Chapter 150 Discovered

The encirclement was shrinking rapidly, and the bone vine used powerful mental power to envelop all of its own people, breaking through the encirclement generously.

It was Yanlang who blocked them. Xiong Yao and the others stood under a big tree, stopped in their tracks, and waited for them to pass by.

The orcs who surrounded them didn't notice it, and tried to avoid large plants.

Just as he was about to pass Xiong Yao and the others, Yanlang stopped suddenly.

The orcs on the side also stopped.

Yanlang sniffed the air and looked around.

Suddenly, his gaze landed on the big tree where Xiong Yao and the others were hiding.

Xiong Yao remained motionless, and turned his eyes suspiciously at the Bone Vine beside him.

The white bone vine didn't respond, just stood motionless, not looking at the appearance, no different from the surrounding plants.

Yanlang pulled his lips, landed on all fours and turned into a human figure, straightened his body, walked over step by step with a sneer.

Knowing that Xiong Yao has plants to help him, of course he will pay more attention, there is a female smell in the air, and he has an inexplicable feeling - his female is here.

These are all illusory intuitions, without definite evidence, Yanlang still has no idea, but his face is full of confidence in strategizing.

Looking at Yanlang's appearance, Xiong Yao seriously suspected that they had been discovered, even seen by Yanlang.

He secretly gathered energy, ready to fight at any time.

When the prey approached, the big tree instinctively wanted to attack, but because of the coercion of the bone vine, it didn't dare to move, and only shook its branches and leaves in a tangled state.

Yanlang took a panoramic view of this abnormality calmly, and then he was sure that there was something wrong with this tree, and made a gesture without looking back.

The surrounding orcs gathered around and surrounded the big tree.

It appears to have been discovered.

"Let's go!" Xiong Yao roared, holding Bai Yue in his arms and rushing out.

The sound startled the orcs around, and then several orcs were knocked away, and Xiong Yao rushed out of the encirclement.

Bone Vine also ran along, bringing the physical wolf cub with him, his mental body could not teleport, but could only move step by step.

Yanlang instantly turned into a wolf shape, and rushed forward with a kick of his hind legs.

The speed of Xiong Yao's Bone Vine was not fast, and soon Yanlang caught up with him, leaping towards the Bone Vine behind him.

The white bone vine does not see things as far as the eyes, and can "see" things from all over the body. He sees the attack of the Yanlang in his "eyes", and while running, he attacks the Yanlang with his hair.

"呵呵——" the hair touched Yanlang's body, and immediately made a sound of being scorched.

Yanlang was also pulled aside by the sudden attack, fell to the ground on all fours, shook his hair, and rushed forward again.

Bai Yue saw the Yanlang being blown away from Xiong Yao's shoulder, and immediately showed worry on his face, but he didn't know that it was the Bone Vine who suffered the loss.

"Qiaoqiu, let's go, don't fight with them." Bai Yue shouted.

Seeing his own female, Yanlang's anger reached its peak, he opened his mouth and let out a fierce roar, and rushed towards the bone vine with a fierce murderous aura.

Bone Vine obeyed Bai Yue's words, and said in a cold voice, "Catch it."

After finishing speaking, three wolf cubs flew over from his hands, together with three elongated exclamations: "Aww——"

Xiong Yao freed up one hand, and with a flick of his long arm, he pulled the three wolf cubs into his arms.


The wolf cubs immediately hugged Xiong Yao's arm with all four limbs and fled like this often. They were about to evolve into koalas.

Without the burden of the wolf cubs, the bone vine instantly reversed the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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