Chapter 675
In the evening, Luo Xudong came back and saw Mrs. Qin watching the child in the bedroom. Gao Ma was packing up and was about to go home from get off work. She asked, "Mother, where is Sitian?"

"In the Westinghouse, she is busy. You came back early today." Qin asked.

Qin didn't know what Bei Sitian and Luo Xudong were going to do, but the time when the two went home was usually regular.

When Bei Sitian locked herself in the west room, she was studying the mysterious talisman. Luo Xudong didn't bother her when she heard the words, and sat by the bed watching the three little guys.

From the moment he entered the room, the three little guys raised their heads and looked at him. The youngest Luo Yiqian's head was still a little wobbly. She was the youngest when she was born, weighing only three catties, so she developed later than her elder brothers and sisters.

Stared at by three pairs of big black grape-like eyes, Luo Xudong's stern face softened a lot, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly unconsciously.

When these three little guys were born, Luo Xudong actually didn't feel much, and he didn't have any feelings. He only knew that he was their father, that's all.

Even when he was holding the children, he felt incredible. He just felt that they were too small, so small that a palm could support them.

Now watching them grow up day by day, every time they have new changes, they will turn over and smile at you, Luo Xudong feels very happy, this kind of happiness is not worse than completing a difficult task.

Little by little, Luo Xudong's attitude towards the three little buns has completely changed now, especially for his two daughters.

Luo Xudong picked up Luo Yixuan who was closest to him, and kissed her on the delicate forehead, the little guy immediately giggled, and the other two stared at her with their small mouths open and their big eyes wide open.

Luo Yiqian needs to rely on the quilt to sit firmly behind her, and Luo Yirui can already sit steadily. When he saw his sister being hugged, he also wanted to hug him, and he said "Ah, ah" twice, and his chubby little body stretched out. Immediately lying on the bed, the little buttocks were lifted up, and the little body leaned forward with this force.

"Oh, hahahaha, my little ancestor, you can actually crawl at such a young age. Ouch, I laughed so hard. Look at this little move, it looks like a little worm. It's so cute, grandma and grandson!" Qin couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, picked up Luo Yirui and kissed again and again.

Luo Yiqian on the side didn't know whether she saw her brothers and sisters being hugged or peeing, she flattened her mouth and burst into tears.

She couldn't sit still at first, but she tilted her body and fell on the bed when she was crying, and howled even more this time, she was so confident.

Seeing this, Mrs. Qin couldn't stop laughing, reached out and hugged the little one up, "Oh, it's so cute, grandma hugs you too, grandma hugs you too!"

With these three little buns, although she was a bit tired, Qin was more happy and satisfied. The three little buns were so cute.

Qin shi hugged this one, teased that one, and told Luo Xudong to kiss children less. Adults have a lot of bacteria on their mouths, and children have weak resistance, so they can't kiss children all the time.

Since the Qin family had grandchildren from different generations, they often learn from the people around them, and often get in touch with some professionals, such as Professor Qiu, such as in-laws and grandparents. They have richer parenting knowledge than Bei Sitian and Luo Xudong.

On weekdays, Qin always reminded them of some precautions.

Not long after, Beth Tian came over and saw Gao Ma leaving, and was going to enter the small warehouse at night. The mysterious charms that needed to be made and the Chinese herbal medicines that needed to be mixed had all been listed, and the proportions had been matched.

In fact, Mama Gao can live here, and there is still a spare room in the yard for the helpers, but Beth Tian has a lot of secrets, and she needs some private space, so she explained this when she first hired her. .

Bei Sitian came in and saw the two smiling happily, and saw a small cute baby hanging on the tall and tall Luo Xudong. This parallax made Bei Sitian fix her eyes on them, one was her husband, the other was Her cute baby, no matter how you look at it, you feel heartwarming.

"Gao Ma has already prepared the meal, Xiao Tian'er, I'll be busy after dinner." Seeing Bei Sitian coming in, Mrs. Qin was ready to greet her for dinner.

In the past two days, she came back late, and Luo Xudong didn't come back early, neither of them had a good meal at home.

Mrs. Qin went to call Luo Xuping, and Bei Sitian turned to Luo Xudong, "Didn't you accept the task of the exchange meeting? Why haven't I seen you?"

Luo Xudong looked at those beautiful eyes, and his pink lips seemed to be calling him, he lowered his head and quickly touched her lips, and then said nonchalantly: "Not only did you not see me, did you? You didn’t see any of them, did you?”

Bei Sitian didn't expect Luo Xudong to make a sneak attack, her pretty face flushed instantly, and from the corner of her eye she saw her third brother Mengbao looking at them ignorantly, even though she knew they didn't understand anything, she still felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing that Luo Xudong was still answering her seriously, Bei Sitian stared at her beautiful eyes and reached out to twist his waist, but found that the tentacles were so hard that she couldn't grab any fat.

Luo Xudong turned his head and looked at her with a half-smile, "On purpose? You sleep with me every day, and you still don't know if I have flesh on my waist?"

Seeing Bei Sitian's coquettish look, even though she was staring at him, she was smiling, her delicate appearance really made people's heart slapped, he gently stroked Bei Sitian's face, and then grabbed her hands on his waist.

"You can tell me if you want to touch it, I won't refuse you." Luo Xudong said with the corners of his mouth curled up.

After saying these words, I felt the place where Bessian's delicate palm was attached to my lower abdomen was hot. It was like a spark that ignited in an instant.

Luo Xudong glanced at the three small light bulbs, and suddenly smiled wryly. He is self-inflicted, and Bei Sitian can't bear the palm of his hand. What should he do now?
Beth sweet lowered her head, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Looking at Bessian's big blurry eyes, if it wasn't for the cunning in her eyes that betrayed her, he would have almost taken it seriously.

Luo Xudong stared at Bei Sitian with a pair of deep eyes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth faded, "What do you want to do?"

His broad back was facing the three little buns. The three little buns had already started turning over and sitting up daily, so they didn't care what their parents were doing.

Just as Bei Sitian wanted to run away, Luo Xudong's hand gripped her even tighter.

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(End of this chapter)

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