Chapter 698 His little girl is obedient and clever

When he stepped into the bedroom, Xue Chengcheng was wearing a imperial concubine's palace attire, with exquisite makeup, and seemed to be about to go out.

Seeing him coming in, he just nodded casually, and then stepped out of the hall threshold with the hand of the maidservant.

Xiao Tingchen followed her casually, "Where is the concubine going?"

"Don't call me concubine mother."

The woman's voice was extremely cold.

Xiao Tingchen seemed to be used to it, "Planning to go to Weiyang Palace? Mother concubine is going to visit Queen Zhao? That's right, she is a rival in love now, so of course I have to visit."

He knew that Xue Chengcheng hated Yuan Xiao deeply.

It is the most shameless thing for her to become a rival in love with Queen Zhao.

But he insisted on saying so.

He wanted to be angry with Xue Chengcheng.

Sure enough, Xue Chengcheng's hand that supported the maid was tightened, and there was a lot of coldness in his eyes.

She ignored Xiao Tingchen, Xiao Tingchen chuckled twice, and stopped provoking her, and continued to follow her.

Outside Weiyang Palace, hundreds of Imperial Guards guarded it so tightly that even flies could not fly in.

Xue Chengcheng is Yuan Xiao's favorite treasure, he wished to give all the treasures to Xue Chengcheng to please her, so there are only a lot of things like imperial gold medals around her.

With the gold medal in hand, she easily entered Weiyang Palace.

The palace is desolate.

The palace maids and servants were dismissed, the gardens were neglected and weeds were overgrown, and the summer wind passed through the palace boudoir, leaving behind the sound of swaying strings of beaded curtains, making this place even more quiet and secluded.

Surrounded by court ladies, Xue Chengcheng walked slowly to the back of Weiyang Palace.

Here is a small garden.

Empress Zhao, who has been the mother of the world for 22 years, is sitting on a white stone by the water, wearing a snow-white petticoat with three thousand black silk scattered around her waist.

Her feet were dangling in the clear pool water, her profile face without makeup was extraordinarily clean and white.

Lower eyelashes, posture like a young girl.

She is still so beautiful, without the embarrassment and embarrassment of becoming a waste queen.

Hearing a voice behind her, she didn't even turn her head, "I knew you would come over."

"I haven't seen you in 22 years. Sister Xihua is as beautiful as before." Xue Chengcheng supported the maid's hand and sat down on the big chair. "It's a pity, so what about beauty? Are there still few beautiful women in the palace? Can you really have the last laugh?" Yes, but only a few."

Zhao Xihua paddled the water with her white and tender feet, "It's not as powerful as sister Xue. She hasn't appeared in 22 years, but she can still make Yuan Xiao fall in love with her..."

She glanced sideways at Xiao Tingchen, smiled sarcastically, "It's even worse than Sister Xue, she has a good son with powerful means."

Xue Chengcheng stroked his wide sleeves, his expression indifferent, "I still remember the changes in the palace back then."


"How the Zhao family, the Rong family, the Chen family, and other families persecuted him in the court, and how he was forced to death on the streets of Chang'an during the palace change, I, Xue Chengcheng, will never forget it in my life! Entering the palace is just the beginning, my Revenge is yet to come." Xue Chengcheng's eyes were serious, "Zhao Xihua, you all owe me that!"

"Hahaha!" Zhao Xihua laughed indulgently, "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Yuan Hui is not ruthless enough. It is only natural that he can't fight Yuan Xiao. It is only natural for thousands of arrows to die on the street! Even if you kill us all, Yuan Hui still can't survive. Xue Chengcheng, you will still live in pain for the rest of your life!"

"Death?" Xue Chengcheng raised his lips, "Death is only relief, and life is pain. Come here."

Two nuns stepped forward and grabbed Zhao Xihua, dragged her to Xue Chengcheng, and forced her to kneel down.

Xue Chengcheng stretched out his hand, and pinched Zhao Xihua's white and delicate jaw indifferently, "I heard that the empress really likes this face, and she uses a lot of expensive medicinal materials to maintain her skin on weekdays?"

Amid Zhao Xihua's hostile expression, she smiled cruelly, "Then let's slap fifty times a day."

She let go.

The nanny in the palace was so strong that no matter who Zhao Xihua was in the past, she couldn't help but slap her face.

