Chapter 676 Pay the Price
Facing Luo Xudong's deep and fiery gaze, Bei Sitian was defeated, not daring to continue flirting, slightly lowered her head and said in embarrassment: "Stop making trouble, the children are still here."

Luo Xudong bent down slightly, pressing down his broad chest, "Do you still know that the children are there? What about the enthusiasm just now~"

Beth Tian blushed and stared at him fiercely.

"I'm still not convinced. Let's wait for the child to fall asleep tonight." Luo Xudong said, and let go of her hand. He will never let her go tonight!
You always have to pay for your actions!

That night, Bei Sitian really paid a painful price for her actions, even if she went to bed early, she did not escape.

The next day, Bei Sitian didn't wake up until after ten o'clock. After Tian Zhi finished the breakfast prepared by Mrs. Qin early, she started her thesis in the living room, waiting for Bei Sitian to wake up.

When Bei Sitian came out, she saw Tian Zhi immersed in her thesis. She felt a little embarrassed, but she didn't show it on her face.

"Waiting for a long time?" Bessie asked.

Tian Zhi was so engrossed that it wasn't until Bei Sitian spoke that he realized that the master had already come to the front. He shook his head and said, "No, he just came here."

Qin Shi came in and heard the words secretly, what just came here, it has been here for two hours, this child is also, he doesn't even have the concept of time when doing things.

Beth Tian poured three glasses of water and put them on the tea table, then went to wash up.

The reason why I was able to sleep late today was because of Luo Xudong's 'revenge' yesterday, and because she and the child slept separately.

Because he had to make a mysterious talisman last night, he slept separately from the children, which also gave Luo Xudong an opportunity to take advantage of it.

It was still Tian Zhi who drove, and the two of them went to the old warehouse together. Although it was only two days, a whole food festival and commercial street developed in the surrounding area because of the exchange meeting, and the surrounding villages were rented out.

The village here has a very strong retro taste. With a little decoration, it is very similar to some cultural villages. It has the style and characteristics of the local villages and towns, but it also has a modern cultural atmosphere.

It is also the first time for many mysterious doctors to come to the capital. While participating in the exchange meeting, they can also go around and eat some old BJ's special snacks. They are still very satisfied. After all, their time is very tight. , I'm afraid I have to go back in a hurry, and I rarely have time to visit BJ City.

Bei Sitian and Tian Zhi are going to stay here for the whole morning, and then go to the surrounding area in the afternoon. This exchange meeting is very famous in the circle, so many medicine farmers will come here, bringing some precious Chinese herbal medicines, selling them at a high price. It's not high, and sometimes you can find some treasures.

This was also what Bei Sitian heard from Wei Zhongxun yesterday, and it was only then that she remembered to tell her that it was speechless enough.

Beth Tian wondered if she could collect some good herbs. If she could find the herbs in her heart, it would greatly increase the effectiveness of her mysterious talisman.

Bei Sitian didn't go to the exchange table anymore, but just watched other people exchange. During the period, Bei Sitian saw a few people who got the qualification tokens for the competition, and they were very excited.

Big families and big factions are all eligible for the competition. Even if many people call it unfair, there is no way. There are not so many fair things in the world.

Some idle mysterious doctors and some mysterious doctors of small families and small sects have to exchange tables to get official recognition and get competition qualification tokens.

Table exchange is an opportunity for most mysterious doctors, a chance to become famous.

Because it was similar to the process of the previous two days, except that the level of the shooters was getting higher and higher, Bei Sitian also felt bored, so she planned to call Tian Zhi to leave.

Walking out of the old warehouse and coming to the parking lot, Tian Zhi was about to drive when he heard a quarrel not far away.

Tian Zhi glanced at Bei Sitian, because he heard that the voice seemed to belong to Xiao Yuzhu.

As expected, Bei Sitian stopped, but only stopped, and didn't go over to have a look, Tian Zhi naturally wouldn't go there either.

But this time it seemed that it was not as simple as a quarrel between children, and the voices of adults were also mixed in during the period.

"Brother Liu, with all due respect, no matter how good Xiaozhu's qualifications are, if the Liu family doesn't have enough funds to make a offering, I'm afraid no family is willing to take her. Do you know how much a slightly better family's offerings are for a year? fifty thousand!"

After the man finished speaking, the surrounding area was obviously silent for a few seconds.

"Brother Liu, the offering of [-] yuan has been paid for several years. Although the mysterious doctor is superior to others, he is a human being after all, not a god who does not eat the fireworks of the world. Why should he use good resources for nothing to cultivate other people's family?" child?"

"So, brother Liu, why not join our Yang family, we are in the same province anyway, and being united is also a force!"

Hearing this, Bei Sitian basically guessed who the two parties were.

Joining the Yang family means to put it nicely, or to put it badly, it means being annexed, and there will be no more Liu family in the future. The better ones will be vassals, and the name of the Yang family will be crowned in front of the Liu family, which is worse. What's more, she was completely reduced to the Yang family's domestic servant!
Disciple you say?It will not be reused by the Yang family for at least three generations, and it will depend on performance after three generations.

How could Liu Xinghua agree to such a thing!


"Let me think about it, give me some time..."


This is Xiao Yuzhu's exclamation.

Bei Sitian could feel that Xiao Yuzhu was not the only Liu family over there, but after Liu Xinghua said such surprising words, no one was surprised.

"Hahahaha, Old Brother Liu is really a wise person. Then I will wait for your good news. I don't have much patience and time. Just after this exchange meeting is over."

After the man finished speaking, he heard footsteps, and he appeared in Bessian's sight after a while.

Bei Sitian saw that the leader was an old man with meticulously combed hair and wearing a brand-new Chinese tunic suit, followed by several men and women, all around 40 years old. Among the crowd, a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl named Yang Yun Walking with a proud face.

Not long after they left, they didn't see the members of the Liu family coming out, but heard their voices.

"Grandpa, why did you say that!" Xiao Yuzhu's unbelievable voice came.

A faint sigh sounded, "Son, in fact, the family is already very bad. The Liu family has been severely suppressed by the Yang family in recent years. Your third uncle and fifth uncle have been framed and poured dirty water, so that the reputation of the Liu family has plummeted. Business We have been hit repeatedly, and the [-] offerings we can take out are only enough for one year..."

Xiao Yuzhu was stunned.

She couldn't believe these things were true.

"Grandpa didn't want to tell you, but you have reached this point, even if you are young, you should know something."

In the future, grandpa might not be able to protect you anymore, that's why he is so eager to find you a home.

 Sorry, I only got home early yesterday morning, and I didn't have time to inform you. Today's second update will be late, and the normal update will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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