Chapter 979
The incident of Lu Zhu being raped in the past few days has caused the whole capital to stir up trouble. At this time, Su Changqing's matter has such a turning point. Lu Zhu also said that Su Changqing died to save her.

Some people couldn't help but think that the reason why Lu Zhu said that Su Changqing saved her was because he wanted to cover up the fact that she was raped, or that she and Su Changqing had an affair for a long time, so he said that?

Yunqian went to the mine to buy flowers, maybe it broke the adulterous relationship between them, that's why they were killed and silenced, but the bird raised by Yunqian arrived in time and threw all the gangsters into the mine , ruined their plan, that's why Lu Zhu made up such a story?
If that wasn't the case, why did Lu Zhu immediately stone those culprits to death when he rushed over?

Everyone had their own guesses in their hearts, but they all thought it was a little funny. Such a guess had completely changed the taste of the whole thing.

The revered Su Changqing turned from a hero to a scum overnight.

Mrs. Su's face was pale, she gritted her teeth and said: "Impossible, Master can't know those thieves, those people were found by Concubine Lu Side, and have nothing to do with Master!"

As soon as she said these words, the whole room suddenly changed color.

There was a faint smile in Yunqian's eyes, this matter has reached this stage, it is really interesting, just now Mrs. Su wanted to blackmail the Prince Chu's mansion, now this is really a good show.

She turned her head and glanced at Chu Yuanzhou, who raised his eyebrows at her with a serious face.

That's right, the whole matter was written by Chu Yuanzhou. After he went to find the coroner who performed the autopsy that day, he always felt that if this matter ended here, he couldn't swallow it.

And Su Changqing's body was full of flaws, if these things were discovered and opened up again, it would become a major event.

After thinking about it, he felt that it would be too cheap for Su Changqing not to do something about it, and Chu Yi is now the new leader of Jingjiwei. If he was too plain at the beginning, people will use this thing one after another in the future Let Chu Yi find something to do.

So yesterday he went to look for the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, and it happened that the corpses of those bandits floated up. After passing by so many people and soaking in the hot spring, those corpses were all swollen and completely deformed.

Chu Yuanzhou pointed to one of the scarred faces and said, "Hey, why does this person look so much like a scarred Liu, a former confidant of General Su?"

For Dao Scar Liu, Chu Yuanzhou knew that he had died on the battlefield in his early years, but the battlefield was cruel at that time, and his body was not found.

After hearing Chu Yuanzhou's words, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice went to find several people who had seen the scar Liu to make sure. Since the corpse had been soaked beyond recognition, only the scar on the face was obvious, so everyone said that it looked like Liu. .

Because of this incident, the Minister of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs went to the palace overnight to list the suspicious points of Su Changqing's case in detail, and then listed the facts one by one, and then stated his conclusion: "The whole week under the emperor's rule is peaceful, even though there are bandits and chaos. But it’s not enough to mess around in the capital, I’m afraid that someone in the capital will use the bandit chaos to achieve some ulterior motives.”

The emperor liked this conclusion very much. No emperor liked to hear that there were bandits under his rule who dared to make trouble under his nose.

(End of this chapter)

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