Chapter 696
Xiao Tingchen showed a flattering face, and put the lotus flower Saisu wine in his arms, "Here, it's fresh."

He cautiously retreated to the door and continued to sit cross-legged on the threshold.

Su wine is incredible.

If she told him to get out, would he just get out?
When did Xiao Tingchen become so obedient?

She just pretended she didn't see him, and started cleaning the shop and arranging the shelves.

However, she soon discovered that Xiao Tingchen was really a trouble that couldn't be shaken off.

He was sitting on the threshold, with a dark face and a dejected body, no one dared to come to the door!
She held the broom with one hand on her hips and wished she could slap the broom on the back of his head, "Xiao Tingchen, I still have to do business, can you go away?!"

"I didn't hinder you..."

"You are sitting at the door and crying, which guest dares to come?!"

Man: "Oh."

Su Jiu: "...?!"

What is "oh"? !

Before she got angry, Xiao Tingchen turned around and said, "Then I'll help you solicit business."

His peach blossom eyes are sparkling, full of careful fawning.

Su Jiu frowned.

She felt that if Xiao Tingchen had a tail, he would wag it at her impatiently.

Xiao Tingchen finally stopped crying.

Whenever a girl came to buy incense, he would smile charmingly and charmingly, "Oh, good sign sister, look at this fair-skinned girl, please come inside!"

The frivolous tone made those girls terrified. They thought it was some unscrupulous black shop, and they dragged each other away.

Su Jiu was about to die of anger from him!

She picked up the broom and frantically wanted to hit Xiao Tingchen, but Bai Lu grabbed her tightly.

Bai Lu was terrified, "Miss, think twice! My master is now the fourth prince, the emperor's own son, and the emperor is reluctant to beat him. How dare you beat him?!"

"I just want to hit him!" Su Jiu's eyes were red with grievance, "How much misfortune I have suffered with him, and even if I do some business, I will be bullied by him. He just doesn't want me to live a good life!"

Xiao Tingchen was also wronged.

Sitting here, he really wanted to win back Su Jiu.

Half a day's leisure was busy, and Gu Yu hurried over.

With a condensed expression, he bowed his hands to Xiao Tingchen, "Master, something happened on Ganlu Street! The Eighth Prince's Mansion caught fire last night, and both the Eighth Prince and Zhao Wuyang died in the sea of ​​flames. Rong Zheng went to investigate this morning, and found out that Zhao Wuyang set it on himself. Fire. Would you like to go and see?"

"Don't go."

Xiao Tingchen was not interested at all.

He wanted to guard Su Xiaojiu until she changed her mind.

He didn't go, but Su Jiu really wanted to go.

She told Bai Lu and Shuang Jiang to be optimistic about the incense shop, and as soon as they walked to the street, they noticed that there was an extra tail behind them.

Looking back, Xiao Tingchen followed her three steps away.

She frowned, "Aren't you going?"

Xiao Tingchen sincerely said, "I want to follow you."

Su Jiu knew he couldn't drive him away, so he held his breath and let him follow.

Arriving at the Eighth Prince's Mansion, the formerly magnificent mansion has long been turned into dark ruins.

There are many people around watching, pointing at the ruins:

"I heard that His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince has gone completely crazy since he knew that he was not born to the emperor, and that the princess he married was a half-sister!"

"Yes, I can hear him singing every day, even in the rainstorm last night, I can still hear him singing in the rain! I don't know what he is singing about."

"It's also a poor person..."

Xiao Tingchen looked at Su Jiu.

With a calm face, the little girl lifted her skirt and stepped into the ruins.

Rong Zheng and his officials were rummaging through them. Seeing her approaching, he couldn't help but reach out to stop her, "Sister Su, there are corpses over there, they are all burnt, it's very scary, you better stop looking..."

Su Jiu pushed him away.

She walked into the clearing among the ruins.

There were three dead bodies on the ground.

