Chapter 1014 There Is Someone In The Living Room
Hao Meili took the initiative to help Luo Yirui take the small bag of clothes, and led him into the room.

After Luo Yirui went in, she looked around and found that the room was very big, besides the bedroom, there was a small living room and a separate bathroom, which was much better than the room they lived in.

"Do you share a bed with your mother?" Hao Meili asked happily.

Luo Yirui looked at her calmly, and said seriously: "Auntie, I have a mother."

Hao Meili's smile froze on her face, and then she looked lonely, before she said after a while: "Then you will sleep with me?"

Many children at this age have already fallen asleep by themselves, so she asked this question to see how he is used to it.

"I'll just sleep here." Luo Yirui pointed to the sofa in the small living room.

This sofa can be opened, it will be very comfortable to lie on when watching TV, and sleeping on it is the same as sleeping on the bed.

Hao Meili nodded with a smile, her cheeks were thin, which was not really good-looking, and her eyes were a little dull, but at least she was a little more lively than before.

She folded Luo Yirui's clothes neatly and asked the servant to prepare a small cabinet for him.

"Why just these few clothes? Tomorrow's mother...I'll take you to buy clothes tomorrow!" Hao Meili felt distressed when she saw it.

Luo Yirui shook her head and said, "No need, my body grows fast, and I won't be able to wear it for long if I have too many clothes."

Hao Meili reached out and touched his little face, "What a good boy."

Luo Yirui resisted a little, and hid for a while, not letting Hao Meili touch her. Hao Meili had refused just now, but she didn't show much emotion at this point. She stood up with a tired look on her face.

"Good boy, go play, I'm going to sleep for a while."

Her mental head is very bad. She sleeps a lot every day, but she still has no energy.

Seeing Hao Meili enter the room and close the door, Luo Yirui went out. Her room was a little dark, probably because of the curtains, which made him not like it.

After he came out, he saw Jing Changle still standing at the door watching, he couldn't help laughing, "What are you looking at?"

Seeing him coming out, Jing Changle breathed a sigh of relief, "I was still thinking about when you can come out to let the wind go, why did you come out so soon?"

Luo Yirui said with a smile: "It's not that I'm imprisoned, but just let me accompany Aunt Hao. Seeing that you are nervous, I am very free. Now even the servants listen to me. It can be regarded as a promotion. How about it? Isn't it amazing?" ?”

Jing Changle believes that he has a ghost, but he also knows that this is not the place to talk, so he doesn't ask any more questions.

Hao Rong came out of Hao Jiacheng's study angrily, and when he came out, he saw Luo Yirui and Luo Yirui. He was a little embarrassed, and beckoned them to go out with him.

On the tree-lined road outside, there are tall poplar trees on both sides, and they sit on the curb, no one can eavesdrop here, and they can see the bottom at a glance.

"Brother Xiaorui, I have wronged you!" Hao Rong said apologetically.

Luo Yirui waved her hand, "It's also right to be with Auntie, you can eat and live with you for so long, you can't eat and live for nothing."

Hao Rong immediately said righteously, "Brother Xiaorui looks down on me, right? I am willing to let Brother Xiaorui eat and sleep. We are good friends, and what is mine is yours! Brother Xiaorui, please don't say that in the future out of words."

Luo Yirui smiled, and listened to what he said, even if Jing Changle didn't take it seriously, the experience of the two children was different from that of ordinary children, if they were ordinary children, they might be completely moved.

Although he knew that Hao Rong had his own agenda, but now he and Jing Changle are indeed staying at his house, and he has to replace this favor.

"Do you want to have a high-end banquet blessed by heaven?" Luo Yirui asked.

Hao Rong's eyes lit up, "Of course I thought about it, but forget it, I heard that this high-end banquet will cost [-] yuan!"

Just thinking about the price, he was flabbergasted. Although Luo Yirui is a blessed young master, it is too expensive.

Luo Yirui smiled and shook her head, "That's not a high-end banquet. The real high-end banquets are all custom-made, and they need special chefs trained by heaven to prepare them."

The price is at least one million or more. The medicated diet of Qingyishui is customized for the body of the diner. The talisman water as the main medicine is provided by Uncle Yuan. Eating such a high-end banquet is really beneficial and beneficial to the body. Especially good!
Luo Yirui didn't plan to talk about these things, lest Hao Rong feel burdened, this was his repayment to Hao Rong.

Hao Rong said it was fine, but in fact he still wanted to eat it, let alone the food, even at this price, he could brag about it for many years!

His dad probably never ate it.

The three chatted for a long time on the side of the boulevard, all with smiles on their faces, and sometimes Hao Rong would get up and dance, and the three laughed together.

On the second floor of the villa, Hao Meili stood by the window and looked at them with complicated eyes.

At night, Luo Yirui went to live in Hao Meili's room, but it didn't feel dark when she went in at night, probably because the lights were turned on.

"Are you back? Come and sit down, I'll peel an apple for you." Hao Meili picked up the fruit knife from the table and began to peel the apple.

Luo Yirui sat down, looked at Hao Meili with a smile on her lips, and turned her eyes away. With her current body, she might not be able to last long. Even if her body is crazily repaired, she won't be able to make up for it.

It is a miracle that she can survive in the battlefield of active bacteria, at least she survived until her mother took action, but unfortunately, it was only for her to continue her life for a short time.

Hao Meili stuck an apple with a toothpick and brought it to Luo Yirui's mouth, and said with a smile, "How about calling me mom?"

Luo Yirui looked at her calmly, the emotion in his eyes showed that this was impossible.

Hao Meili sighed, and stuffed the apple into Luo Yirui's mouth, "Little guy... eat it quickly, and remember to brush your teeth after eating."

With a tired look on her face again, she turned and went back to her room to sleep.

Luo Yirui ate the apple in her mouth, and didn't eat any more. After brushing her teeth, she lay down on the sofa, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

In his dream, he dreamed of his mother, who coaxed him like he was when he was very young, patted his back and sang to him...

He misses his mother...

I don't know if it was because he was away from his mother for too long, or because Hao Meili's actions today made him miss his mother even more. He woke up in the middle of the night, and only after he woke up did he realize that he wanted to go to the bathroom.

He lifted the thin quilt and sat up. Just as he was about to stand up, he saw a person standing vaguely in the room. He was so frightened that he ran to the edge of the sofa, and the hairs all over his body exploded. He asked in a trembling voice: " Who is there!"

There was a person standing in the living room in the middle of the night, and he asked you if you were afraid!
Luo Yirui asked twice and the man didn't respond, but when he wanted to go over to have a look, the man suddenly moved.

 Well, the rabbit is going to sleep, see you tomorrow night
(End of this chapter)

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