Chapter 697 Emperor, Can You Be Unreasonable?
Xiao Tingchen and Su Jiu entered the palace and went straight to the imperial study.

Yuan Xiao was critiquing papers, and casually said: "Huaijin hasn't visited your mother and concubine in the harem for many days, so it's time to ask for her."

Xiao Tingchen glanced at Su Jiu.

The little girl lowered her head, she was white and tender, and from his angle, she could see a fair and slender back of her neck.

It seems to be broken when folded, very delicate.

He said casually: "Old man, do you want to bully Su Xiaojiu by pushing me away?"

old man...

The corner of Yuan Xiao's mouth twitched.

In the world, probably only this little bastard would dare to call him old man.

"I know you like her," he put down the ink pen, "don't worry, she won't lose a hair."

Only then did Xiao Tingchen exit the imperial study.

Yuan Xiao pushed back the surrounding palace people, pointed to the Taishi chair next to him, "Sit down."

Su Jiu sat with his back bent, his eyelashes lowered all the time, and he never opened his mouth.

Yuan Xiao casually picked up a piece of jade Ruyi to play with, "You know why I let you into the palace?"

"The emperor must know what happened last night, and he wants to ask the daughter of the people to question her." Su Jiu said in a soft voice, "Although what happened last night is not my fault, but the emperor is the father of the fourth highness, and he will definitely turn to the fourth highness. Poor Minnu's father was exiled to the frontier by the emperor, her mother was sick in bed, and there is no one in Chang'an City who can make decisions for Minnu..."

The little girl was eloquent, and she looked so pitiful that she was about to cry.

Yuan Xiao felt very depressed.

He knew that Su Jiu was pretending to be pitiful, but as an emperor, he couldn't make it difficult for a little girl, right?

He was silent, and his voice was softer, "Su Jiu, you are a rare smart woman among women. I like Huai Jin, and I hope Huai Jin can inherit my throne. But your existence makes him unwilling to marry a family. , he even refused the wedding flowers Yueji and Rong Yao that I bestowed upon him."

Su Jiu lowered his eyes.

The hands in the wide sleeves were quietly clenched.

She thought Xiao Tingchen accepted the marriage offer, but she didn't expect...

"Huayueji and Rong Yao represent the two great families in Chang'an City. Especially the Hua family, they are inextricably linked with the Yin-Yang Ghost Prison. Marrying Huayueji is equivalent to gaining the approval of the Yin-Yang Ghost Prison. Su Jiu, Do you understand what it means to have the support of Yin Yang Ghost Prison?"

Su Jiu said lightly: "These words, what does the emperor tell the girls to do?"

"I just want you to persuade him to stop being willful."

Su Jiu was silent.

Yuan Xiao's eyes darkened, "A true emperor will not be bound by the love of his children. As an emperor, it is common for the Sangong and Six Courtyards. For example, no matter how much I love Cheng Cheng, but the concubine, concubine, The rise and fall of the entire dynasty is on the shoulders of the emperor, and everyone has the right to talk about love and romance, but the emperor does not. Su Jiu, do you understand what I mean?"

Needle drop can be heard in the Imperial Study Room.

A few wisps of green smoke diffused from the carved lid of the censer, exuding a faint medicinal fragrance, making Su Jiu's thoughts particularly clear.

She suddenly smiled, "If the girl doesn't cooperate with the emperor, will the emperor kill the girl?"


Yuan Xiao admitted generously, "If your existence is an obstacle to Huaijin's pacification of the world, I will get rid of you first. I will not allow any woman to threaten my son's future."

Su Jiu took a deep breath and stared at Yuan Xiao.

A man over forty years old, she remembers being exceptionally handsome and majestic when she first met him.

Looking at it now, after experiencing the pain of bereavement twice, his temples and hair are particularly conspicuous.

Even his face seemed to be older than his peers, and there was a faint bluish-black color between his brows.

She covered the tip of her nose with a handkerchief, "Your Majesty seems to be running out of time."

Since ancient times, fragrant medicines have not been separated from each other, and she studied Gu poison back then, so she has a lot of research on pharmacology.

What was burning in the censer was not incense slices, but medicinal materials.

Yuan Xiao coughed a few times, "Xiaojiu is really smart, nothing can hide from your eyes. I won't live long, so before I leave, I must pave all the way for Huaijin. Three days, I will give you three days Time, if you can't make Huaijin change her mind and agree to marry Huayueji and Rong Yao, I will take your life for the world."

Su Jiu's hands and feet were cold.

The deer's eyes were dark and deep, and she paused every word, "Emperor, can you be unreasonable?"

Yuan Xiao picked up the ink brush and continued to review the memorial, "The emperor wants to be reasonable, but my father doesn't."

the other side.

Xiao Tingchen walked along the deep and long palace lane to Qifeng Palace, turned the corner, but bumped into a person.

Wearing a peacock blue satin brocade robe, he is tall and tall.

Although he is over thirty years old, he is still handsome with red lips and white teeth.

But now, the red-haired spider lying on his shoulder was listless, and his sharp and narrow eyes were bloodshot, looking extremely haggard.

"Yo," Xiao Tingchen raised Xuan Yue's eyebrows, smiling playfully, "Isn't this Master Wu?"

Since the fall of the Zhao family, Emperor Yuan Xiao used thunderous means to clean up the power of the Zhao family in the court and the harem.

Although Wu Song belonged to Empress Zhao, Yuan Xiao hadn't settled on him yet.

Facing Xiao Tingchen's ridicule, Wu Song's face was indifferent, as if he didn't care at all.

His expression sank, and suddenly he knelt down straight towards Xiao Tingchen.

Xiao Tingchen raised his eyebrows even higher.

Wu Song cupped his hands, and his voice was desolate: "This slave is really desperate, so he wants to seek refuge with the Fourth Highness. The empress is in danger, and the slave's power alone cannot guarantee that the empress will be able to escape from the palace."

"You want the hall to save Zhao Xihua?"

"Yes!" Wu Song pressed his head to the ground, "All the grievances and grievances in the past are all the fault of the slave, and have nothing to do with the empress. The slave is willing to pay this life to His Highness, and the empress will be safe!"

Xiao Tingchen was condescending.

In the past, the Chief Eunuch, the Supervisor of Rites, was powerful and powerful, and he was the most favored eunuch in front of Empress Zhao.

Even the officials of the former dynasty had to be courteous when they saw him.

Xiao Tingchen still remembers how high-spirited he was when he was in Jiangnan.

What a proud person, there will be a day when he kneels at his feet...

Xiao Tingchen played with the summer fragrance beads, and said sarcastically: "What does this hall want your life for? If you are bitten by a dog, do you have to bite it back?"

Wu Song said in a deep voice: "Your Highness just say what you want. But what a slave can get, you must give it with both hands!"

He is very sincere.

Xiao Tingchen looked at him.

For a long time, until Wu Song thought desperately that he would not help him, a slender and fair hand suddenly stretched out in front of him, "Get up."

He looked up in surprise.

Xiao Tingchen smiled, "Swear allegiance to this hall to the death, this hall will help you save Zhao Xihua."

Wu Song was stunned.

The too narrow and sharp eyes were full of disbelief, and he was trembling even at the end of his voice, "You... want to use me?!"


Wu Song's expression was complicated.

After a while, he finally made up his mind.


Xiao Tingchen came to Qifeng Palace where Xue Chengcheng lived.

The palace is gorgeous and luxurious, and the maids who come and go are all well-trained with low eyebrows, it can be seen that Yuan Xiao loves Xue Chengcheng very much.

(End of this chapter)

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