Chapter 1101 Feeling
The little fat man was a little aggrieved, he was actually disgusted!

"My saliva is not something everyone can eat, you should cherish it!" The little fat man said seriously.

The corner of Luo Yirui's mouth twitched uncontrollably, "You are so disgusting."


Jing Yuanxi covered her mouth and smiled lightly, the three of them talked here without any scruples, completely ignoring the gazes of both sides.

Since such a banquet is held to communicate with others, no one can control who they communicate with.

Originally, the ancient family and the current family did not have deep hatred, but no one was willing to talk to anyone, and some people even thought that these two children were arranged by Nie Yunsheng.

In the end, except for the two particularly aloof teenagers, the rest of the children got together and chatted with each other. The children of the ancient family still looked down on the children of the present family to some extent, and most of them only looked for themselves. The same goes for familiar people, including present family members.

Only the three people on the little fat man's side got together.

Jing Yuanxi's eyes lit up when she saw the black cat in Luo Yirui's arms. She looked at the black coal ball with fondness, and asked, "I also want to raise a cat, but unfortunately my parents don't allow it."

Luo Yirui didn't give the black coal ball to Jing Yuanxi, not because he was stingy, but because this is not a cat at all, if it hurts the other party, or if someone notices it, it won't be too bad.

"Black briquettes are more fierce, you'd better not touch them." Luo Yirui said, he felt a little kind to this girl named Jing Yuanxi, which seemed a little baffling.

The little fat man was eating popcorn on his own. No one shared the food with him. He could only eat alone. Fortunately, after all, it was only for him alone.

The three introduced themselves to each other, and Luo Yirui found out that the two of them knew his name, and knew that the ancient family must have frequently inquired about Qing Yu's information.

"You refuted Lu Xuehan's face just now, but you have to be careful, that girl is very narrow-minded, she will definitely find a chance to take revenge on you." The little fat man said.

As long as she is not as good as her, she will always look aloof.

Luo Yirui thanked her, she was already on guard in her heart,

After chatting for a while, Luo Yirui learned other information about these two children. The little fat man is from the Xunyue school, Jing Yuanxi is from the Penge school, and Lu Xuehan is from the Yunhai school.

Speaking of the Sea of ​​Clouds school, Luo Yirui thought of that uncle named Gu Haiqing, he also belonged to the Sea of ​​Clouds school, but he didn't know his status.

When everyone is chatting, a lot of information is exchanged with each other. Be obedient and listen to the sound. You can't just listen to the surface of many words, you must learn to think, and you must be cautious when answering.

Even if he looked at the loose little fat man, he never said anything casually.

Fatty and Jing Yuanxi did not introduce children from other schools and families to him, and Luo Yirui did not ask too much, the two sides had a tacit understanding.

However, Luo Yirui could tell that these children from the ancient family didn't seem to be too close to Nie Kaihuan, because another high-cold boy, with the best qualifications besides Nie Kaihuan, was surrounded by some people from time to time.

Moreover, Luo Yirui discovered something. These children seemed to be unfamiliar with their peers. Luo Yirui felt that communicating with them was more comfortable than communicating with classmates' homes at school.

At this time, a woman came over, Luo Yirui looked over and found that it was the woman who stopped the car when the car broke down on the road.

"Yuanxi, come and eat something." The woman said with a smile.

 Today's update is here

(End of this chapter)

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