Chapter 1095

Perhaps it was because Bei Sitian was more sensitive. It seemed that the people of the current family did not feel the strange feeling of Nie Yunsheng and some ancient families, and they all looked at Nie Yunsheng as if they were facing an enemy.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. It's just a meal and getting to know each other. After all, we will be together at the garden party for the next week. If you don't even know the names of the people around you, it's a bit unfriendly." Nie Yunsheng laughed.

Nie Yunsheng was followed by the young man named Nie Kaihuan. Besides this young man, there was also a young man and a middle-aged man. When these four people walked over, their auras changed, especially for those with an easy-to-perceive physique.

Because these four people are all mysterious doctors who can point spirits into talismans, this man named Nie Yunsheng, if he predicts it well, he is still a great power!

There are also a few people from Da Neng's current family, but compared with Nie Yunsheng, they always feel worse. These are the feelings of the mysterious doctors who are easy to perceive their physique among the crowd present.

Luo Yirui, who was beside Bei Sitian, saw the middle-aged man, and immediately pursed her lips. This man seemed super familiar when he came, and if he looked carefully, he was just a bigger version of Nie Kaidi!
It was Nie Kaidi who was beaten up by him, and he was indeed a member of the Nie family!
The genius Nie Kaihuan, who can point spirits into talismans, is actually a member of the Nie family, and he can appear with his elders, obviously his status is unusual.

Luo Yirui didn't expect to meet in this place, and he didn't know if the other party recognized him or not. Seeing an old acquaintance made him smile inwardly.

Having said that, the horse trainer Zhang Xiaodong's family has already moved to BJ, and has a fixed residence under the arrangement of Uncle Tian Zhi, and the duration of the residence is the duration of Zhang Xiaodong's tenure.

After all, Qingyu can't do that kind of method of controlling people with various means, and in addition, judging people is fairly accurate, so this basic method can be used.

This is also very beneficial to Zhang Xiaodong, he doesn't need to pay rent during this period, as long as he keeps protecting Luo Yirui from being distracted, it is equivalent to owning a BJ property with the right to use it.

Whoever it is, I'm afraid they will rush to come.

So now Zhang Xiaodong is grateful to Luo Yirui from the bottom of his heart. Although he is still in special training, he works very hard and plans to reach their standards as soon as possible before taking up the post. fight for wages...

Although the people of the current family were facing Nie Yunsheng as an enemy, they were relieved to see him in formal attire. The organizers were all wearing formal attire.

They didn't know that Nie Yunsheng always wore formal clothes no matter where he went.

"Everyone seems to be able to chat very well. I was worried that there would be incompatibility before." Nie Yunsheng said.

Everyone sneered in their hearts, especially those from the ancient family, who knew that he was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

"I have nothing to say. I invited everyone here to make everyone familiar with each other. Now that everyone is here, let's serve the dishes." Nie Yunsheng actually started without saying a word.

Everyone thought that he would stand up and ridicule the strength of the family in Ming Dynasty, but now many people don't understand Nie Yunsheng.

"Excuse me, please wait a moment, there are still a few of us who are not here."

Everyone searched for the sound and saw that it was a quiet and skillful woman. Her melodious voice spread throughout the audience, and most men's ears would itch when they heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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