Chapter 674
The medical skills exchange meeting is a great opportunity for those who are prepared to become famous, and it is a big platform for those who have other goals. Usually, there will not be so many sects of mysterious medical families gathered together.

Because of this, the exchange meeting has become a grand meeting for profound doctors, the most anticipated opportunity every four years.

Bei Sitian got the qualification token to participate in the competition by accident, or someone did it intentionally. Her original intention was not to be too public, but because of Bei Jiale's words, she changed her mind. This turned into an opportunity instead.

On the third day, Bei Sitian didn't go, because the stored milk was gone, and the weather is still relatively cold, so the extra milk can be stored for a few days, so Qin thought whether to buy a refrigerator.

"I see, let's buy one. How about saving milk for the child? When I went to Xiao Zhou's house that day, there was a green refrigerator with upper and lower doors. It's great." Qin said.

She had wanted to buy it for a long time, but she didn't make any money. That refrigerator was so expensive, how could she be willing to buy it? What's more, Bethtian bought two Peony refrigerators for the two yards a while ago because she was afraid that she would be bored. The color TV was replaced by the second-hand black and white one, but it cost a lot of money.

Fortunately, the calligraphy and painting shop opened by Luo Anguo has already started to make a profit. Although the initial expenses were all paid by his son and daughter-in-law, after making a profit, it is not a waste of time to open such a shop. refrigerator.

When Bei Sitian has something to do, the three little ones won't be hungry if there is ready-made milk. Qin doesn't like to use milk powder from the bottom of her heart, and it's best for this child to drink breast milk.

What's more, Beth Tian is in good health and can take care of her own body. The nutrition of breast milk is far higher than that of milk powder, so except for the milk powder meal at night, Qin basically let her children drink breast milk.

Because there is no refrigerator, the milk cannot be stored for two days, and Bei Sitian has been running out every day for the past two days, and the "storage" of the three children will soon bottom out.

Today, Mrs. Qin won't let Bei Sitian go without saying anything. If she leaves again, what will the three children eat!
Naturally, Bei Sitian couldn't watch what the three babies didn't eat, so she obediently stayed with the cute babies for a day.

She watched the three little guys arch their bodies trying to sit up on the big bed, and laughed.

When she smiled, the three little guys looked at her with black grape-like eyes, ignorant and curious.

Seeing the silly and cute looks of the three little guys, Bei Sitian's whole heart was almost melted.

Luo Yixuan and Luo Yiqian are separated by elder brother Luo Yirui, because the little ones can't move by themselves, so there won't be too much danger, but this is not a long-term solution, when the children can walk and run, the two adults may not Can stand them.

When Bei Sitian thought of this, the smile on her face faded a lot. Seeing the three children start to lose their minds, she would feel very anxious at this time, hoping to find a solution as soon as possible.

When Mrs. Qin came in, she saw Bei Sitian in a daze, glanced at the three soft and cute babies, and sighed. If there were no such problem, how happy this big family would be happy!
Mrs. Qin doesn't say this, because the one who is most worried and worried here is Beth Tian, ​​the mother. She can't add any more worries to her, so she can only share as much as possible for her, so that she can have some peace of mind. More time to do my own thing.

If it wasn't for the fact that the child had no milk today, she wouldn't have kept Bei Sitian at home.

But there is no food in stock, and there will be no milk tomorrow...

Qin raised her head, what should I do?
It's okay to keep Bei Sitian for a day, but these few days are critical times, so we can't keep her every day.

"Fortunately, the baby was given milk powder from the beginning, otherwise the baby would not be able to adapt to drinking milk powder suddenly." Qin said.

Now the child's poop is golden, which is good. When I started to drink milk powder before, it was still green, and I changed to another milk powder, which is better.

"Okay, if you're too busy, you can leave. Gao Ma and I have family affairs." Qin said.

"It's okay, just take a day off." Bessian said.

She wants to take advantage of today to prepare. Since it is a competition, the ones who appear must be masters. She never underestimates any opponent. After all, she is not a real 20-year-old who is passionate and knows the heights of the sky and the earth.

After the three children drank a pack of milk, they fell asleep on their own while arching on the bed. They could eat and sleep, which was very worry-free compared to many children.

Mrs. Qin was watching the child here, Gao Ma went to wash the diapers and small clothes for the child, and Bei Sitian went to the Westinghouse to prepare some needed things.

Bei Sitian has a special small warehouse. In the middle of her and Luo Xudong's bedroom, it is a small partition partitioned by Luo Xudong, with an invisible door lock.

What is an invisible door lock? There will be some calligraphy and paintings hanging in the bedrooms of Bei Sitian and Luo Xudong. There are two full-face landscape paintings on the symmetrical walls of the home, one of which is at the head of the big bed. This landscape painting There is a door hidden in the middle, the door gap is hidden in the painting, and the keyhole is also hidden in it, even if you know it and you can look for it, you may not be able to find it.

The big bed looks like one piece, but it is actually folded. This is a big bed that was specially replaced for the small warehouse where precious medicinal materials are placed.

Qin Shi and Luo Anguo both know about this matter, Gao Ma and the others will not be allowed to stay here alone in the bedroom, and there are people at home. After having a child, Qin Shi will stay here for a long time, so I don't worry about it Someone will find out.

Every time Bei Sitian went in and out at night after Gao Ma and others got off work, it can be said that this small warehouse is quite hidden.

The medicinal materials inside were either purchased by Bei Sitian herself, or given by others, such as the Wei family, the Tian family will also send them, and some precious medicinal materials collected by Ma Tianlai and Peng Baolai for her, you can take them here casually Going out and selling one kind can cover the expenses of an ordinary family for two years.

Because to prepare things for the competition, Bei Sitian had to think about what kind of talisman to make and what kind of medicinal materials needed to be incorporated, and prepared the medicinal materials in advance.

The amount of medicinal materials is usually not much, but there are many types, and there is a sequence of incorporation, and the time is very short, which requires the mysterious doctor to have a very high ability to control the medicinal materials.

After Bei Sitian thought about the mysterious talisman to be made, she began to match the medicinal materials.

Many laymen only know how much medicinal materials are mixed in to see the ability of a mysterious doctor, but in fact, this is a great question for a mysterious doctor!

The more you incorporate, the better, but the more you incorporate, the more stringent you will be in terms of types, and there will be extremely high requirements for the ratio of quantities. The amount of control must be just right, in order to see the true ability of a mysterious doctor.

 Thank you for your concern, the rabbit is healed, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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