Chapter 809

Considering the particularity of the mission, the military department not only specially invited two major factions, but also recruited them, which fully demonstrated the strength of the military department, and also made some self-proclaimed great factions and big families see clearly the future trend.

In particular, one of the big schools is Qingyu, which has caused everyone to talk about it. Qingyu has not appeared for a while since the banquet held by the association. Just when everyone thought they were going to disappear again, they were invited to assist the military to complete the task .

The actions of big schools and big families are usually the weathervanes of small and medium-sized families. The practices of the ancient wood school and the Qingyu school have made many people think.

On this day, Zhan Lanqi found Chen Jinliang and said, "You said that since sister-in-law is a mysterious doctor, shouldn't she participate in this call to help Master Luo?"

Chen Jinliang shrugged. He was not impressed by this beautiful military doctor, "You have to ask sister-in-law about this, but I heard that sister-in-law is very good."

Zhan Lanqi nodded, "My sister-in-law must be very good. If you have a husband like Mr. Luo, what can you do if you don't have any skills?"

He said so in his mouth, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart. When he knew that Bei Sitian was a mysterious doctor, he was surprised for a while, but thinking about it, even if he was a mysterious doctor, he should be the kind of little mysterious doctor with little ability. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Chen Jinliang to nest in that small courtyard all day long, and if he is really famous, it is impossible for Chen Jinliang not to know about it.

Big schools usually have certain rules, and it is impossible to let Beth Tian stay at home to look after the children all day, so Zhan Lanqi is almost sure that Beth Tian is not a member of a big school.

"You are familiar with sister-in-law. You should persuade sister-in-law. After all, Mr. Luo will never be in any danger again. You must help Mr. Luo." Zhan Lanqi said.

She didn't want to go to that small courtyard anymore, Bei Sitian's mouth was very annoying, she couldn't take advantage of it at all, Chen Jinliang and Bei Sitian were familiar, if he said it, Bei Sitian would definitely be tempted.

Chen Jinliang is so stupid, how could he act as an errand runner just by saying a few words, besides, this is a matter between husband and wife, so he can control it.

He neither agreed nor said he would not agree, so Zhan Lanqi took it as his acquiescence.

Zhan Lanqi didn't mean to praise Bei Sitian. Since Bei Sitian is a mysterious doctor, she must know the ancient wood school, and if she knew the ancient wood school, she would naturally know the gap between her and her.

She wanted Bei Sitian to recognize herself clearly. Mysterious medicine is not something she can show off. She doesn't have a strong school or a solid family background. To put it bluntly, she is just a little doctor.

She also wanted to let Bei Sitian know clearly that she couldn't help her husband at all, but that she was an outsider and could help him.

Zhan Lanqi always felt a pity that a good cabbage was so humiliated by a pig. Thinking about it, I felt very angry!
It took less than three days in total from sending out the invitation to responding, from the beginning of the recruitment to the end, and the military responded to this mission quite quickly.

This time, the invited ones were Qingyu School and Gumu School. The Gumu School did not come from the elders, because the elders are not yet powerful, and there must be great talents to come forward. However, because some things in the school were delayed, the Gumu School was invited. Da Neng is temporarily unavailable.

Two people came from the Gumu sect. Although they are not powerful, they are also very good mystic doctors with rich experience. He politely apologized on behalf of Da Neng, and his attitude was quite sincere.

As for the Qingyu School, two people also came, Bei Sitian and Tian Zhi, who brought Tian Zhi to let Tian Zhi have some experience, this is a good opportunity for experience.

As for the other conscripts, some families and factions also came. Basically, they are above the average level. There are no big families. After all, everyone needs face.
In addition to these recruited families and sects, the Mysterious Medicine Association also sent people over. Although the military and government were not the same, the attitude of the association showed their position.

The people who came this time are considered to be quite powerful. Some of the clans recruited here are aimed at Qingyu and Gumu. They want to see the strength of the two big families. It is right to learn from it. up.

These people are not ordinary people. Since the military department has invited them over, they will naturally not neglect it. This is not a first-tier city, but the place where the mysterious doctors stay is a five-star hotel, and the entire fifth and sixth floors are all covered. Pack it down.

This trip, Bei Sitian came with Luo Xudong. Although it was not the first time that Luo Xudong and Luo Xudong rode in the same military vehicle, but it was a matter of business. It always felt different and very fresh.

Seeing Bei Sitian's smiling face, Luo Xudong sighed helplessly.

Seeing that Chen Jinliang was not paying attention, Bei Sitian stretched out her hand to pinch his face and pulled it away, and said in a low voice, "Don't always sigh, I can protect myself."

Luo Xudong grabbed her dishonest paw and held it in his hand, and glanced at her, which was both helpless and pampering.

Chen Jinliang drove without squinting, the villain in his heart was flipping the table, can you stop abusing the dog if you disagree, even though he is not single, but he can't bring his family!

He quickly raised his eyes and glanced at the rearview mirror. Although he said in his heart not to abuse the dog, he was looking forward to Mr. Luo's next move. How boring is it to touch his little hands?
But this glance happened to meet Luo Xudong's condensed eyes. Although it was from the rearview mirror, it still made him sweat immediately. He immediately put aside his distracting thoughts and drove honestly.

When they finally arrived at the hotel, Luo Xudong and Bei Sitian got out of the car together. Zhan Lanqi was already waiting at the door, and when she saw this, she walked over generously with a hearty smile on her face.

"Mr. Luo, sister-in-law, you have worked hard all the way here." Zhan Lanqi said with a smile.

Zhan Lanqi glanced at Chen Jinliang with a smile on her face, this guy is really awesome, unexpectedly he persuaded Bei Sitian to come over.

Chen Jinliang was baffled by her smile.

A group of people entered the hotel together.

"The mysterious doctors are arranged on the sixth floor, separate from those in the military department. Mr. Luo, do you want to apply to the higher authorities, you and your sister-in-law?" Zhan Lanqi asked.

"No need." Luo Xudong's face darkened slightly, showing a bit of displeasure.

The smile flashed across Zhan Lanqi's eyes, and she knew that Luo Xudong would never abandon the public for personal reasons in the mission. She glanced at Bei Sitian with a little smugness in her eyes, but no one noticed.

Luo Xudong also glanced at Bei Sitian faintly, it's very good, he actually asked to sleep in a separate room with him!

Regarding Bei Sitian's request, Luo Xudong had already been bored all the way, and finally waited until Xiao Baozi was no longer by his side. Although he would not mess around during the task, he could still enjoy a moment of tenderness during the break.


The aura around Luo Xudong became more and more gloomy.

 Ask for a ticket! !
(End of this chapter)

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