Chapter 827

Naturally, Lin Yunping had discussed it with Chu Zhicheng. It is indeed not very wise to be so scruples at this time. Besides, they also want to show the mind of a big school, so let him start.

Lin Yunping took out the yellow talisman and the pen, and placed it lightly on the palm of his hand. The pen quickly drew a spell on the yellow talisman, and a layer of cyan aura lit up, which surprised the Chen family, the Zhou family and the association.

The cyan light is slightly translucent, and the color is quite deep!
Lin Yunping's name is well known outside, and many people know him, and looking at it now, he really deserves his reputation.

Lin Yunping quickly added herbal foam, and in just four to five minutes, sixty or seventy kinds had been added, which is worthy of being from a major school.

Because the matter was urgent and it was dangerous, it was not the time to show off his abilities, so Lin Yunping stopped when he joined more than 70 kinds, which was enough for everyone not to be harmed by the fog.

After the mysterious talisman was made, Lin Yunping ignited the mysterious talisman, turned it into talisman powder, and melted it into a water bottle. Everyone shared a part and drank it to resist the mist.

Bei Sitian watched his process of making talismans, and praised him quite a lot. Lin Yunping's level is more than one level higher than Jiang Mingzhong's, but that is Jiang Mingzhong in the past, so it is not necessarily the case now.

Lin Yunping's talisman water was indeed powerful enough to resist, and Bei Sitian didn't refuse, and drank his talisman water, leaving behind energy and energy that would definitely be used in the subsequent breakthrough.

Everyone continued to walk forward. As expected, when they passed the filament, the surrounding area was filled with thick fog. Chen Jinliang immediately took out the compass to identify the direction. Although he couldn't see anything, he didn't lose his way.

Chen Yang and the others couldn't see their surroundings, so they couldn't help but began to look at Bei Sitian. Although there were some words along the way, they were a little tempted by Lin Yunping's performance just now.

Is it possible that I can see some magic spells with my own eyes in a while?
This is a magic talisman, if you see it, you will definitely benefit, and the making of the talisman is voluntary, so they are not spying on other people's inheritance.

Almost all the people behind had this kind of thinking, even Lin Yunping and Chu Zhicheng also had similar thoughts.

Chu Zhicheng and Lin Yunping wanted to see Bei Sitian's level. After all, there was only one family with such young powers. How could people not be curious? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In a large gathering, it is impossible to get a magic spell .

So Lin Yunping's generous performance also has this meaning.

Bei Sitian, Chu Zhicheng and the others still walked first, and when they walked about 2000 meters, they stopped again, and the smell of the fog changed!
This is different from the composition of the previous fog, and the effect is naturally different.

The last time it was Lin Yunping who made the talisman, this time it's someone else's turn. With the leader of the big school, others won't say that they can't do it.

Everyone looked at Bei Sitian, is it her turn this time?
Lin Yunping rolled his eyes, turned to look at Chu Zhicheng, and said, "This time, the composition of the fog is different, and it is more harmful. Can I ask Mr. Chu to come forward?"

This forest is very big, and the distance has already changed. It can be seen that the opponent's defense is definitely more than that. If Bei Sitian is allowed to activate the spirit talisman first, then everyone will treat her first. People were impressed and shocked.

If the power of the ancient wood school acts as No. 1, similarly, people's shock will also act on the ancient wood school.

That's why Lin Yunping asked Chu Zhicheng to make a move. When Bei Sitian clicked on the magic talisman, there would be nothing new.

 A thousand-character chapter~~ Ask for tickets, rabbits for tickets, especially the little ones from Yunqi, give all the tickets to the rabbits, and leave a lot of comments, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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