Chapter 851 The Little Girl's Blood
It has never been heard of any urban area that has made such a big move. The association was ordered to start investigations immediately, and at the same time released related tasks in the form of missions.

It is almost certain that there must be something wrong with the Shi family, but the other party's actions are also quite fast and effective, and as of now, there has been no useful information from inside.

So did Shi Shi escape all the way from the family, or was he in BJ before?
Beth Tian thinks the former is more likely.

They were quite engrossed in the discussion here, and they didn't even notice that a small ghostly figure in the yard got into the wing room where Shi Shi was.

Luo Yiqian quietly closed the door, and then ran to the window to look out, it was rare for my uncle to play hide-and-seek with them today, she must hide it well and never be found!

The loser has to pay the price, and this price is the popping candy she finally got. Mom doesn't allow them to eat too much candy, but the popping candy is really delicious, it will jump in the mouth!

When Luo Yiqian heard footsteps, she laughed in a low voice and turned around to find a place to hide, only to find that there was a person lying on the bed!

The little girl was startled, let out a low cry, stepped back several steps and leaned against the wall, and then she found that the man seemed to be sick, because his face was covered with sweat, and he was still talking in his sleep.

Luo Yiqian walked over and saw that person's pale face, only a spot of fiery red on his face, and said in a low voice, "I have a fever."

Like her brothers and sisters, she has been exposed to the basic knowledge and experiments of mysterious doctors since she was a child. Maybe they can only add and subtract, or even multiplication and division, but they can see some diseases.

But she only knows how to watch, it's all on paper, so when Luo Yiqian saw that the patient was not guarded, she rolled her eyes.

She is the most mischievous of the triplets, and she comes up with some tricky ideas. Although the second child, Luo Yixuan, is extremely smart, she can only listen to the third child when it comes to some crooked ideas.

Luo Yiqian has long wanted to be a doctor. Every time she plays house, her sister and brother become doctors, because they say that their professional knowledge is not enough, but recently my brother no longer plays house with them because he said Grow up and be a real doctor!
She lay down on the bed and thought for a while, then picked up Time's wrist and began to feel her pulse...

"Well, the pulse condition is stable... no, no, the pulse condition is chaotic... not right, why do you feel so weak?" Luo Yiqian originally wanted to find some special professional words to describe it, but soon found out that the pulse condition of this big brother was really real. So weak, as if he was going to die at any moment.

Originally, she was just trying it out, but this made Luo Yiqian really feel something, she cheered up all of a sudden, it's alright, she can be a real doctor too!
Suddenly she remembered the scene when her mother once saw a doctor. At that time, her mother took a drop of the person's blood and dropped it in the water, and then watched the changes in the blood.

She turned her head to look at the glass on the table, there was half a glass of clear water in it, it should be for this patient, she came to the table, stretched her arms up to take the glass off, and then bumped to the side of Shi Guang's bed , The small hand pinched one of his fingers.

Then she felt melancholy, what should she use to prick his finger?If I go out to find a needle, I'm afraid I will be found out, and I will definitely not be able to be a doctor. If my brother can be a doctor, so can she!
Luo Yiqian is not very convinced, her brother was only born a little earlier than her, but others say that her brother is more mature than her and her sister!
In the minds of the two little ones, maturity means an adult, and to say that Luo Yirui is mature means that he is already an adult, which makes the two little ones, even Luo Yixuan, a little unconvinced.

Luo Yiqian is also smart, no, it should be said that she has a lot of crooked ideas, she didn't go out to find a needle, but broke a corner of the water glass, and then cut Shi Guang's finger with the glass shards that fell on the ground.

A bright red blood appeared from Shi Guang's finger and fell into Luo Yiqian's water glass, and then she began to observe the changes in Shi Shi's blood seriously.

1 minute has passed...

3 minute has passed...

5 minutes passed...

The blood was scattered in the water glass, only a faint red color spread, and then... nothing more.

Luo Yiqian pouted, why does the same action work in mother's hands, but not her?

At this time, she suddenly remembered something, it is impossible for the same thing to have such a big difference, unless the mother used not clear water, but Fushui!

Thinking of this, Luo Yiqian planned to verify it, she hesitated for a moment holding the glass shard, and then pricked her finger.

She was a little guilty when doing this, because her family never allowed her and her sister to bleed, if her mother knew that she broke it on her own initiative, she would definitely be beaten!

At this time, there was no one around, um, the comatose elder brother would not leak secrets, so it didn't count. She was eager to prove it, so she dripped her own blood into it.

If her blood doesn't react even in clear water, it must be water.

It has to be said that the minds of the three children are much more mature than ordinary children. Although the five-year-old Luo Yiqian is not as good as Luo Yirui, she can already carry out basic logical reasoning.

Luo Yiqian felt that her guess was right, so she was almost defenseless against the next turn of events.

When her blood dripped into the water glass, the blood spread quickly, and then a bubbling bubble appeared, and soon the water in the glass seemed to be boiling, but there was no temperature.

Luo Yiqian was startled, she let go of the water glass with an exclamation and fell to the ground, breaking with a bang.

The water was sprinkled on the ground, but the boiling scene did not stop and continued on the ground.

At this time, the door was pushed open with a bang, Luo Yirui stood at the door and saw this scene, she was startled immediately, and hurriedly stepped forward to pull Luo Yiqian to her side, away from the 'boiling' pool of water.

He found out, and naturally the adults also found out. When Bei Sitian and others rushed over, Luo Yiqian was hiding behind her brother with red eye circles.

She is not afraid of the pool of water, but her mother, is she going to be beaten?
Although father is sometimes cold, except for Luo Yirui, she and her sister are not afraid of father, but mother is different, she really fights!
When Bei Sitian pushed open the door, she smelled a very faint smell of blood in the air. She was very familiar with this smell, because she always had to take some out for experiments, so...

"Luo Yiqian!" Beth Tian walked towards Luo Yiqian without saying a word.

Luo Yiqian was about to cry, but Bei Sitian walked up to her, first looked left and right to see if she had any injuries, and then slapped her little butt!

Although it didn't hurt, Luo Yiqian burst into tears, the mother at this time was so scary!
(End of this chapter)

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