Chapter 1015 Terrible

The man began to understand, his movements were neither fast nor slow, how should I put it, it made people feel that his limbs were a little uncoordinated and stiff...

Luo Yirui just felt creepy, and when he opened his eyes in the middle of the night, he saw a figure standing in the room, his hair was standing on end in that white suit.

However, Luo Yirui was not indoctrinated with the concept of ghosts at such a young age, so he was taken aback at the time, thinking it was a thief who broke in. Even though this stupid thief was actually wearing white, he shouted twice and the other party did not respond. , made him doubt again.

If it was a thief, how could he not be afraid, run away, and rush over to catch him?

Luo Yirui held the paralyzing talisman in his hand, thinking that if this person approached suddenly, he would throw two of them so that he couldn't even move his eyes!
But in the end this person didn't walk towards Luo Yirui, but walked towards the door. Luo Yirui's first thought was that he wanted to run away!

Since this person wanted to run away, it must be a sign of guilty conscience. Luo Yirui is also a bold person with high skills, and he thought about whether to stop him, because he felt that this person was coming for Hao Meili, maybe it was for Hao Meili. That iron box!

But if he wanted to stop him, he would have to use a fighting talisman... Luo Yirui dismissed the idea after thinking about it for a while, there was absolutely no need for him to make such a move, not only did he expose himself, but he also pushed himself to the forefront.

Having made a decision, he didn't stop the man from leaving, but he found that the thief couldn't open the door after reaching the door...

If you say you can’t open the door from the outside, it’s understandable, but you can’t even open the door from the inside, the plane is too stupid!
Seeing such a stupid thief, the corners of Luo Yirui's mouth twitched, why are his hands and feet so awkward?Hey...wait a minute, why does this person look so familiar?

When this person stood at the door, half of his body was under the moonlight. Luo Yirui felt familiar when he saw this person, and the white clothes seemed to be pajamas!
This is... Hao Meili?

Luo Yirui was taken aback when he saw this, because he was basically sure that it was Hao Meili.

"Auntie?" Luo Yirui called out tentatively, but her voice was not loud.

Hao Meili didn't respond at all, and was still trying her best to open the door.

Seeing this, Luo Yirui suddenly realized that Hao Meili is suffering from sleepwalking!

People with sleepwalking cannot be awakened, otherwise there will be danger. This mother hasn't talked to him too much, so he doesn't know much about it.

Knowing that it was Hao Meili, Luo Yirui felt relieved and didn't call her anymore, but he still tried to prevent her from leaving, otherwise who knows where she would go.

Thinking of this, Hao Meili opened the door with a click.

Seeing that Hao Meili had already walked out, Luo Yirui looked at the time and it was 02:30 in the morning, so he had no choice but to step forward, a flash of doubt in his heart.

Although he didn't know much about sleepwalking, he seemed to have heard that sleepwalkers usually walk in a straight line, fall down and sleep when they hit a wall, and rarely open the door.

Luo Yirui felt that her knowledge was indeed too lacking, and she could only rely on guesswork when encountering this kind of situation...

He simply put on his own clothes, and when he saw Hao Meili standing there motionless, he walked to her side, intending to ask someone to carry her back after she fell asleep again, but when he looked up, he felt a chill in his heart.

The moonlight shines on her face clearly, Hao Meili's eyes are open!
Luo Yirui couldn't help but took a step back. Sleepwalking should be due to eyes being closed. Why did Hao Meili keep her eyes open, and they were very wide open!

He also discovered that Hao Meili didn't blink!

"Ah, Auntie?" Luo Yirui made a throat thump and called out cautiously.

This time, Hao Meili responded, she slowly turned her head to look at Luo Yirui.

Luo Yirui seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying, and he was so startled that he sat down on the ground, the hairs all over his body exploded, only to see Hao Meili's eyes... vertical pupils!

like a cat?Not like!
But what Luo Yirui can be sure of is that these are not human eyes!
Hao Meili stared straight at him with a blank expression. Luo Yirui's hands and feet felt numb from his stare. He was also horrified to find that it wasn't that Hao Meili didn't blink, but...but...

Luo Yirui didn't know how to describe the fear in her heart. She blinked, but human beings close their upper eyelids downwards, but hers closed from left to right!

These are definitely not human eyes!

Luo Yirui didn't know how those people screamed when they were scared, but at this moment, he felt as if his throat was blocked by something, and he let out a little sound, his face turned pale, and the sweat dripped down his forehead.

Hao Meili didn't do anything to him, just stared at him for a while, then turned her head and walked out, compared to the way she was in the room just now, she seemed less stiff now.

It wasn't until Hao Meili went downstairs that Luo Yirui's strength returned to his body, and he hurriedly ran towards Jing Changle.


Not long after Luo Yirui knocked on the door, there was a questioning voice from inside, as if a little nervous, probably because he didn't expect someone to knock on the door in the middle of the night.

"I... Luo Yirui."

As soon as his black clothes fell off, the door opened for him. Luo Yirui still saw him barefoot in a panic, and hurried to open the door for herself without even wearing shoes. There seemed to be a little warmth in her heart, not cold. It's cold.

Jing Changle glanced at his pale face, widened his eyes slightly, hurriedly forced him in, and subconsciously locked the door behind him.

When Luo Yirui entered the room, he sat down on the floor, and Jing Changle immediately sat beside him, "What's wrong?"

Except for the time when they were taken to draw blood, Jing Changle had never seen him look so terrified.

Luo Yirui swallowed, calmed down a bit, and told Jing Changle what she had just seen.

Jing Changle got goosebumps all over his body after hearing this, and his eyes widened in horror. It was really hard to believe that such a terrible thing would happen in the world.

Luo Yirui didn't know what came to mind, and immediately ran to the window, opened a corner of the curtain and looked out, the moonlight was bright outside, there was no one on the boulevard, it was so quiet, it was so scary.

Not long after, a figure suddenly appeared from the other side of the villa. The figure walked along the wall of the villa, and it was Hao Meili.

This is not the first time they have seen this scene, they have seen her like this since the night she buried her things, but after seeing her like that today, Luo Yirui always feels different.

Hao Meili walked to the place where the things were buried that day, squatted down, her body was covered by the wall, and soon she stood up again, standing there in a daze.

This scene was so familiar, what they saw last night was exactly the same, she seemed to be doing these things repeatedly.

Luo Yirui was terrified at first, but for some reason seeing this scene, the fear in her heart suddenly became less, and she felt that Hao Meili's behavior was very stupid...

 and oh
(End of this chapter)

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