Su Jiu guessed that it should be Zhao Wuyang, Yuan Min and Xie Rongzhi.

She pointed to two of them, "Master Rong, can you give them to me?"

Xiao Tingchen interjected, flattering, "You don't need to ask him, I'll tell the emperor to give you the body."

Su Jiu didn't bother to talk to him, and only looked at Rong Zheng.

Rong Zheng smiled, "Of course."

So Su Jiu invited someone over, cremated the bodies of Zhao Wuyang and Xie Rongzhi, and sent them back to Jinling for burial.

She remembered the promise she made to Zhao Wuyang in Liyuan that day.

——The eighth concubine's great favor will be reciprocated in the future.

Zhao Wuyang made great efforts to bring down the Zhao family and rescue Xiao Tingchen.

She should pay her respects.

After dealing with the matter here, Rong Zheng sent Su Jiu away from the ruins.

He glanced at Xiao Tingchen who was following behind like a tail, and said softly: "Sister Su's voice is a bit hoarse, did it rain last night?"

Xiao Tingchen raised his eyebrows, and there was a cool smile in his peach blossom eyes.

Which pot does not open and which pot is lifted by this guy, it is clear that he wants to drive a wedge between him and Su Xiaojiu.

Su Jiu said lightly, "It has nothing to do with Mr. Rong."

Rong Zheng's voice became more and more gentle, "I have some good medicine to treat the wind and cold entering the body, and I will send it to Sister Su later. Sister Su is weak, and she will develop a serious illness, so I dare not neglect it casually."

Xiao Tingchen stared at them.

He actually somewhat understood why when Su Jiu and Rong Zheng were together, so many people in Chang'an City praised him as a golden boy and a jade girl, a perfect match.

Because they have similar temperaments, and they are both as gentle as jade.

At first glance, he is a scholar from a gentle and aristocratic family.

As for him, since he left Jinling City, he impatiently tore off that layer of hypocrisy.

When dealing with officials from the DPRK and China, the methods must be as fierce as possible.

The more he thought about it, the more he tasted it, and couldn't help but said: "There is also a good medicine in this hall, don't bother Young Master Rong to take it."

Rong Zheng stopped.

He turned around slowly and stared at Xiao Tingchen.

Xiao Tingchen also stared at him.

After a long time, Rong Zheng said with concern: "Your Majesty the Fourth Highness wandered around with the branding on his face, wouldn't it be embarrassing? Rongmou happened to have some miraculous medicine for removing scars, why don't you give some to His Highness the Fourth?"

Xiao Tingchen also laughed.

His tone was relaxed and leisurely, "The words branded by Master Rong himself are so beautiful, how dare this hall remove them so easily? Every morning and evening, when you take a self-portrait in the mirror, you can use this to remind yourself how much you have suffered at the hands of Master Rong." No? It will be more interesting to take revenge in the future."

Saying so, those curved peach blossom eyes were deep and gloomy.

He never forgot the good deeds Rong Zheng did.

The two looked at each other silently, but Su Jiu next to him was a little embarrassed.

These two people, one from a concubine of a wealthy family became a descendant of the royal family, and the other from abandoning his position to making a comeback, they are both people who play with power deeply in the city.

They kept fighting with each other, but they got her in the middle, making her in a dilemma.

She backed away quietly, just wanting to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

As soon as the clinker took two steps back, the eunuch who delivered the order suddenly came to the palace.

Not only Xuan Xiao Tingchen entered the palace, but also Xuansu wine entered the palace together.

The girl bit her lower lip lightly, with complex deer eyes.

She and Xiao Tingchen had such a big commotion in the night market last night, she didn't think it would be good for the emperor to announce her entry to the palace at this time.

She grabbed the lace of her skirt and secretly glanced at Xiao Tingchen.

The dog man is now the emperor's treasure, no matter what happens, the emperor will protect him.

Who knows if the emperor wants to make decisions for him, scolding her for not knowing the severity?
(End of this chapter)

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