Chapter 833

Everyone was amazed. They could be sure that this thing was still alive when it came here, and even reacted violently when Luo Xudong shot it. Why did it suddenly die for no apparent reason?
Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but glance at the traces on the ground, the disappearing bugs, and the inexplicably dead big fish. If there is no connection between them, no one will believe it.

But the big fish didn't have any scars all over its body. The poisonous sticky juice on its body should be secreted by itself. What about the bugs?How did it die?

Tian Zhi wanted to go over to check the big fish, after all it was dead, Wei Zhongyuan immediately stopped him, "Don't go over."

Tian Zhi looked at Wei Zhongyuan in puzzlement.

Wei Zhongyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, "Think about it next time, those bugs haven't shown up yet."

Tian Zhi was used to being told by Wei Zhongyuan, but he didn't mind. Hearing what he said, he knew that he really didn't think too much, not to mention his lack of experience, and he wasn't cautious enough.

Wei Zhongyuan said to Bei Sitian, "I'll give it a try."

Beth nodded sweetly.

Wei Zhongyuan then took out the yellow talisman and pen and began to make talismans. The same inspiration made talismans, but after seeing Bei Sitian's talisman making, it seemed ordinary.

Wei Zhongyuan's character would not care about this. After making the talisman, he did not take the last step naturally, but stuck the talisman on the big fish.

When the mysterious talisman encountered the juice on it slightly permeated, and there was a slight corrosion phenomenon, then the mysterious talisman ignited, turned into talisman powder and scattered on the big fish.

It was as if a chemical reaction had occurred, the big fish quickly began to melt, and the skin and flesh were first leaked, exposing the skeleton inside, and then a foul smell came.

Everyone took a few steps back. After the whole big fish had melted away, only the skeleton remained, and they saw several black lumps inside the skeleton. If you looked carefully, you could still see the tiny wriggling of that thing. with.

These should be the worms that Luo Yirui mentioned, and they got into the stomach of this big fish as expected, but obviously it wasn't the big fish that ate them, but they ate the big fish!

Why is it said that after eating the big fish, the process of melting just now was relatively slow. When everyone looked at it from the beginning to the end, they found that the brain of the big fish was empty. Thinking of the previous death, everyone had guesses in their hearts.

Everyone was curious about the bugs that could eat human brains, and they got a little closer with fear, and finally saw their true colors clearly.

These insects are similar to centipedes whose legs have been cut off. They only have the body of the centipede without countless legs. They move their bodies by wriggling, and they all move in groups, wriggling together. The traces on the ground are these insects Creep marks.

Looking at the speed of the bugs, it shouldn't be very fast. How did they enter the human brain silently?
Everyone soon found out about this problem.

After the worms were exposed to the air, the frequency of their wriggling suddenly accelerated, and soon everyone's ears were filled with buzzing sounds. This was definitely not the sound of the worms in the big fish's body, but the sound coming from all directions.

After a while, a layer of gray 'fog' filled the surroundings, and the buzzing sound gradually increased.

When Bei Sitian saw these bugs, her complexion changed, and she hurriedly shouted, "Everyone, be careful, these bugs will bite people's ears!"

These flying insects that can drill into people's ears flew over the sky and covered the sky. There are probably hundreds of millions of insects in such a large area, how can they resist it!
(End of this chapter)

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