Chapter 832 Four kinds!
Jing Changle and Luo Yirui followed the worms all the way, and then heard someone calling for help, thinking it was a child who escaped like them, so they walked over excitedly, and then heard the gunshot, Jing Changle flinched immediately, On the contrary, Luo Yirui was very happy, thinking that it was his parents who came to look for him.

Although Jing Changle felt that the possibility of this was not very high, he still helped him to come here. Someone is better than no one, even if it is not Luo Yirui's parents, maybe they are here to save them.

Just like that, they actually met Luo Yirui's parents.

Jing Changle was lying when he said that he was not envious, but no matter what, they were finally saved!

Bei Sitian ran over quickly and took Luo Yirui from Luo Xudong's hand. She was shocked when she saw Luo Yirui's eyes were closed, her face was pale, and her forehead was sweating profusely.

His spirit was on the verge of collapsing!

Bei Sitian almost didn't need to think about it, it must be those people who forced Luo Yirui to forcibly make amulets, which caused Luo Yirui's spirit to be on the verge of collapse!

What kind of thing would force Luo Yirui, a child less than five years old, into such a situation? Just thinking about that scene, Beth Tian trembled with anger, and at the same time, she was also terrified. They still came a step late, almost ...

The people from Qingyu who followed couldn't help but shudder when they saw Bestian's expression. They had never seen such a terrifying expression on Bestian's face. The gloomy face was no longer as bright as it used to be. It is so cold that it makes people tremble in the bottom of their hearts.

Beth sweet is really angry!
A feeling of impending storm filled everyone's hearts.

Looking at Luo Xudong again, his frozen face became even more frozen, his eyes were like an opaque abyss, terrifyingly deep, with a penetrating light.

Qingyu's people have never seen this husband and wife look like this, even De San dare not say anything more at this moment.

Bei Sitian remained silent, and handed Luo Yirui to Luo Xudong, then took out the yellow talisman and pen, and started lighting the magic talisman in front of everyone.

If there was such a powerful talisman maker as Chu Zhicheng before, everyone shouldn't be too surprised, but seeing Bei Sitian's talisman making process, it was Chu Zhicheng who was surprised.

Bei Sitian's speed was so fast that it was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye. Even Chu Zhicheng could barely keep up, which shocked him. He thought that Bei Sitian was at most similar to him, or even worse than him by a line. How could he have thought that her strength far surpassed his!

Everyone looked at her hand as if it hadn't changed in place, but the mysterious doctors present knew that it was because she was so fast that it seemed that she didn't move.

In just 3 minutes, Beth Sweet has incorporated a total of 277 Chinese herbal medicines!

Chu Zhicheng barely counted the number, and opened his mouth wide in surprise. Bei Sitian can actually incorporate so many Chinese herbal medicines, and judging from the effect of this combination, it is obvious that the efficacy is above 80.00%.

It's a pity for Bei Sitian at this moment, she can integrate about 322 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines, and now she really doesn't have enough reserves, so she can only stop.

However, the energy talisman made for Luo Yirui is quite effective, at least it won't break his energy.

Luo Xudong had already prepared the water, and the mysterious talisman immediately ignited and melted into the water, and then poured it into Luo Yirui.

Luo Yirui drank the talisman water, and her complexion improved a little, but she still didn't open her eyes.

The effect of Bei Sitian's talisman water was very powerful. After a while, Luo Yirui, who had just fallen into a coma, finally opened his eyes. Seeing that Bei Sitian and Luo Xudong were both there, he grinned.

He knew that his parents would definitely come to him!

Seeing their son's smile, the terrifying expressions on Bei Sitian and Luo Xudong's faces eased a little.

"Mom, where are those bugs?" Luo Yirui asked involuntarily, remembering that they followed the crawling tracks of the bugs all the way here.

"What bug?" Bessie asked.

Seeing that Luo Yirui still struggled to speak, Jing Changle volunteered to take a step forward to tell them about their previous experience. After speaking, he found that the expressions on everyone's faces became heavy.

They didn't see bugs at all, except for something that had been hiding in the bushes and hadn't shown up until now!
Could it be that the two children made a mistake in their analysis, and what they were tracking was the thing hiding in the bushes.

Bei Sitian looked at Jing Changle with a soft expression, and said, "Thank you."

Jing Changle saw with his own eyes how Bei Sitian made the talisman just now, and seeing such a remarkable person thank him, he was a little embarrassed, his face was flushed, and he lowered his head shyly.

"Could they be talking about that thing over there?" Zou Yulu pointed to the low bushes, reminding them not to forget that there is a dangerous thing over there.

Standing two meters away, Wei Zhongyuan squatted there looking at the faint marks on the ground and said, "No."

Wei Zhongyuan stood up, looked in the direction of the bushes, and frowned slightly. It was indeed like what Luo Yirui said, they were chasing groups of bugs, but none of them found the bugs crawling here.

Bei Sitian stood up, came to Wei Zhongyuan's side, looked at the faint trace, leading to the pile of bushes, it was obvious that both the strange thing and the bug were hiding in the bushes.

Bessie didn't approach rashly, but thought about walking behind the bushes, made a big circle, and saw the thing behind the bushes, which surprised her.

Seeing her expression, everyone immediately turned around, and they were also stunned when they saw the thing.

It was a big fish, the length of an adult's arm, huddled motionless in the bushes, its black-gray body was covered with sticky juice, the juice was light green, obviously poisonous.

This big fish looks like a salamander, perhaps it was bred by a salamander, which also explains why it makes a sound like a child begging for help, but it is different from the salamander, and it is not known what species it is.

Although this thing looks like a big fish, it has four small feet under its body. It feels like an amphibian creature, more like a salamander. At this moment, the big fish is just lying there motionless. The onlookers who waited for him didn't notice it at all.

Bei Sitian observed for a while, raised her eyebrows, and then walked up. Seeing this, Chen Yang hurriedly reminded: "Doctor Bei, be careful!"

Bei Sitian glanced at him, nodded slightly, and continued to walk towards that thing.

Walking to a distance of one meter, Beth Tian broke a section of bush branch, stretched it out and poked it lightly, the weird big fish was still motionless, it had been dead for a while!

(End of this chapter)

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