Chapter 1096
"Oh, I don't know who they are?" Nie Yunsheng asked.

Wen Xin looked around, her cheeks were naturally rosy, and her radiant eyes lingered on Nie Yunsheng. She lightly parted her red lips and said, "The leader of our world has not yet appeared."

When Bei Sitian heard her talk, her face darkened, and she said, this woman can't be a shit stirrer, what kind of leader, when did she become the leader of the present family.

Wen Xin pushed her out at this time, it would be fresh if she had a little kindness, but she just wanted to push Qingyu in front of these ancient families and attract their attention.

Wen Xin was in trouble, and she still cooperated if she couldn't stand it.

Nie Yunsheng pondered for a while, and said, "What the lady said was Qingyu?"

After being answered and matched by these two people, Qingyu was about to take the position of the leader.

"The two are talking about us?"

Bessie walked out of the large cluster of flowers slowly, with a slight smile on her face.

Seeing that Qingyu's people were all in casual clothes, the face of the people in the real family changed. No matter how many conflicts there were before, now the real family will huddle together, at least until there is no conflict of interest.

Now that Qingyu is the largest faction and the most powerful faction of the reality family, it is impossible to make mistakes in details. Since they are wearing casual clothes, have they communicated with people from the ancient family?
Bei Sitian knew that Chu Fenglei was kindly reminding her. In fact, when she stood up now, she was basically not a human being inside and outside. She didn't know what the old family was doing. There would definitely be great dissatisfaction on the real family side.

Of course, Beth Tian didn't care if it was before, but at this stage where the ancient aristocratic family suddenly poured into the present world, there can't be too many contradictions.

Wen Xin's eyes lit up when she saw Bei Sitian, she smiled softly and said, "Sister Bei knows the theme of this banquet, why didn't she inform us in advance."

Her words were almost the finishing touch, and immediately ignited the conflicts among the people in the present family.

Bei Sitian didn't give her this chance, so she turned her head and said to Nie Yunsheng with a smile: "I have to ask Mr. Nie about it. Thanks to asking the waiters about the dos and don'ts of the banquet, I realized that it was a casual banquet. It’s only a step late if you pick the right casual clothes.”

After a pause, she turned her head and said to Wen Xin: "But I can't call Sister Wen a big sister. If I remember correctly, Sister Wen is several years older than me, and she is thirty-five now?"

Wen Xin's face turned blue, how could she have imagined that Bei Sitian would reveal her age in public!

Once a woman turns 35, she doesn't want to talk about her age anymore, especially a very beautiful woman who still treats herself as a baby, and when so many people say she's [-], she's just...

Bei Sitian's explanation is very reasonable. In fact, when attending a banquet, most people will inquire about some taboos and precautions in advance, so as to avoid making a fool of themselves at the banquet. There are also people present who want to inquire about it, but unfortunately they don't know anyone here , and no one expected to ask the waiter.

Bei Sitian directly shifted the contradiction to the forward contradiction, and no one would find it abrupt. They all looked at Nie Yunsheng, wanting to see if he would give an explanation.

I also want to use this to see the real attitude of these ancient families towards the present family.

After all, from the perspective of the Nie family, it seems to be the leader of an ancient family.

If Bei Sitian knew what they were thinking, she would definitely shake her head helplessly. How could she make a correct judgment if she didn't even know the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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