Chapter 971

Nangong Wushuang certainly wouldn't believe Ash's words. Her father had never been kind to her. Otherwise, Tuoyin would not have sent her to be married just because there are so many princesses. Before sending her here, there was no one It's very pity, for her, she doesn't think much of it in exchange for her mother's peace.

There was still a bit of agitation on her face, but Ash had already straightened her face and said: "The princess is a smart person, and she should know how to do it after thinking about it."

Nangong Wushuang didn't speak, but she was thinking in her heart that if Chu Yi dared to speak to her like that, she must be a Lianjiazi, even if she tried her best, she might not be able to beat Chu Yi.It's just that she grew up among wolves when she was a child, and when she grew up, she once fought with people in Tuoyin's capital. She won a big victory and became famous in Tuoyin since then, so Ash always thought that Her martial arts are powerful, and Chu Yi looks thin and has such a good literary talent, so Ash will let her release the water.

At this moment, her heart is still a little bit tangled, but now she can only take one step at a time.

The venue for the competition was chosen above the school field in the palace, which was originally the place where the princes practiced martial arts.

The emperor led all his officials to watch on the school field. After Chu Yi left the field, he tied one hand with a rope as he said, and did not choose any weapon. He just stood there very tall, domineering and relaxed Come out, heroic.

Nangong Wushuang chose a long whip, and when she saw Chu Yi standing there, she knew that his martial arts would not be too low, and she suddenly felt a little confused.The appearance of Chu Yi standing there made her feel full of joy in her heart. Although such a man is a little crazy and arrogant, he is very manly.

She gritted her teeth, raised the whip and lashed towards Chu Yi fiercely. Chu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and when the whip swept over, Chu Yi stretched out his hand and grabbed the whip, and pulled it again, Nangong Wushuang was thrown far away by him, and then her body fell heavily to the ground.

Although her martial arts is not good, when she was in Tuo Yin, ordinary big men were not her opponents. She did not expect to be knocked down by Chu Yi today.

She felt a little ashamed, but she was not a person who could not afford to lose. She even felt a little happy in her heart when she lost to his hands like this.

She got up from the ground and lowered her head, blushing and said: "I lost."

She felt that since she arrived in Da Zhou, she seemed to have been doing embarrassing things, and was knocked down by him with just one move. Is she that weak?

"The princess has accepted." Chu Yi arched his hands and said.

Such a result made the emperor very happy, he said with a smile: "Yi'er is versatile in both civil and military affairs, I am so happy."

Chu Yi bent his waist slightly, and gave a slight salute, but his face was very calm.

Many civil and military officials saw Chu Yi for the first time today. Seeing his demeanor today, many ministers immediately admired him. Those big princes and three princes felt a little uneasy when they saw Chu Yi like this.

After going down to court, the emperor went to the imperial study and saw the history books edited by Chu Yi. After flipping through them roughly, his eyes lit up. mind.

The emperor really didn't expect that Chu Yi, whom he had thrown to Ningde for many years, would be so outstanding. He was very happy at first, but when he thought of Chu Yi's mother and concubine, he felt a little sad.

(End of this chapter)

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