Chapter 985
"Then do you still think it's important to have the second prince in my memory?" Yun Qian asked with a smile. If this matter is bypassed, it will be another scene. She agrees with Chu Yuan very much in her heart In the case of Zhou, sometimes people really have to talk about fate.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes flickered, then he blinked at Yunqian and said, "It doesn't seem to be important anymore."

Yunqian grinned when she saw him, but said nothing more. Now that she sees Chu Yi again, she may still feel turmoil in her heart, but those emotions have nothing to do with her in the end, but it makes Chu Yuanzhou jealous. The feeling is very good, let her know that he has her in his heart and cares about her.And the matter between her and Chu Yi, let the years pass by slowly, and slowly fade away those feelings.

Emotional matters, as smart as Yunqian, like Chu Yuanzhou, have no good way to deal with this matter, only let time change everything, and even though they have some doubts in their hearts, they still trust each other to say if.

The hearts of the two were full of warmth, and they felt that no matter how big the storm was in the future, they would not be afraid.

For the marriage between Chu Yi and Nangong Wushuang, Yun Qian felt that her blessings were greater than other emotions in her heart.

After Mrs. Su was released from prison, the King of Chu went to the prison. As soon as Mrs. Su saw the King of Chu, she shouted: "I beg you, my lord, to avenge my lord. What happened this time was not my lord's original intention at all. the meaning of!"

King Chu's eyes turned cold when he heard Mrs. Su's words, and he turned around and wanted to leave. Mrs. Su said loudly: "My lord, what I said is true. When Concubine Lu came to find my beloved master that day, She said that Yunqian was too scheming to stay, she said that she had thought of a perfect way to deal with Yunqian, and sold Yunqian into a brothel so that she could no longer hold her head up again. This matter made my master lose his life, my lord , you must find a way to save us!"

Mrs. Su was tortured as soon as she came in, and she was punished for everything as soon as she was punished. When the minister of the Ministry of punishment showed the confession to the king of Chu, the king of Chu found it hard to believe, so he asked the minister of the Ministry of punishment to bring Mrs. Su out .

Although Mrs. Su has some knowledge in the backyard on weekdays, she is not clear about the situation in the court. She only thinks that this matter has something to do with the Chu Palace, and the Chu King can't ignore them, so how can she understand the situation? interests.

So as soon as she saw the King of Chu, she took it as a life-saving straw, and told all the truth, hoping that the King of Chu could save the Su Mansion once.

After hearing Mrs. Su's words, King Chu closed his eyes slightly. It's not that he didn't have doubts about Lu Zhu before, but he always felt that Lu Zhu was kind by nature, and it was impossible for him to do too vicious things. Before attacking Princess Chu, it was only because of the woman's jealousy, but Lu Zhu and Yun Qian had no real enmity, so it was impossible for Lu Zhu to harm Yun Qian.

And he had some misunderstandings about Yun Qian earlier, so when he heard about this matter, he thought it was Yun Qian's fault.

Unexpectedly, the one who really provoked the trouble was Lu Zhu.

Su Changqing used to be a subordinate of the King of Chu. The King of Chu knew his martial arts and was definitely considered a strong general. Unexpectedly, Yun Qian could kill Su Changqing without being injured. Yun Qian's ability was better than he imagined. Much more powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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