Chapter 972 The Emperor's Marriage
The emperor stood by the big table in the imperial study room, sighed softly, and a lot of thoughts arose in his heart for a while, but those thoughts made him a little bit suspicious.

Eunuch Zhu saw the emperor's actions from the side, his eyes shook slightly, but he just stood there obediently.

But the emperor asked: "Zhu Dequan, what do you think of the second prince?"

When Eunuch Zhu heard the emperor’s question, he was startled. He knew that if he failed to answer one of the questions, the consequences would be very serious, so he avoided the seriousness and said lightly: “The appearance of the second prince today just relieved the emperor’s siege. Otherwise, I’m afraid Princess Wushuang still has to say a lot of nasty things in court today."

The emperor nodded slightly, but sighed: "Seeing his appearance today, I always feel that I have treated him badly."

Eunuch Zhu said respectfully: "The emperor treats the second prince very well, and the second prince is also a person who follows the rules. Today, the emperor asked about the second prince, and there is one thing I want to tell the emperor, but I don't know whether I should say it or not. .”

"But it doesn't matter." The emperor said softly.

Eunuch Zhu said softly: "A few days ago, the emperor sent his servant to the Imperial Academy to find a miscellaneous notebook. When the servant went, the second prince had already compiled all the books and was about to send it to the emperor for review, but somehow it was lost. It was a volume, but I searched all over the Hanlin Academy but couldn’t find it. At that time, the head of the Imperial Academy said that it would be thoroughly investigated, but the second prince said that he lost it, so he lost it. I was compiling the lost volume, so it just happened to be finished today, so maybe this is the father-son relationship between the emperor and the second prince!"

What he said was actually guessing the emperor's thoughts. The emperor's words were not explicit just now, but he had already heard the emperor's thoughts. He knew that the emperor was very happy that Chu Yi appeared today, but he was worried that this was Chu Yi's deliberate search. Opportunity.

The emperor sighed lightly when he heard the words, stretched out his finger and glanced at Eunuch Zhu, and said, "You are a genius."

Eunuch Zhu smiled and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment."

Because of what Eunuch Zhu said, the emperor felt a lot more relaxed. He hated the prince playing tricks in front of him the most.

In the early morning of the second day, Chu Yi received a piece of holy paper, which not only gave him and Nangong Wushuang a marriage, but also let him take charge of Jingjiwei.

He was a little surprised to receive this piece of sacred letter. He didn't know why the emperor suddenly gave him the power of Jingjiwei. The safety of the entire capital.

In the past, Jingjiwei was in charge of the eldest prince. After Su Changqing was killed, the emperor removed the head of Jingjiwei. These days, who will be the leader of Jingjiwei? Everyone is speculating on the emperor's mind.

And this position is very important, and all forces in North Korea and China hope that their own people will replace this position.

The empress and Concubine De didn't spend much time thinking about it, and secretly prepared a lot of things, but the result was beyond everyone's expectations. The emperor actually handed over such an important position to a second prince who had not been favored since childhood. This incident aroused heated discussions among officials in the entire capital, and everyone speculated that perhaps it was because Chu Yi showed literary talent and martial arts above the main hall that he attracted the attention of the emperor.

It's just that even the most favored third prince in Beijing doesn't have a real job in the capital. The emperor gave Chu Yi such a real job this time, which made everyone even more suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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