Chapter 986

The King of Chu sighed softly, feeling a little disappointed in Lu Zhu, but this matter involved the entire palace, and he couldn't ignore it, so when he came out, he could only see the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment standing at the door, and he didn't say a word , just glanced at the Minister of the Ministry of Justice.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Justice knew in his heart that when he interrogated Mrs. Su today, he interrogated Mrs. Su himself in a private room. At this time, the expression of the king of Chu let him know what to do, and he immediately burned Mrs. Su's confession.

That night, a mouse ran into Mrs. Su's cell. On the second day, Mrs. Su fell ill and died of the plague a few days later.

The final words of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to the emperor were: "When Su Changqing was an aide of the King of Chu, he felt admiration for Lu Zhuxin, the side concubine of the King of Chu, and he united his subordinates early on, intending to do something wrong to the side concubine. Going to buy flowers with the concubine Lu side disrupted Su Changqing's plan, so Su Changqing killed him in pain. In the panic, Yun Qian's pet bird came to the savior. Su Changqing was killed by his subordinates when he was unaware .”

The emperor was furious when he saw the closing words of the case, and immediately went down to the house, sending all the men of the Su Mansion into the army and the women into official prostitutes. In a short while, the famous family of the Su Mansion in the capital disappeared in the capital overnight.

And Su Changqing has also turned from a great hero admired by everyone to a pervert, and is cast aside by the people in Beijing.

When Yun Jingyan heard the conclusion of the case from the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he immediately announced the severance of ties with the Su family, and even canceled Yunluo's marriage with Su Dongyan, saying that Su Changqing's actions were extremely shameless.

Because Su Changqing had offended many people in Beijing over the years, once Su Changqing died, all the ministers fell into trouble, and they all complained about Su Changqing's previous crimes in front of the emperor, such as Su Changqing taking advantage of his position to enrich his own pockets, such as Su Changqing robbing women and occupying farmland , Another example is that Su Changqing was unfilial and once beat his mother in front of others.

All of a sudden, the walls of Su's mansion fell and everyone pushed them down. The emperor was very angry when he saw Su Changqing's evil deeds. He immediately ordered people to drag Su Changqing's body to the vegetable market and whip the corpse. After the whipping, the corpse was thrown into the mass grave.

If Su Changqing had expected his end like this, he probably would not have troubled Yun Qian no matter what.

Although the emperor was angry, he did not anger other people. It was just that the court ministers made a big fuss about it. Officials who had a good relationship with Su Changqing in the past were all sidelined. The relationship between Yunfu and Sufu was severed. Early, get rid of the rift.

When Yunyan saw the situation in Su's house, she wanted to help her. When she went to ask Yun Jingyan, Yun Jingyan only said one sentence: "Su's house is Su's house, Yun's house is Yun's house, your mother and Su Zhangqing has broken the bond between brother and sister, he is no longer your uncle."

Yun Yan felt chilled when she heard this sentence, and wanted to think of other ways, so she planned to ask Chu Mo, but the situation in the Su Mansion was gone, and she couldn't even find Chu Mo's shadow these days. When the man from Su's mansion departed from Border Gate, she went to see him off, and was going to give Su Dongyan some silver taels.

Poor Su Dongyan has never suffered any crimes before, now he has been beaten a lot, and he has not eaten well. He is no different from a beggar on the street, and he does not have the arrogance of a playboy in the past. Seeing Yunyan, she rushed over and said, "Cousin, save me!"

For him, Yun Yan is his life-saving straw at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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