Chapter 149 Bai Yue Was Rescued
The war is over, the forest is full of corpses, blood is everywhere, and the orcs brought by the power of the lion are all wiped out.

Before Yanlang could run back, Fenghu unexpectedly turned back again, Yanlang suddenly felt bad.

"What happened?" Yanlang asked anxiously.

Fenghu turned into a human form, and said in a panic: "Boss, it's not good."

"What's the matter?" Yanlang strode forward anxiously, grabbed Fenghu's neck with one hand and forced him to ask, "Tell me quickly!"

Fenghu shuddered, thinking of the death of the painted-faced leopard beast, he felt that he was about to die.

"The female... the female is missing."

Yanlang couldn't help tightening his hands, and hot fireworks gathered in his palms.

Fenghu's expression became painful, and he held back and did not move.

Flame Wolf still had some sense, at the last moment he threw off Fenghu and roared, "Get lost, find me quickly!"

Fenghu got up quickly, and there was an obvious scorched palm print on his neck, and there was even a smell of meat on his body.

"I'm going right now, and I must find the female!"

After Fenghu finished speaking, he immediately turned into a fox beast, with his nose sticking to the ground, searching for scents while running.

Yanlang took a deep breath, turned into a beast shape, raised his head to the sky and let out a loud cry: "Aww——"

The orcs from all over the city came as quickly as possible and started a carpet-like search.


On the outskirts of the city of exile, beside a big tree by the river, a bonfire was burning.

A pot of chicken was simmering on the fire, and it was bubbling. The three wolf cubs lay beside the fire, sniffing the scent and drooling.

Bai Yue poked the firewood with a branch, glanced at Xiong Yao beside him, and said weakly, "I...I'd better go back."

Xiong Yao paused when he added firewood, looked at Bai Yue's face, and asked seriously, "Are you sure he's a wolf?"

Bai Yue nodded: "It must be him, everything is right, and the babies also think it is him."

Speaking of which, Bai Yue pushed the boss next to him, and asked, "Is that right, boss?"

The boss turned into a human form, and uttered mature words in a childish voice: "It's daddy, it's daddy's taste."

This is the induction between blood, and it is difficult for orcs with blood relationship to recognize their relatives, even if it is just a cub.

Xiong Yao was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Okay, I will find an opportunity to ask him out to talk. He has such a huge team now, and he has all kinds of orcs. I dare not let you go back casually."

Thinking of the orcs in the Yanlang Grotto, Bai Yue nodded in agreement.

Thinking of something, Xiong Yao suddenly sighed heavily, and rubbed the head of a wolf cub beside him vigorously.

Bai Yuefu felt his heart, put his hand on the back of Xiong Yao's generous hand, and said with a smile: "You will always be the father of the babies, and this will not change."

Bai Yue said, winking at the boss.

The boss immediately shouted cooperatively: "Papa Bear!"

Xiong Yao let out a foul breath, put one arm around Bai Yue, bent down to press a kiss on her smooth forehead, and said with a sigh: "I really like you."

Bai Yue's face was hot, but she felt ashamed in her heart, and hugged Xiong Yao's body forcefully.

Xiong Yao is sincerely kind to her, she can feel it, but she only accepts him for the sake of the child, and even now she is still scheming against him, fearing that if he has his child, he will treat the wolf's child badly.

Bai Yue rubbed Xiong Yao's chest, thinking to herself: If she and Lang Ni get back together, and the wolf cubs have a biological father to take care of them, she shouldn't be on guard against Xiong Yao anymore, and she should give birth to the child if she becomes pregnant.

(End of this chapter)

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