Chapter 850 Blocking News
Time has fallen into a coma, and the moment he saw Bessian, he completely relaxed.

After Bei Sitian drank the hemostatic talisman for him, she called Zhouquan and asked him to pay close attention to the movements in the two alleys near the courtyard, and to notify her immediately if any strangers approached!
Now Zhou Quan is in charge of the security of the small courtyard. He is indeed the person selected by Luo Xudong. He has not made any mistakes so far. Even if Luo Yirui followed a stranger that time, he was discovered in time. There are so many risks.

This time, Luo Xudong gave Zhouquan a part of his staff, and also gave him part of his rights. If there is such a thing, he can kill it first and play later!
After doing this, Bei Sitian began to check Shi Guang's body. Now it's not severe trauma such as severe bleeding from a severed limb. She basically no longer cooperates with acupuncture and moxibustion, and can completely stop the bleeding by relying on the mysterious talisman alone.

But after looking at Shi Guang's injuries, her face was still serious. His body was not only traumatized, but also some traces left by fighting charms.

Injured by a fighting talisman, is he fighting with someone?What about the rest of the Shi family?

Bei Sitian called Wei Zhongxun and Tian Zhi, because some private places also need to be checked, even if it is a doctor, she hopes to avoid it if conditions permit.

After some special examinations, they found that there were still some germs in Shi Guang's body, which had a great impact on his body. No wonder he couldn't wake up all the time, and instead developed a high fever!
Under normal circumstances, if Bei Sitian's two mysterious talismans go down, time will wake up quickly even if time will not recover immediately.

Whether it is trauma or the damage caused by the fighting talisman, Beth Tian has a solution, only this germ, she can't cure it all at once, she must know what type of germ it is!

For three days in a row, Zhou Quan's people had been paying close attention to the surroundings. He was not limited to the two nearby alleys, because after he reported the matter to Luo Xudong, Luo Xudong immediately sent many people over, and his manpower suddenly became more abundant. .

Because of this, he discussed with Bei Sitian and decided to expand the scope of surveillance.

But in the past three days, no suspicious person has been found. This must not be a coincidence. Could it be that the young man who came here with injuries was thrown off?

With this thought in Zhouquan's mind, his dissatisfaction with time was slightly reduced.

That night when he knew that a boy had broken into the courtyard with injuries, even though he knew that he was a friend of his sister-in-law, he felt that this person was a little ignorant. Courts cause trouble!
But now it seems that maybe this young man is sure to get rid of those people?

Zhou Quan was still not quite sure.

Time still hasn't woken up. Even De San and Qiao Hongjie have read it. They are not strong in germs either. It can be said that most mysterious doctors don't have much understanding and countermeasures for germs and poisonous insects. To create these two types requires extremely high ability and IQ, as well as related knowledge.

"It's not good to procrastinate like this, this kid won't be able to resist for long!" Qiao Hongjie said, looking at the young man who was lying on the bed sweating and occasionally twitching.

De San is also at a loss what to do, usually when faced with these difficult and miscellaneous diseases, he will rarely become serious.

Beth Tian pondered for a moment, then said, "Is there any good way to know what kind of germ he is infected with?"

Although it is not her strong point, but knowing the type attribute, maybe she can find a way to restrain it.

Why is it said to be suppressed? This is different from the mission of the association that I received. The germs are just causing people to fall asleep.

It's not like Bei Sitian didn't do nothing in the past few days. She tried various anti-bacteria talisman waters, but none of them worked. Those germs are still affecting the life of time.

The three of them discussed for a long time but there was no good solution, so they thought of Qi Xiuhui's grandfather again, but recently got news that that senior still didn't go back.

This old man named Qi Xinda, where did this important moment go? Didn't it mean that he hasn't left there for nearly ten years!
The three of them keenly noticed whether it was too much of a coincidence for Qi Xinda to leave the hermitage this time.

Bei Sitian didn't tell the military department about the matter of time, but said that Qi Xiuhui couldn't delay for too long, and hoped that the military department would pay more attention to Qi Xinda's movements, and notify them as soon as he came back.

Needless to say that Zhou Biwu would do the same, those people are not only a great threat to the mysterious doctors, but also a worry in the hearts of the military, and this cancer must be removed as soon as possible!

In three days, Shi Guang's wounds had scabbed over, but he still had a high fever. Sometimes it got better during the day, and the temperature dropped to 37 or 39 degrees, but at night it would rise to [-] degrees!
Burning like this is not an option, it is very bad for Shi Guang's brain and body!

On this day, Wei Zhongyuan came to the small courtyard. Seeing this, Bei Sitian left the wing and returned to the living room, and the rest of the people went to the living room together.

Wei Zhongyuan brought news from the Shi family.

In the past few days, Bei Sitian not only asked Zhou Quan to pay attention to the movements around her, but also asked the Wei family and the Qin family to inquire about the affairs of the Shi family.

"How is it?" Bessie asked.

Wei Zhongyuan said in a low voice: "The Shi family's branch in BJ has been wiped out by the regiment."

When everyone heard it, they were shocked.

The Shi family is one of the big families in the north. This branch is not a branch in the general area, but a branch established in the capital. Its influence is also quite large, and after these years of development, the scale has also increased.

Such a place was destroyed overnight!
"Where is my family?" Wei Zhongxun and Zhou Meiwen asked.

Wei Zhongyuan said: "The news from my family has not come, but I heard that there have been a lot of disputes recently. I don't know if there are any casualties."

They don't even know the scale of the dispute, and the news over there is very concealed. It is quite troublesome for mysterious doctors from other areas to enter the urban area, because they don't know where to find a mysterious doctor with a susceptible constitution.

The so-called susceptible constitution is a constitution that is very sensitive to the spirit, energy, and spirit. Usually, this kind of person can perceive the spirit, energy and spirit of others and judge the level of the other person.

Because of this person, many mysterious doctors from other places were kept out, and many of them went to inquire about the same news as them, and I am afraid that most of them were still there.

As for communication tools, if people are not allowed to come out, all communication tools are naturally controlled.

(End of this chapter)

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