Chapter 826 Escape

Although the two mysterious talismans did not ignite spontaneously, they succeeded in another way. The powdered two mysterious talismans spread across the entire room. Jing Changle only heard the sound of falling to the ground one after another. Looking closely, the three The white coat and the two men fell unconscious on the ground one after another!

Jing Changle knew that these people became like this because they smelled the powder, and the powder filled the air, Jing Changle didn't dare to stand up, seeing Luo Yirui's eyes turned white and lying on the ground, his body twitching slightly, he immediately ran on his waist In the past, dragged Luo Yirui out of this bloody room.

Jing Changle didn't know what was going on, he only knew that it was Luo Yirui's airy way to make the powder and saved them.

After leaving the room, Jing Changle stood up, took Luo Yirui on his back and ran out. At the critical moment, all his strength returned to his body, and he only wanted to try his best to leave this terrible hell.

He didn't have any direction, this is a small three-story building, very small, surrounded by a large forest, this small building seems to be forgotten here, unknown.

Jing Changle chose a random direction and ran into the woods. For him, as long as he can leave the basement and the bloody room, he can be saved.

However, he soon got lost in the woods.

Jing Changle ran for an unknown amount of time, and the surrounding scenery was basically the same, except for the trees and low shrubs, it was hard to tell the difference between the south, the west, and the north.

He put Luo Yirui down, and saw that although he no longer rolled his eyes, his eyes were closed tightly. He was already unconscious at the moment, and Jing Changle was very anxious. He didn't know how big this forest was. If it continued like this, would Luo Yirui Will die here?

If only someone could help them!

With this thought, Jing Changle suddenly remembered what those people said, it seemed that someone broke in, and they seemed to be very powerful. If those people could be found, would they be saved?
A child's thinking is very simple, those who oppose these people are good people!

Thinking of this, Jing Changle no longer wandered around like a headless chicken, but consciously searched for human footprints.


On the other side, Luo Xudong followed their trails all the way. The previous mission might have been just to find clues, but after his son was taken away, the mission content changed.

In fact, the military department knew that even if the mission remained the same, Luo Xudong would not come back just now, so why not make a favor, this is the harvest of two great favors.

Luo Xudong lost his way when he was halfway through the pursuit. He wandered around the neighborhood for a day and a night but found no new clues. He didn't find any clues until he met someone who was fighting together in a nearby village.

It turned out that the two people who were fighting were fighting because of one dollar. Someone bought something with a strange one dollar, but there were two huge words written on the red one dollar: Help!
These two words were still written in blood. The people in the supply and marketing cooperatives felt that they were unclean and refused to accept them, and the shoppers grasped a little bit. Is it money? Why not accept money?
This dollar was picked up nearby. At that time, there was no one nearby. Where to save people, the person who picked up the money felt a little unlucky, but one dollar was still money at the time. It was a pity to throw it away, so I just went to the nearby village The supply and marketing cooperatives will pay for it.

Just like this, a dispute arose, which was discovered by Luo Xudong's people and reported to Luo Xudong.

When Luo Xudong came to find him, the two of them were about to fight over the one dollar. Luo Xudong exchanged the money for one dollar and asked him where he got the money.

The man received a brand new one, so he naturally said happily.

In this way, Luo Xudong once again found a clue and followed it all the way.

Luo Xudong and the others thought of this place, and found that the semi-militarized management was implemented here. It is not entirely true, but the management level is directly comparable to that of the army!
Moreover, the guards outside are quite sophisticated and there are many people. Luo Xudong has seven people in total. After observing for a long time, they still haven't found a breakthrough, especially some strange things around the woods.

Sometimes when I was walking, it suddenly became foggy, and sometimes I encountered a large number of weird bugs, and they rushed towards them in groups. The biggest difficulty was these bugs.

Luo Xudong felt very troublesome about this bug, so he should burn it with fire, for fear of setting the forest ablaze, and using weapons would not work at all, and it would be a waste of bullets. Fortunately, he received an order from the military department, and the mysterious doctor had already sent over to support him.

Luo Xudong knew that these weird things were related to those mysterious doctors, and it would be great to have the support of mysterious doctors, but the only person he could trust here was his wife.

Luo Xudong guessed that his son should be here. He thought about breaking through forcefully, but he couldn't make fun of the lives of the soldiers, so he had to wait patiently. Finally, he finally got to Beth Tian and the others.

Bei Sitian and others came together, and most of them came. They got off the helicopter and entered the battle. They drove to this forest and began to break through with Luo Xudong and other seven-member special operations team.

Naturally, Bei Sitian and Qingyu took the lead, followed by Chu Zhicheng and Lin Yunping, and the rest followed behind.

"Sister-in-law, the place where the fog appears in front, it is easy to get lost in the fog, and you will feel dizzy after inhaling the fog." Chen Jinliang said.

This time Luo Xudong himself had two assistants, one Chen Jinliang and the other Zhan Lanqi. Zhan Lanqi temporarily replaced Li Yunfeng, but because of the previous incident, Zhan Lanqi was disqualified from acting, and now there was only Chen Jinliang as his deputy.

The people walking in front stopped at the same time, not because of Chen Jinliang's reminder, but because they discovered something.

This thing is a kind of silk, lying between the low bushes, like a spider web, people who don't know it, even if they look at it themselves, they will see it as a spider web.

But the profound doctors know that this filament is a kind of condensed medicine, which is very sensitive to carbon dioxide. Once the surrounding carbon dioxide increases, they will turn into large clouds of mist.

More than three people move around here, and the exhaled carbon dioxide will prompt the nebulization of this medicine.

This kind of mist is poisonous, although it is not a fatal toxin, but it will temporarily lose mobility, but it will cause great harm to the body, and this kind of damage is still lasting, especially after old age.

So inhaling too much is tantamount to slow suicide.

Lin Yunping took the initiative to check it out, and said: "We are in a dangerous situation now, and it would be unwise to have too many scruples. Lin is not talented, and now he can make an antidote for everyone."

What he meant was that he planned to make a talisman on the spot.

Although Lin Yunping's character is arrogant, it is not completely worthless. For example, now, he knows that he should let go of some rules and restraints. In the current situation, it is impossible to make talismans in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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