also hopes that the princess will be happy."

(End of this chapter)

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