Chapter 976 Love Is Priceless
The father and son have often quarreled over the years, and have fought a few times, but it is only to the end, not really fighting for life, but at this time the king of Chu's murderous aura is revealed, and Chu Yuanzhou's sword has not left the slightest bit Humanity, the whole body is frighteningly cold.

The king of Chu was so angry that his chest heaved up and down. He stared at Chu Yuanzhou with wide eyes and said, "You actually pointed a sword at your father for a woman!"

"That's right." There was no warmth in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes.

As Chu Yuanzhou's father, the king of Chu has always been proud of him. Now that Chu Yuanzhou pointed his sword at him like this, he just felt sad in his heart.

He took back the hand pinching Yunqian's neck, turned his head to look at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Very well, I finally know what kind of person my son is today. Chu Yuanzhou, you disappoint me so much I can't even tell the difference between right and wrong!"

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were extremely calm: "Father wants to abolish me as the son, and then make Chu Tianyou the son? If so, that would be great. I have to thank my father."

"Don't think that I dare not!" King Chu gritted his teeth.

Chu Yuanzhou sneered and said, "Of course my father dares. Over the years, Chu Tianyou has spent a lot of time on you. My father wanted to give him my position as the eldest son!"

The King of Chu's eyes were full of sadness, and he said coldly: "Very good!" After he finished speaking, he reached out and pulled Chu Yuanzhou's sword away, and then strode out.

Although Yunqian felt that the King of Chu was unreasonable, she felt that it was not a good thing for father and son to meet each other in battle. She said softly, "Yuanzhou..."

Chu Yuanzhou put his sword back into its sheath, and said calmly: "I found a place outside, and I will move out after a while!"

He didn't have much nostalgia for Chu Wangfu, but he wanted to lead Yunqian and Chu Wangfei to live a simple and happy life.

Yun Qian was slightly stunned, and Chu Yuanzhou said in a very indifferent tone: "When he was protecting Lu Zhu that night, I no longer had a father-son relationship with him. I have never cared about the position of the son of the world."

Yunqian raised her eyes to look at him, and he was also looking at her, her eyes were calm, her heart was full of warmth, even if she knew that the relationship between their father and son was not harmonious, she was also happy in his heart protecting her like this.

Before and after time-traveling, she felt that the greatest happiness is "to win the heart of one person, never to be separated from each other." The two supported each other and faced the ups and downs of life together.When she was tired and had things she couldn't handle, he could protect her and shelter her from the wind and rain.

In the past, she thought that his behavior was somewhat unreliable, but now she felt that there would be no more reliable man in this world than him.

Her eyes were gentle, and she said softly: "It's just that if you fall out with your father like this, it will not be a good thing after all."

"Do you think I can forgive him for protecting that bitch Lu and harming his mother and concubine like that?" Chu Yuanzhou said slowly.

Yun Qian bit her lip lightly and said, "If you are no longer the heir of Chu Palace, then you may lose everything you have now."

"I've never cared about the glory and wealth." Chu Yuanzhou looked at Yun Qian with a smile and said, "I'm afraid that you will see that I have nothing, and then you will kick me."

Yun Qian rolled his eyes at him and said, "You're talking nonsense!"

After she finished speaking, she leaned her head on his chest and said, "Yuan Zhou still remember the song I sang in Jasmine Valley?"

(End of this chapter)

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