Chapter 1100 Praise You Turn Your Head
Jing Yuanxi was not very afraid of Lu Xuehan, and when she heard her call her name, she just stuck out her tongue.

Lu Xuehan was frustrated here, and felt helpless with the little fat man and Jing Yuanxi, so she put this hatred on the boy in this world, whoever made him disobedient just now, if he obediently came over, she would not be unable to step down.

When Lu Xuehan was about to leave, she gave Luo Yirui a hard look, a boy in this world, waiting to show you a good look!

It's a pity that Luo Yirui didn't see the vicious look in his eyes, but he was deeply aware of the pissing nature of the children of the big family, and his actions just now definitely offended that girl.

But so what, if there is no adult to intervene, even though the children here are older than him, he is not afraid of any of them.

Luo Yirui observed the children of the ancient family, and they were also observing the children of the present world. Among these children of the present world, Luo Yirui was undoubtedly the most powerful, but it was far behind the ancient family.

Little Fatty, Jing Yuanxi and others are geniuses of their respective genres, but among the entire ancient family, they can only be ranked in the middle and bottom, while the current family is the top, and even children who spread the word that they can light up magic spells can only reach this level. levels.

Many people from ancient families paid attention to this child of the current Qingyu school, but after actually seeing it, the result was disappointing.

The child who was touted to go to heaven was only at this level.

In fact, for the present world, Qingyu's child is quite good. After all, he is still young, but because the previous expectations were too high, or the rumors he heard were too exaggerated, so that he was disappointed when he saw his true level. .

The children here in this world were originally very proud. After all, they were the proud sons of the family, but when they saw the children of the other family, they felt a sense of inferiority in their hearts.

As for the strength of those children, someone with an easy-to-perceive physique told them long ago.

The two sides looked at each other and judged, the children who knew each other stayed together, and those who didn't know didn't get together casually. In this kind of environment, it is possible to make a mistake if you say a word.

The adults didn't start touching each other, and neither did the kids.

There seems to be a huge gap between the two sides, which cannot be crossed and does not want to cross.

This time the garden party was organized by the Nie family. No one guessed his purpose, but it was undoubtedly a big meeting between the ancient family and the current family, but no one thought of it. No, only the current family did not think of it. The ancient family people are not easy to get along with.

If Bei Sitian knew what these people thought, she would definitely laugh her teeth off. If she was easy to get in touch with, she would not be called a giant crocodile. Every time Bei Sitian heard this name, she would be more defensive.

The other party is likely to eat meat without spitting out bones.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, the children suddenly took action.

A little fat man walked towards the living family with a big bucket of popcorn in his arms, followed by a little girl.

The two of them came to Qing Yu's child together, and then... grabbed a handful of popcorn for him.

This is the second time Luo Yirui saw those fat popcorn hands covered with saliva, she was speechless for a while, and said, "Thank you, but I don't like to eat other people's saliva."

Hearing him be so straightforward, the little fat man and the little girl were startled, and then when the little fat man turned dark, the little girl laughed.

"Master just praised you for turning your head just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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