Chapter 1016 You Are Sick
Of course, I just feel very confused, thinking of her weird eyes, Luo Yirui's heart is filled with fear again.

He said nothing tonight and would not go back again. He even thought about leaving Hao's house early tomorrow morning, but then thought again, if he just left like this, I'm afraid this matter will live in his heart forever!

So he hesitated for a long time, and decided to temporarily overcome the fear in his heart, and figure out what was going on before leaving. Otherwise, he would spend his whole life guessing wildly in fear, which was even more terrifying than the current situation.

According to grandpa, this is called knot, if you don’t try to untie it as soon as possible, it will always exist in your heart, affecting your life, even every aspect.

At that time, Luo Yirui didn't quite understand the meaning of these words, after all, these words were too profound for him, but the experience of being arrested made him understand a little bit.

"Are you crazy?" Jing Changle had already started to pack his things, "If you want me to say, let's leave while it's getting dark!"

Luo Yirui shook her head, "I won't leave, I don't want to live in fear all the time."

Jing Changle looked confused, "Wouldn't you be afraid if you leave now?"

Luo Yirui sat on the ground leaning on the bed, lowered her head and said, "If I leave, those eyes will probably appear in my dreams every night!"

Jing Changle was silent, it seemed like this, after he saw the basin of blood that time, he woke up every night for half a year, every night he seemed to see those children who were imprisoned together in the basement crying to him.

At that time, as long as I saw the red one, as long as I saw the washbasin and the water in it, I would be terrified, and I even occasionally had hallucinations. Later, because my grandfather was sick, his attention was diverted, and the situation improved.

He was terrified just hearing what Luo Yirui said, not to mention that Luo Yirui saw it with his own eyes.

In fact, when many people face the same thing, their choices are completely different!

"You go, I will contact Uncle Tian Zhi, you go to Tianxiangfu to find him." Luo Yirui said.

Now Hao Meili's situation is too weird, he thinks it's better not to let Jing Changle take risks with him.

Jing Changle didn't clean up after hearing this, sat down beside him, and said: "I'd better stay, in case I have to carry you on my back."

"Bah, bah, bah! Tong Yan Wuji, the strong wind blows away, I don't need you to run away with me!" Luo Yirui gave him an elbow, but a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

Although he felt that it was the most sensible for Jing Changle to leave, he was really afraid of being alone. Jing Changle chose to stay, so he would not feel that he was fighting alone.

"Although we decided to stay, what should we do if we encounter danger?" Jing Changle said.

Luo Yirui was silent, no one thought he was invincible, he didn't know what to do with such a weird thing.

"Do you want to tell Aunt Bei about the matter here?" Jing Changle said.

Luo Yirui pondered for a while, then said: "Let me call my father first."

He was a little worried that his mother would let him go.

Saying that, he forgot that it was late at night, so he called his father, and he was connected within two seconds.

"Xiao Rui?" Luo Xudong's voice sounded.

"Father!" Luo Yirui's voice became much brighter, and the fear in his heart was dispelled by three points.

"What happened?"

At this moment, Luo Xudong was sitting on the cushion, and gently opened a corner of the tent to look at the sky outside.

The moment he saw the phone, he woke up. Calling at this time, his son must have encountered something that he couldn't solve.

Luo Yirui immediately told his father about the situation. Luo Xudong frowned slightly, and he connected the signal of another instrument to this mobile phone.

"Xiao Rui, repeat what you just said."

At the same time, the leaders of the two secret operations teams in Jiangcheng were answering the call, waiting for Luo Yirui to explain his situation.

The two action groups are in different locations, and people take turns to watch Luo Yirui every day. They have also monitored the situation Luo Yirui described, but they don't know about the vertical pupil.

Because Hao Meili did not threaten Luo Yirui, according to Luo Xudong's request, they never showed up.

"Xiao Rui, wait for news from Dad."

After Luo Xudong finished speaking, he hung up the phone, but the signal with the secret operation team was still connected.

"Xiaorui has said the situation, go investigate as soon as possible." Luo Xudong said.

This time he didn't set a time limit for the secret operations team, because he knew that Hao Meili was treated by Bessian, that is to say, Bessian also misjudged her, so there is no professional secret operation by Bessie in this regard. Group, I'm afraid we won't be able to find anything in a short time.

After thinking about it, Luo Xudong still called his wife.

"Hello~" Bethtian's hoarse and hazy voice sounded from the phone, obviously still asleep.

Hearing this voice, Luo Xudong couldn't help but feel warmth in his brows, and couldn't help but say, "It's still in bed after dawn."

Over there, Beth Tian rubbed her eyes, opened a corner of the curtain, and found that it was still dark outside, she was speechless for a moment.

"Are you sick!"

Luo Xudong smiled.

"Could it be that I can't sleep because of my thoughts?" Beth sweet teased sleepily.

"Well, I can't sleep anymore. I'll go to Jiangcheng in a few days, so we can have a reunion." Luo Xudong said.

Bei Sitian hummed lightly, he must have something to do when he came to Jiangcheng, the two of them have a tacit understanding, and they can tell whether there is something to do or nothing to do.

"Call me in the middle of the night and just say this~" Beth Tian said in a lazy voice, her eyes still half-closed.

Luo Xudong looked slightly positive, and asked, "I want to ask you about Hao Meili."

As soon as Bei Sitian heard this name, she knew that she had something to do with her son, and her drowsiness disappeared immediately.

"Don't worry, everything is under control for the time being, but things are a little weird." Luo Xudong glanced at the things that had just been reported back.

Hao Meili did have a pair of vertical pupils!
Feedback information also indicated that Hao Meili's behavior was very strange, but her consciousness was there, and it was not an unconscious activity.

Seeing this, Luo Xudong frowned slightly, the degree of danger between conscious and unconscious is completely different.

Beth Tian had never received a call from her husband in the middle of the night, this was the first time, she knew that things must be quite weird, and it had something to do with her son!

"I have sent you a document, please take a look." Luo Xudong said.

Beth Sweets nodded and hung up the phone, Tian Zhi knocked on the door after a while, and the document was faxed.

This document was the information that Luo Xudong had just obtained. Bei Sitian saw the familiar face on it, and her brows were serious.

(End of this chapter)

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