With a handkerchief stuffed into Zhao Xihua's mouth, she could only groan in pain.

After more than a dozen slaps, the tender and beautiful face gradually became red and swollen, with red blood oozing faintly.

Xue Chengcheng's brows and eyes were cold, "Sister Xihua, take it easy, you owe me a lot."

Even if the enemy fell into her hands, she still remained indifferent.

She didn't continue to watch, and got up and left indifferently.

After fifty slaps, the two nuns also left Weiyang Palace.

Zhao Xihua was lying on the ground in a white dress, her cheeks were red and swollen, and she was in a panic.

Her slender and tender fingers dug deeply into the soil, her eyes were full of hatred.

A shadow loomed in front of her.

She looked up, and there was a pair of black ruyi pattern soap boots in front of her eyes.

The platycodon blue satin skirt exudes a dignified luster, and the silver tide pattern embroidered is particularly delicate and beautiful.

Xiao Tingchen squatted down on one knee and raised her chin pitifully.

There is a boundless smile in the peach blossom eyes, as gentle as a spring breeze, "The empress's appearance really makes this hall feel distressed."

Zhao Xihua flicked his hand away, "What do you want to do?!"

"This hall is kind-hearted, and has always been hard on beauties. What's more, the empress's beauty is incomparable to ordinary beauties. The beauty of the country makes this hall happy."

Xiao Tingchen was eloquent and praised Zhao Xihua to the sky.

Zhao Xihua sat up and looked disgusted, "Xiao Tingchen, what do you want to say?"

"It will be a matter of time before the empress dies in the hands of Xue Chengcheng. This palace has a plan to save the empress from death."

Zhao Xihua sneered, "Do you think I'm afraid of death?"

"The empress is not afraid of death, but some people are afraid of the death of the empress. What's more, is the empress willing to die at the hands of Xue Chengcheng?"

In a word, it touched Zhao Xihua's heart.

She clenched her fists tightly, her eyes full of resentment.

22 years ago, Xue Chengcheng was defeated by her.

22 years later, their game started again.

Of course she was not willing to die at the hands of her former opponent!
Xiao Tingchen had a panoramic view of her changing expression, his thin lips curled up, and he said warmly: "I will help your mother."

"I don't understand." Zhao Xihua still had vigilance in her eyes, "You are Xue Chengcheng's son, how could you help me? What's more, we used to be old enemies!"

"There is no permanent enemy in this world." Xiao Tingchen helped her up personally, "For our hall, Xue Chengcheng's enemy is our friend. As long as we can make her feel even the slightest bit unhappy, this hall will feel very refreshed."

Zhao Xihua lowered her eyes.

She is a smart person, she can see that the relationship between Xiao Tingchen and Xue Chengcheng's mother and son is not good.

Xiao Tingchen gently brushed her broken hair, lowered his head slightly, and pressed his thin lips close to her ear, "I'll see you in the middle of the night."

He walked away under Zhao Xihua's slightly surprised expression.

Zhao Xihua couldn't help but chased after two steps, "Xiao Tingchen, what are you capable of saving me from the palace?! Even Wu Song can't save me, what are you?!"

Xiao Tingchen stopped.

He looked back, smiling captivatingly, "What is the ability? Those who have ridiculed the hall and tried to use the hall have all been defeated by the hall. What do you think the hall has?"

The sun shone through the shade of green trees, spreading thin golden light all over his body.

Like a god.

Zhao Xihua watched him leave in a daze.


Xiao Tingchen left Weiyang Palace and went straight to the Imperial Study to pick him up.

Stepping into the threshold, his little girl sat obediently on the big chair eating flower cakes, and the atmosphere was quite peaceful.

He said: "I have already greeted my concubine."

Yuan Xiao raised his eyes, "She is withdrawn by nature, you should go to the palace to be with her when you have nothing to do."

"Okay," Xiao Tingchen agreed, smiling very cutely, "I still want to ask you for someone."


"Wu Song."

With a "click", the ink brush in Yuan Xiao's hand couldn't help rolling off.


In the past two days, my classmates have come back from other places and want to play with them, so I will save one chapter (maybe two chapters tomorrow), and continue to update eight thousand after May Day!

 Thank you 18187954456, 131****0036, Yuanqian., Lemongrass, Jixin, love, Orange Cat- for your rewards, hug the fairies!
(End of this chapter)

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