Chapter 810 Didn't Know She Was Coming

The reason why Bei Sitian and Luo Xudong slept separately was because she knew that the army had military discipline, and she didn't want Luo Xudong to break the discipline because of this.

Beth Tian's room number is 607. Although it is not the highest specification, there is also a small hall connected to the bedroom. The large floor-to-ceiling windows look very trendy. I heard that the night view is very beautiful.

As soon as the things were put away, Tian Zhi came to find them. They came separately. Tian Zhi was not in BJ at that time, and came here directly after getting the news.

"Master, is this your room?" After Tian Zhi entered, a look of surprise flashed across his face.


Tian Zhi scratched his head and said, "Don't they know that you are the head of the Qingyu school? Both the Gumu school and the Qingyu school arrange the highest-standard suites, on the top floor!"

At this moment, Bei Sitian also suddenly realized that the room was arranged by Zhan Lanqi, and she came with Luo Xudong. Zhan Lanqi probably didn't know about her relationship with Qingyu, so there was such an arrangement.

"Master, I'll go and tell them." Tian Zhi said.

Beth Tian stopped him, "It doesn't matter where you live, the environment here is not bad, it's so late, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Living anywhere is not as comfortable as living at home. Beth Tian really doesn't care too much about it. This is not going out for a trip, but going out for business. It's the same everywhere.

Seeing this, Tian Zhi stopped talking and started chatting with Beth Tian.

"Speaking of which, this time the ancient wood school invited Chu Zhicheng, but it seems that there is something wrong, and he hasn't arrived yet. The person who came is also a powerful figure of the ancient wood school. His name is Lin Yunping. Master, have you heard of this person?"

Beth nodded. Lin Yunping's name is really well-known in the world of mysterious medicine. Although he can't make magical symbols, he is quite capable in both making symbols and dispensing medicines. It reached more than 110 at the time, which is the latest achievement.

This achievement is already quite impressive without being able to tap the spirit to become a talisman. It is indeed the mainstay of the ancient wood school!
"I heard that Lin Yunping has a lot of experience in practicing medicine, and even solved two intractable diseases in the intractable disease project. He is now sixty, right?" Bei Sitian asked.

Tian Zhi nodded. He knew that he wanted to participate in this kind of political mission, so he did his homework on the way here. He was young, with little experience and inexperience. He didn't want to weaken Qing Yu's reputation, so he gave it to Tutoring by himself, whether it is the task itself or the people who came to the meeting this time, he has done it.

"He's about 63 years old. However, from what I've heard, this person has a bad personality. He's certainly arrogant. The most important thing is that he seems to be relying on his old age. In this way, the master may encounter some troubles." Tian Zhi said.

But all mysterious doctors are quite arrogant, especially those who are capable. This cooperation should be the first time that the ancient wood school has cooperated with the army. If Lin Yunping really took the airs, it might not go well.

Luo Xudong is good at leading troops and has a high degree of mission completion, but he is not a member of the circle of mysterious doctors, so he will inevitably be a little passive in terms of the right to speak, so she has to be a proud person this time.

Beth sweet decided to play it by ear.

Only one of the ancient wood sect came, followed by the conscripted families and sects, as well as those sent by the association to assist. There were a total of twelve people, which can be regarded as quite a large number of people.

Tian Zhi did a lot of homework, and after Bei Sitian got to know him a little bit, he went back to rest.

In the evening, Luo Xudong and other military personnel held a task meeting on their own, and the mysterious doctors could rest normally.

Early the next morning, the mystical doctors gathered in a small conference hall of this five-star hotel. Because of the high level of secrecy, the hotel was not closed, but opened normally, but the power behind it more than tripled , this small conference hall was also remodeled by the military department before it was used.

Fang Yushan and Zhou Biwu appeared in the small conference hall. The two of them are the primary and secondary persons in charge this time, so they will naturally appear. As for Wu Yuekai and Chen Jingfeng, it doesn't matter whether they appear or not. They are the commanders of the preparations, and the reinforcements arranged in advance force.

But any arrangement of reinforcements in advance shows that the mission is very dangerous.

After Zhou Biwu came in, he saw Bei Sitian who was sitting in the back row, and his face flashed with joy. He still didn't get in touch with anyone, because of the compact nature of the mission, he didn't bother to look for Wu Yuekai and others to find her. I didn't expect her to appear here anyway, was she recruited?

He always felt that it was more than enough to be invited with Beth Tian's ability, but she was not well-known herself, and it was impossible for the military to invite unknown people, which was also a helpless move.

There are nameplates on each table, and there are only two people whose names are listed separately, and the rest are based on the family. Natural doctors are seated according to the nameplates, and the seats of the ancient wood school and the blue feather school are at the front.

Because there were only Lin Yunping and Tian Zhi's names on the table, and Bei Sitian's name did not appear, so Bei Sitian sat at the back, and it seemed that the military department thought she hadn't come.

Bei Sitian didn't intend to come out at this time to explain specifically, so she seemed to care about these false names, and sitting in the back, she could clearly see the status of many people.

Tian Zhi knew Bei Sitian's temperament, and never cared about these things, but after that, he had better talk to the military department, and he didn't know who arranged it, so careless.

Even if Bei Sitian came with Luo Xudong, why did she have to ask which family or school she belonged to, and arranged for her directly, which is a bit remiss.

At this moment, the dereliction of duty person is sitting with other people from the military department. Zhan Lanqi glanced at Bei Sitian who was sitting at the back, with a smile on his face, and let you see what a real consultation with a mysterious doctor is. What's it like.

She didn't think that Bei Sitian could gain much knowledge by staying in that small courtyard. As for the level, although she didn't know yet, she was not well-known at all, so she might be about the same as her.

Zhan Lanqi subconsciously thought so, without even considering other possibilities.

Luo Xudong did not appear in the small conference hall. He was the executor of this mission. He didn't need to listen to the things that he was about to tell the mysterious doctors. Naturally, he deployed them outside.

Fang Yushan sat at the front, his face was less serious and more smiling. The people below were not his soldiers, but some arrogant mysterious doctors, so his attitude was naturally calmer.

"Thank you for being here today to assist our military department in completing this mission. My name is Fang Yushan, and this is Zhou Biwu..." Fang Yushan gave a brief introduction to him and Zhou Biwu, and then cut straight to the point.

"Next, I want to show you a set of information. It is a few special people in the death list. So far, the cause of death has not been found out."

(End of this chapter)

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