Chapter 856 Doubts

If she had nothing to do, Bei Sitian might interact with these people, but the problem is that she is very busy, and she is too busy with her own affairs, so how can she have time to do these things.

This is the reason why Qingyu, who is quite mysterious from the outside world, never responds to any voices. No matter how mysterious it looks, it's just that I don't have time...

Look at the time. It is around [-]:[-] in the morning, and the sun is still not very hot. There are six large fans blowing water vapor around the yard, so that although it is far away from the middle of the yard, it will be cool in the middle.

If it weren't for this group of people with ulterior motives, Beth Tian would give them a thumbs up after seeing the preparations.

Looking at the expressions of the mysterious doctors around, they were quite satisfied with this environment, all of them had smiles on their faces, and they didn't know what they were going to face next.

But there is also peace here, very peaceful.

It was the table in front of Beth Tian's right, and the leader was a young man who looked about 24 or 34. There were men and women sitting at the same table, all of them were [-] or [-] years old.

When people around were discussing in full swing, the people at this table just drank water quietly. The water they drank was not bought from the surrounding shops, but the scented tea they brought with them, the kind in the water cups.

I don't know if he sensed Bei Sitian's gaze, but the young man looked back at Bei Sitian, his delicate appearance did not look like a leader of a school, but like a boy next door.

The moment he met Bei Sitian's eyes, the young man nodded slightly and greeted him politely, and Bei Sitian nodded slightly as a response.

Seeing that the time was about the same, a group of people came out from the factory building soon after. They all wore uniform white robes, with gorgeous totems embroidered with gold thread on the front, and the same was true on the cuffs.

It's acceptable for this style of clothes to appear here, but if this group of people wear them for a walk, they will either be regarded as filmmakers, or be regarded as crazy, anyway, the return rate will definitely be [-]%.

However, the neat and uniform costumes added to their aura invisibly.

These people came out in a single file, and soon behind them came out a man wearing a black robe, with silver and white totems embroidered on the front and cuffs, he was different from the people around him at first glance, and his rank was obvious.

"Welcome everyone to the auction. On behalf of the Shi family, I, Shi Lei, warmly welcome everyone!" Shi Lei had a suitable smile on his face, and his eyes kept scanning the yard.

This person can't tell how straight he is. The two ears on the side of his face are a bit big, like fan ears, but his head is small, which gives people a strange feeling.

When he spoke, he was talking about the Shi family. Many people who came to the auction knew this, but everyone didn't know that there was another Shi family. Although powerful, it was different from the big family Shi family.

Shi Lei didn't say any nonsense, and explained concisely that the theme of this auction is to re-establish a branch here, and hope that everyone can support the auction.

At this time, many people were also a little baffled. The Shi family's branch in BJ was destroyed. What's going on?

None of the people present were fools, and many people smelled something different, but most of them felt that this should be a contradiction within the Shi family.

Although the BJ branch was destroyed, it was only a branch after all. Although the loss was great, the reputation and face were more affected.

But the family has never stood out, and now there is a high-profile auction by the Shi family. In order to pave the way for the re-establishment of the branch, other than internal conflicts, others can't think of anything else.

This kind of thing is actually not uncommon, so when Shi Lei said that he would re-establish a branch in BJ, none of the people present doubted it.

At this time, Bei Sitian noticed that Tao Huailin was looking at her, and he didn't stop when his eyes swept over her. It wasn't a feeling of ignoring her, but rather... a look of not knowing her?
Bei Sitian looked at Tao Huailin, is he just pretending?If it was pretending, the acting skills would be too good.

But I always feel that with Tao Huailin's behavior, I always feel that he will not make such a feeling that he does not know her on purpose, it is completely unnecessary.

There were two men beside Tao Huailin, one on the left and the other on the right. The three of them didn't communicate with each other, they just sat there.

Not long after Shi Lei's words fell, people began to come to each table with bidding cards and put down the number cards.

Bei Sitian picked up the number card and looked at it, then put it on the table, this auction is just a deception, even if there are really good things, will they give it to you if you bid for it?

I am afraid that by then, people and money will be empty.

It seems that the military department has not been idle these years. Although Xuanyi has no independent inheritance, they must continue to recruit people or buy people's hearts in various families or sects.

It is impossible for them to watch the growing power of various families and factions, surpassing the military regime, that is a threat.

For the safety and stability of the country, this situation is not allowed to happen.

Although Qingyu is now in a cooperative relationship with the military department, they are not from the military department after all, so they must have sent their own people over.

Thinking about it this way, the first top-tier auction came up. A beautiful woman in a light pink cheongsam held a tray in her hand, and lifted the red cloth of the tray, and inside was a talisman.

"This talisman is the essence talisman, comparable to the green feather talisman, everyone should know what it means, it's infinitely close to the effect of turning spirit into a talisman, the bidding price starts at [-] yuan, and the minimum price increase is [-] yuan!" Shi Lei said.

In order to prevent everyone from playing a war of attrition, there can be some special regulations in this circle, such as the minimum price increase.

But the minimum price increase is [-]... Are you distracted by this auction? What's the matter with acting like you don't want to auction at all?

The minimum price increase is [-], how can this make people compete?

However, the talismans comparable to the Qingyu talisman are also quite attractive. Gu Ran's masters who can make spirits into talismans have begun to emerge and have begun to occupy the stage, but the mysterious doctors who cannot ignite spirits into talismans account for the majority, and the importance of talismans Sex can also be imagined.

This talisman is still the talisman of the spirit talisman, and the starting price of [-] is reasonable. Although the price increase of [-] is a bit frustrating, some people still start bidding.

It didn't matter to Bei Sitian that they used Qingyu to advertise. Some of the people present knew her, so when they heard Qingyu, they could feel some eyes.

But the young man in the front left also looked back at her, and she always felt that there was some message in this look.

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(End of this chapter)

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