Chapter 977 The Trip to the Su Mansion
Chu Yuanzhou hummed lightly, and Yunqian said in a low voice: "The most romantic thing in this world is growing old slowly with the person you love. I wish to have one heart and never part from the white head. What I want is never glory and wealth." , if the two of us can stay together, then it doesn't matter if we are poor and beg for food."

What she said was the truth, she had lived a life of poverty in her two lifetimes, and she was not afraid of that kind of suffering.

Chu Yuanzhou hugged her tightly in his arms, but said incoherently: "Don't worry, even if I have nothing, I won't starve you. I have all the martial arts, it's really not good, and I still have nothing to do." You can do the work of robbing houses and houses, and guarantee that you will spend more money. If you want to eat meat, I will go to the mountains to hunt game for you, and I will guarantee that it is delicious and delicious."

Yun Qian felt that the originally warm and lingering atmosphere was completely destroyed by what he said. She raised her eyebrows, raised her hand and punched him on the chest: "Go away."

After finishing speaking, she laughed first, and when she smiled, Chu Yuanzhou also laughed.

When the two arrived at Su's residence, it was almost the time for Su Changqing's funeral, but Su Changqing's coffin had not been closed yet.

Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou looked at each other, their eyes darkened a little.

At this time, many guests have come to the Su residence, and it seems extremely lively, but at this moment, I don't know why things are arguing endlessly.

When Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou walked to the coffin, Mrs. Su rushed up and scolded angrily: "Yunqian, you are so heartless, the master died to save you, and you are here now!"

Yun Qian didn't have a good impression of this aunt. In her memory, her aunt was the incarnation of a shrew who doted on her son and daughter. Anyone who provoked her would be haunted to death.In the past, when Yunqian was not favored in Yunfu, Mrs. Su bullied her a lot, and she could say all kinds of disgusting things.

Yunqian burned the incense very calmly, then turned her head to Mrs. Su calmly and said, "Auntie made a mistake. Uncle didn't die for me, but for saving Concubine Lu. But Concubine Lu also died." People from Chu Palace, she was restrained by her father, so she can't come to pay homage to Uncle today, please forgive me, Auntie."

She spoke politely, but her eyes were full of coldness. Now she somewhat understood why Su Rushi had such a temper.

Madam Su gritted her teeth and said: "I don't care about these things, anyway, your uncle was in danger that day to save you two, do you want to get rid of the relationship with a few words?"

Yun Qian glanced at Mrs. Su and said, "If my aunt wants to say that, then I have nothing to say. My uncle is the general of a country, and it was his duty to protect the family and the country. Seeing us weak girls being chased If you don’t kill him, aunt won’t be afraid that uncle will be laughed at? How will you go to the battlefield to kill the enemy in the future? Is aunt trying to put uncle in a cruel and unrighteous situation?”

What she said was indifferent, Mrs. Su was stunned for a moment, grabbed Yun Qian's hand and said: "I don't care about that, anyway, you have to make it clear today, your uncle died to save you, he is our Su The pillar of the family, if he dies, your Chu Palace will have to take care of our Su Palace!"

Mrs. Su's words were not unreasonable, nor arrogant, but she was being reckless to the extreme.

Yun Qian could not help Mrs. Su holding her hand, Chu Yuanzhou's eyebrows were already knotted, and he said coldly beside him: "Is the Su Mansion going to belong to the Chu Palace in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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