Chapter 857 Diverting Attention

Just as Bei Sitian was about to explore the meaning in the man's eyes, the young man had already turned his head away, as if he just gave Bei Sitian the same glance as everyone else.

Bei Sitian's arrival was not particularly high-profile, but she didn't deliberately low-key either. Although she didn't walk outside for a long time, Tian Zhi walked around more.

There are actually more people who know Tian Zhi than Bei Sitian, but most of them know that Qing Yu's patriarch is a young and beautiful woman, seeing Tian Zhi sitting beside that young woman respectfully, what else? Can't guess.

Now that the Shi family openly used Qingyu as an introduction to bid for the auction, I don't know if they have thought about Qingyu's feelings, and everyone would never really think that the Shi family didn't know that Qingyu was coming, and everyone was stupid.

Some people who guessed Bei Sitian's identity sneaked over and saw that there was no strange expression on everyone's faces, and those who didn't know even thought they were not Qingyu's, and felt a little bored.

The next auction item is a bottle of runic water.

Bidding for Fushui to the mysterious doctor is nothing. Some families feel that the standard of time is quite low this time, or is it deliberately entertaining everyone?
"This bottle of talisman water is comparable to the talisman water formed from the first mysterious talisman. It is also the energy talisman talisman water. It can greatly improve a person's energy and spirit, and it has a great tonic effect on some depleted energy and spirit. The bidding price starts at [-], and the price increases by [-] each time." Shi Lei said with a smile on his face.

Fushui comparable to the first mysterious talisman?
The first mysterious talisman now specifically refers to the talisman water that the little girl drank at that exchange meeting, which was also produced by Qingyu's head, Beth Tian...

Don't say you don't know Qingyu's big head is here!

Everyone was speechless looking at Shi Lei's appearance that I really don't know. It seems that this auction is not a serious auction, but it is definitely full of drama!
If many people began to suspect that the Shi family was targeting Qingyu in the second auction, then the third and fourth items were basically confirmed. Basically, the auction items that had no objections would carry various information about Qingyu.

Either 'comparable' or 'beyond', this is simply provocative!

On the other hand, Qingyu's people... They don't seem to know that they are Qingyu's people, and they seem to be watching the fun with the people around them like a showman.

Some uninformed people are discussing these items related to Qingyu. Although they don't know it, sensitive people can also feel the unusual atmosphere around them.

Those in the know no longer looked at Qingyu's side secretly, but looked at it openly, you are being targeted like this, do you really have nothing to say?

"I would like to ask you a question. You have been making comparisons with Qingyu. Do you think that the Shi family has far surpassed Qingyu?"

I asked this question, in fact, the Shi family itself is a big family, and Qingyu has only been up for a few years. Although Qingyu has established a position in the past few years, the background of the Shi family is very solid. Not a good comparison.

After all, Qingyu has only Beth Tian alone so far, and the others are not amazing, and no one even knows the exact number of Qingyu so far.

So this person's problem suddenly magnified the contradiction between the two schools, which shows that he really has no good intentions!

Everyone looked at this uneasy and kind person, Bei Sitian and others also looked over and found that this person was still an acquaintance.

Tao Huailin!
Seeing Tao Huailin sowing discord over there, Bei Sitian and others looked at him calmly, Tao Huailin seemed to really not know them, and he spoke without any pressure.

Shi Lei said with a smile to Tao Huailin: "This gentleman asked a good question. Regarding this question, everyone must know it well. In fact, it doesn't matter who is strong and who is weak. It should be said that each has its own strengths."

Everyone looked at him talking, all silent, you are either 'comparable' or 'beyond', not everyone has their own strengths!

"Since this is the case, what do you think of Qingyu's director?" Tao Huailin continued to ask.

Seeing Tao Huailin's appearance of being possessed by a reporter, everyone felt that it was interesting, and the play was already sung.

Watching the excitement is the hobby of most people. It is even more exciting to see big families and big schools so openly fighting each other.

Now everyone present can't wait to pick up their mobile phones and make a call back to call people from the family school, or call friends and friends, and then grab a few melon seeds while watching the fun.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the question-and-answer format.

Qingyu's people were all silent, as if they were pretending to be on Qingyu's side, but in fact their attention was always on the surroundings.

It seemed that this was part of the plan. Since the other party didn't want to have a real auction, they naturally wanted to use some means to attract everyone's attention so that they could take action.

There is also a reason for choosing this kind of suburb. It is easy to do and will not attract too many people's attention.

Just when everyone thought that Qingyu and Shi's family were about to confront each other head-on, no one noticed that the water tanks at the bottom of the surrounding big fans were filled with water.

This was a normal behavior, but the moment she opened the bucket to fill the water tank, Beth Tian smelled an unpleasant smell.

She has a susceptible constitution, she looked around and found that almost no one could feel it, not only Tian Zhi and Wei Zhongxun didn't notice it, even De San and Qiao Hongjie didn't notice it.

This is very powerful, and the others don't mind it. They were able to hide from De San and Qiao Hongjie's nose. It seems that the other party has undergone special treatment.

Bei Sitian cleared her throat suddenly, and the yard became quiet all of a sudden, it seemed that Qingyu's patriarch finally couldn't bear to speak.

Just when everyone thought she was going to speak, Beth Tian took a sip of water, cleared her throat again, and then continued to watch the play... watch the play!
As one of the protagonists, do you have the nerve to sit there and watch your own excitement?

Hearing the sound of coughing here, Qingyu's people crushed the pills on their bodies calmly.

Bei Sitian thought that there were so many innocent people here. Although she knew that the military would not sit idly by, she still secretly crushed a preventive pill. How effective it would be depends on everyone's luck.

Although this smell is inaudible, the fishy smell that is unforgettable once is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

I really didn't expect that such a thing would appear in such a place!

Beth Tian frowned slightly. Even if this kind of thing is infected, the infected person may not know it!
Thinking of this, she couldn't help looking at Tao Huailin. No wonder she felt that Tao Huailin was a bit weird. After all, Bessian had been in contact with him so many times, but this time she was uncharacteristically. She had suspected it early in the morning, but she didn't expect to be infected with this kind of thing!
It looks like this, this thing was melted into the water tank under the big fan, and then blown out together by the big fan!
(End of this chapter)

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