Chapter 980 Disaster in the Su Mansion
So the emperor ordered the Ministry of Punishment to re-examine the matter, so today the Minister of Punishment decided to drag Su Changqing's body back to the Ministry of Punishment for a closer inspection.

Mrs. Su's words shocked the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice. He had a lot of speculation about this matter earlier. He is a disciple of King Chu, and he has always been very concerned about the affairs of King Chu's mansion. This matter has been involved again. Chu Palace, he immediately said: "The people in the Su Mansion have a lot to do with this case. Come here, and put all the people in the Su Mansion in prison. This Minister will interrogate them one by one!"

After Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice said this sentence, the officials behind him rushed over like wolves and tigers, and when they saw the people from the Su residence, they arrested them, and all the guests quickly dispersed.

Yun Jingyan also came to see Su Changqing off today. He had come earlier and was sitting in the back room. Hearing the movement, he hurriedly sent his servants to see what was going on, and soon the servants ran away in a panic. He came in and said, "General Su's case has changed. The Ministry of Criminal Justice has come to arrest people. They want to arrest all the masters in Su's residence and put them in prison."

Yun Jingyan was shocked. He really didn't expect such a big change. He had also inquired about Su Changqing's case in the past few days. To him, although he regretted Su Changqing's death, he didn't. Too much sadness. Over the years, Su Changqing has not been too polite to him, and the two of them also have a lot of grudges.

It's just that Yun Jingyan had always wanted to take advantage of the power of the Su family, so he swallowed all his unhappiness. Seeing the loss of power of the Su family, the first thing he thought of was not to be implicated by the Su family.

He decided to go out to find out what happened, but when he went out, he saw the servants everywhere arresting people, and for a while, all the people in the Su residence were in a panic.

Yun Jingyan's eyes were full of deepness, but his mood was complicated. He began to think about what he should do to maximize his benefits.

The Minister of the Ministry of Justice gave a slight salute when he saw Yun Jingyan, and he frowned and asked, "I shouldn't ask more questions when Lord Shangshu is doing business, but I am really curious about today's matter, please tell Lord Shangshu One two, why did you take all the people from the Su Mansion away?"

The Secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs replied: "Master Yun didn't know that Su Changqing's case had other secrets. Just now Mrs. Su said that she also knew about it, so the officials had no choice but to bring her back to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for interrogation. If there is nothing wrong, they will naturally Release the people from the Su Mansion. The lower official has official duties, so he won't talk to Yun Xiang any more, so leave."

Yun Jingyan wanted to ask but couldn't ask again, those officials rushed forward, and arrested people in filial piety when they saw them, and all the masters of the Su Mansion were quickly taken away.

When Mrs. Su was taken away, she said angrily: "This matter has nothing to do with my master at all, it's all Concubine Lu's idea!"

The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment felt that it was not a matter for Mrs. Su to continue calling, so he said to Mrs. Su: "If Mrs. Su has something to say, please come to the court to talk about it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the yamen servant stepped forward to cover Mrs. Su's mouth. Mrs. Su finally came to her senses at this moment. She finally knew that today's Su Mansion is completely different from the past, and what happened this time she It was clear in his heart that this matter involved Prince Chu's House, which was very powerful, and although there were still people in the Su House who were officials, their status was not high.When she saw Yun Jingyan coming out, she hurriedly shouted: "Yun Xiang, save the Su residence quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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